
The conference on the promotion of the high-quality development of civil affairs was held

author:Quality Binzhou

On the afternoon of July 1, the meeting on the promotion of the high-quality development of civil affairs was held. Wang Hengbo, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. More than 100 people attended the meeting, including all the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau, members of the team of the bureau's subordinate units, and members of the team of the civil affairs departments of various counties and cities.

The conference on the promotion of the high-quality development of civil affairs was held

At the meeting, the main persons in charge of the civil affairs departments of each county and city reported on the work in the first half of the year and the work plan for the second half of the year, and the members of the civil affairs bureau put forward opinions and suggestions in combination with the fields in charge. Wang Hengbo, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, made a concluding speech, through four aspects, including "Gazing at Binzhou Civil Affairs: Wonderful for More Contributions", "Relay Binzhou Civil Affairs: Moving Forward Bravely in More Contributions", "Asking Binzhou Civil Affairs: Discussing the True Character of Heroes with More Contribution", "Paying Tribute to Binzhou Civil Affairs: Let More Contributions Become Beautiful Scenery", etc., sorted out the achievements of Binzhou Civil Affairs, reviewed the development process of Binzhou Civil Affairs, and further clarified the goals and visions of the high-quality development of Binzhou Civil Affairs. The connotation characteristics and implementation path have inspired morale, invigorated spirit, stimulated fighting spirit, and strengthened faith.

The meeting believed that during the "nine consecutive championships" of Binzhou's civil affairs work, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and the careful guidance of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, the mind was emancipated, the first to move forward, and a number of tasks were promoted to be in the forefront of the province and the country.

The conference on the promotion of the high-quality development of civil affairs was held

The meeting pointed out that Binzhou Civil Affairs should closely focus on the "1261" action plan for the high-quality development of Shandong's civil affairs undertakings, and move forward bravely and resolutely in more contributions. Standing determines positioning, insisting on the supremacy of the people, and serving the people is the direction of our original intention; Belief determines confidence, adhere to self-confidence and self-reliance, brand civil affairs is our firm and unchanging belief; Thinking determines the way out, adhere to integrity and innovation, and vitality civil affairs is our inner surging strength; Mentality determines the state, adhere to the problem-oriented, and practical civil affairs are the echoes of our answers; Vision determines the realm, adhere to the system concept, the overall civil affairs is our integration into the overall situation; As a decisive position, we insist on keeping the world in mind and being loyal to civil affairs is the guarantee for our steady and far-reaching development.

The conference on the promotion of the high-quality development of civil affairs was held

The meeting emphasized that the party members and cadres of the civil affairs system of the whole country adhere to the bottom-line thinking, enhance the sense of worry, improve the prevention mechanism, resolutely adhere to the "bottom line" of career development, give full play to the advantages of Binzhou's civil affairs foundation, and complete the work to be complete, intact and perfect, so as to provide more Binzhou experience, Binzhou model and Binzhou model for the high-quality development of civil affairs in the province.

The meeting required that the party members and cadres of the civil affairs system should adhere to the guidance of party building, plan first, consolidate the grassroots foundation, improve efficiency and efficiency, pay attention to resource integration, strengthen incentives and constraints, improve the system and mechanism, build a team ecology, continue to struggle, do it in practice, strive to sprint the key tasks and objectives in the second half of the year, and make new achievements and new achievements on the new long march of high-quality development of civil affairs.