
The first secretary of the city sent a series of theme activities to celebrate the seventh day of "strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention".

author:Quality Binzhou

On June 25, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, in order to further refine the party spirit of party members, Li Hailiang, the first secretary of Zhouwu Village, Madian Town, carried out a series of activities with the theme of "strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention".

The first secretary of the city sent a series of theme activities to celebrate the seventh day of "strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention".
The first secretary of the city sent a series of theme activities to celebrate the seventh day of "strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention".

In the village party building activity room, the party members first collectively watched the party history education propaganda film on the theme of "The First National Congress of the Communist Party of China", and jointly pursued the red memory and felt the revolutionary spirit. Li Hailiang, the first secretary, distributed souvenirs to each party member, and the party members expressed the care and warmth of the party organization for them, which is not only a supreme honor, but also an important responsibility, and the old party members have said that they will strengthen their ideals and beliefs and always keep in mind the purpose of serving the people.

After the study, the first secretary led the party members to visit and study the former site of the Bohai Revolutionary Base Area, and jointly felt the spirit of the heroic Bohai District military and civilians under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, strengthening revolutionary ideals and beliefs, not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, overcoming all difficulties and striving for victory. In the theme square, all party members who were sworn by the first secretary reviewed the oath of joining the party together, and in the face of the bright red party flag and solemn oath, they raised their right fists together and solemnly swore an oath. The sonorous and powerful oath expressed everyone's infinite loyalty and love for the party.

The first secretary of the city sent a series of theme activities to celebrate the seventh day of "strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention".
The first secretary of the city sent a series of theme activities to celebrate the seventh day of "strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention".
The first secretary of the city sent a series of theme activities to celebrate the seventh day of "strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention".
The first secretary of the city sent a series of theme activities to celebrate the seventh day of "strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention".
The first secretary of the city sent a series of theme activities to celebrate the seventh day of "strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention".

The event was rich in content and distinct in theme, which further created a strong atmosphere of patriotism and love for the party, and enhanced the appeal, cohesion and centripetal force of grassroots party organizations. Party members have said that they will practice their original mission with practical actions and add glory to the party flag with responsibility.

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