
"Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back!" As cross-strait reunification begins, Ma Ying-jeou's prediction may come true

author:Scholar of literature and history
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

It is an indisputable fact that Taiwan has been China's territory since ancient times, but in the current situation in the Taiwan Strait, cross-strait relations have been intervened by the US and Western forces, which has further hindered the pace of peaceful reunification.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has even made a big deal of nonsense, colluding with the United States and the West, and aggravating the pace of Taiwan splitting.

These controversial remarks have caused the compatriots on both sides of the strait to feel a serious crisis, and they have lost hope for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in power by Lai Ching-te, and if they continue to stir up contradictions with the mainland, they will be completely self-inflicted.

The mainland has always been consistent in its words and deeds toward Taiwan independence, that is, it stands on the stand of peaceful reunification, but if it is targeted by it, then the mainland will not be soft-hearted, and many other measures, such as the "joint sword" and the "bill on punishing 'Taiwan independence,'" are aimed at safeguarding the integrity of sovereignty.

"Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back!" As cross-strait reunification begins, Ma Ying-jeou's prediction may come true
"Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back!" As cross-strait reunification begins, Ma Ying-jeou's prediction may come true

The situation in the Taiwan Strait has expanded, and a new bill has been enacted to strengthen sanctions against "Taiwan independence" acts

On 21 June, a number of Supreme Courts successively promulgated bills on the punishment of "Taiwan independence" elements, and any acts of splitting the country's reunification, incitement, or instigation will be punished by law.

The newly promulgated bill has even enumerated in an extremely detailed way the laws and regulations committed by "Taiwan independence" elements, and the severity of punishment varies from case to case, and if the circumstances are serious, they can even be sentenced to death.

The reason why the mainland did this was also because of the pressure of the "Taiwan independence" elements, and after Lai Qingde came to power, not only did he not care about cross-strait relations, but his remarks touched on the mainland.

The current situation in the Taiwan Strait can be described as saber-rattling, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) on the mainland will not sit idly by and wait for the DPP to act in such a provocative manner, and in May, it sent a large number of warships to the Taiwan Strait.

"Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back!" As cross-strait reunification begins, Ma Ying-jeou's prediction may come true

Among them, there are many advanced warships such as 0.55 million tons of large and 052D destroyers, and many fighters also followed.

At that time, the scale of the exercise was very large, the largest exercise so far, and the incident happened so suddenly that even the domestic media did not know about it until a minute after it began.

The purpose of this is to simulate that when the real war comes, the relatively random and sudden situation is also a warning to the DPP, and it can be said that the contradictions and conflicts are more obvious.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also held a special press conference on the "14 February" Jinxia collision incident, and spokeswoman Zhu Fenglian even pointed out that Taiwan's rude method has caused serious damage to mainland fishermen.

Although four months have passed, the DPP has been delaying again and again, shirking its responsibilities and avoiding talking about it.

"Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back!" As cross-strait reunification begins, Ma Ying-jeou's prediction may come true

The mainland coast guard patrols on a regular basis, and the strategy of encircling the islands has prevented the US from seizing the opportunity

After the "February 14 ship collision incident", the mainland's coast guard patrol normalization has been determined, which also means that the follow-up investigation of the surrounding waters will be more strict, and whether the DPP agrees or not is no longer the arrogant capital of the other side.

The United States, which has been following it, does not care so much at this time, and after the "Joint Sword" military exercise, the other side obviously feels the pressure of the Chinese military.

So after that, he hurriedly announced that he was also going to conduct an exercise, and brought more than a dozen countries to participate in the exercise, which was very huge, and he also hoped to overwhelm China in terms of quantity.

However, the wheel of history cannot be resisted after all, and no matter how much the United States tosses, it is difficult to really threaten the mainland's military strength, and in recent years, the mainland's naval strength can be said to have made a major breakthrough.

"Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back!" As cross-strait reunification begins, Ma Ying-jeou's prediction may come true

Not only did the first batch of 055 large destroyers successfully go to sea, but also achieved a wide range of improvements in phased radar, cruise missiles, unmanned fighters, etc.

According to some research and analysis, the military bases established by the United States in the first island chain will be feared if China and the United States go to war.

Then the US side, which lacks cover, may be destroyed quickly, and even the fighters will not have time to dispatch, so they can only transfer bombers from a distance, and it will be even more difficult to withstand the all-round offensive on the mainland.

In the previous exercises in the Taiwan Strait, the mainland side was considering tactics other than landing, that is, the strategy of encircling the island, that is, to cut off the island's connection with the outside world, so that it would be attrition internally, and then cause a surrender without a fight.

As for the external invasion of the US military, the mainland can also carry out positioning strikes in the waters within its range under the condition of encircling the islands, and once the US side crosses the border, it will inevitably suffer serious losses.

"Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back!" As cross-strait reunification begins, Ma Ying-jeou's prediction may come true

The US military's arms shipment has triggered cross-strait tensions, and the mainland has warned of the bottom line of interference

The US military is still transporting a large amount of weapons and ammunition to Taiwan, and before that, it was revealed that dozens of arms dealers were going to Taiwan Island, but they were intercepted by our coast guard, and the United States once again warned the United States about this.

With the cross-strait situation deteriorating in this way, the DPP seems to think that with the support of the United States and Japan, it can unscrupulously test the mainland's bottom line, but such a orientation will only further fuel the contradictions between the two sides.

As far as the United States is concerned, it is already difficult for itself to protect itself by handing over weapons to Taiwan now, and it can only make Taiwan responsible for its own affairs, and if war really breaks out, the United States and Japan will consider their interests.

"Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back!" As cross-strait reunification begins, Ma Ying-jeou's prediction may come true

It is more likely that he will command behind the scenes, after all, for the sake of a small Taiwan, it is very unfavorable to send troops to confront the People's Liberation Army (PLA), so let Taiwan resist on its own.

However, this has undoubtedly made Taiwan seek its own death, and in terms of military strength, there is obviously a huge gap, not to mention that the mainland's strategy of encircling the island has gradually matured.

On the DPP side, after Lai Qingde came to power, it was extremely difficult to handle all kinds of affairs, and the frequent defeats further aggravated the people's dissatisfaction, not to mention that they were able to make a difference in the military.

"Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back!" As cross-strait reunification begins, Ma Ying-jeou's prediction may come true

Taiwan's "Taiwan independence" behavior will be severely punished, and peaceful reunification will remain the direction

The bill promulgated by the mainland to punish "Taiwan independence" is the latest progress in reunification, in order to let Taiwan know that this is not a show, but really a serious warning to the other side of the mainland's attitude.

If Taiwan can turn back as soon as possible, then there will still be a chance for peace talks between the two sides, otherwise at the moment of the outbreak of the conflict, Taiwan will lose the assistance of other forces, and all Taiwan can do is wait for the mainland to punish him.

We will deal with the "Taiwan independence" elements in accordance with the law, and we will not let go of any separatist forces, and Taiwan's fate cannot be handed over to other countries; only by realizing peaceful reunification can we truly do a good job in the direction of future development and achieve a win-win situation for both sides to a greater extent.

Reference materials

Global Network: "The maximum penalty is the death penalty!" The detailed rules for punishing "Taiwan independence" are coming》

Global Network: "Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: More than 4 months have passed since the vicious ship collision incident, the DPP authorities have shirked their responsibilities, reversed their word, and constantly set up obstacles to the aftermath consultation" "China Release丨The highest death penalty can be imposed! The "Two Supreme People's Courts and Three Ministries" Issued Opinions on Severely Punishing "Taiwan Independence" Diehards in Accordance with the Law