
Frequent leg cramps? Teach you a trick to soften your muscles and relieve pain!

author:Dr. Ho Wah

The liver is the main tendon, and the kidney is the main bone. If the liver and kidneys are deficient, the muscles and bones are unfavorable.

The tendons are what we often call the "fascia", including tendons, ligaments and other tissues.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main tendon, and the nutrients of the human fascia come from the liver, and all parts of our body need to rely on the nourishment of qi and blood, so that the body can function normally.

Frequent leg cramps? Teach you a trick to soften your muscles and relieve pain!

I don't know if there is anyone, in the middle of the night, when I was asleep, I stretched my legs, my calves cramped, it hurt, I had to slow down for a while, this taste is really impossible to express in words.

This is actually a symptom of obstruction of blood circulation, excessive accumulation of toxins in the liver, and muscle spasms that occur, which leads to leg cramps.

If the tendons are not good, there will be numbness in the hands and feet, cramps, weakness of the waist and legs, etc., so today I will share with you a "tendon" recipe - peony licorice soup.

This is from the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases" by the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing.

Frequent leg cramps? Teach you a trick to soften your muscles and relieve pain!

This prescription is mainly composed of peony and licorice, and is mainly used to treat various diseases caused by poor blood flow, damage to jin fluid, lack of yin blood, and loss of tendons and veins.

Fangzhong peony is sour and cold, and has the effects of nourishing blood and reducing yin, calming the liver and softening the liver, and relieving pain.

At the same time, licorice is sweet and flat, and has the function of reconciling medicinal properties, relieving urgency and relieving pain.

Frequent leg cramps? Teach you a trick to soften your muscles and relieve pain!

These two flavors of traditional Chinese medicine are compatible, one sour and one sweet, sweet acid dissolves yin, nourishes liver and blood, and reconciles health qi.

Together, they have the effect of softening tendons and relieving pain.

Then the liver is full of blood, the tendons are moisturized, and the person will naturally not cramp.