
The body seems to be hollowed out, be careful that the kidney essence is insufficient!

author:Dr. Ho Wah

Hello, I'm Dr. Ho. Often, in the outpatient clinic, I always meet a few very interesting patient friends

The body seems to be hollowed out, be careful that the kidney essence is insufficient!

This patient has functional problems such as poor hardness of the lower body and short time

In order to be able to improve the functional status of men, they go online to check on their own

Then I went to buy some aphrodisiac medicine to eat, and after a period of time, I found that not only did the condition not improve, but also became more and more weak.

I was also confused, and finally sought the help of a doctor.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney refines the kidney qi, and the kidney qi is divided into yin and yang

The body seems to be hollowed out, be careful that the kidney essence is insufficient!

If the kidney essence is insufficient, it is easy to have a deficiency of kidney qi, kidney yin, or kidney yang

So what if this time, just blindly use drugs that tonify the kidney and strengthen yang

If the medicine is not right, and the kidney essence is still continuously lost, then this situation will become more and more serious

So how do you know if you don't have enough kidney essence?

Deficiency of kidney essence will cause symptoms such as backache and weakness, hair loss, fatigue, gray hair, and cold hands and feet.

The body seems to be hollowed out, be careful that the kidney essence is insufficient!

So how to regulate, first of all, we must nourish the kidney and benefit the essence, and secondly, we must also replenish the kidney yang.

The essence is full of yang self-sufficiency, so that the kidney essence that is replenished is firmly locked by the body and no longer leaks outward.

After such conditioning, the problem of male dysfunction will naturally improve slowly.

Finally, I would like to remind you that it doesn't matter what type of illness you have

It is necessary to go through a syndrome differentiation by a professional doctor, so that it can have a better effect.