
A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked in the article, please be aware.

The Philippines is making trouble again, and it has staged a bitter trick. The place is not big, the play is one after another, he cuts a knife on his body, and shouts to the outside world that someone else drew it.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

In the past two days, Filipino fishermen have been doing things in the South China Sea again, wandering around the South China Sea under the pretext of fishing, and their boats have burned and "sank." The mainland coast guard kindly went to the rescue, but afterwards it was bitten back and said that the fishing boat was set by China, and this was the old lady aiming at the car and touching it directly.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

This incident has made Sino-Philippine relations tense again, and all parties have started round after round of conspiracy theories and war of words.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty
A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

Explode! A moment of horror in the South China Sea

On June 29, the Philippine fishing vessel Akio fished 17 nautical miles southwest of Scarborough Shoal. The fishing boat was carrying eight Filipino fishermen, all of whom were busy fishing, when a loud explosion suddenly broke the silence of the sea.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

The explosion caused a fire and the two fishermen on board were burned in very serious condition. The structure of the fishing boat began to deteriorate, the hull gradually tilted, the water entered the boat, and the fishermen realized that the boat was sinking rapidly.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

Just as the eyebrows were burning, the 3302 and 3105 ships of the Chinese Coast Guard were patrolling nearby and discovered that something was wrong with the Philippine fishing boat. The Chinese coast guard immediately braked sharply and quickly dispatched two patrol boats to whizz close to the fishing boat, which was in desperate condition. After carefully examining the situation, he shouted over the radio and threw out a rescue signal.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

The Philippine side also received a distress signal from the fishermen and quickly dispatched a patrol boat to the scene. As a result, as soon as they arrived in the waters of Huangyan Dao, they saw that the Chinese coast guard was already there, and the Philippine coast guard did not know what to do, after all, they broke into people's territory without saying hello, and made it look like a stealing cat to be caught, which aroused the high vigilance of the Chinese coast guard.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

After communicating by radio, the Chinese coast guard learned about the specific situation and decided to allow the Philippine patrol boat to enter the area of the incident for rescue. The China Coast Guard not only provided the necessary relief supplies, but also sent two inflatable boats to assist in the rescue operation.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty
A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

The Philippine media's "dumping the pot" drama

Before the bombing stopped, the Philippine media began their "dumping" drama. Before the news of the bombing was cool, Philippine Coast Guard spokesman Armand Barillo couldn't wait to speak out.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

At first, Barilo was cautious in his rhetoric, and he spoke the whole thing first, and who knew that the conversation turned around and began to accuse the Chinese coast guard of "intercepting" and "harassing" Philippine patrol vessels. He said the Philippine patrol boat arrived at the scene as soon as it received a distress signal, but was stopped by the Chinese coast guard off the waters off Scarborough Shoal. As he recounted, Balilo suggested that it was the Chinese coast guard's "obstruction" that delayed the rescue operation, as if the plight of the Filipino fishermen was caused by the Chinese side.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

The truth of the matter is not so simple. The Philippine patrol boat was stopped by the Chinese coast guard simply because they wanted to force their way into Scarborough Shoal without saying hello. This is not a trivial matter, and in international practice, this kind of unsolicited behavior is a big taboo. The Chinese coast guard patrols the vicinity and sees unidentified vessels approaching, of course, it must maintain a high level of vigilance and take interception measures. Speaking of which, Barilo's complaint is simply untenable.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

The Philippine media couldn't sit still again and refused to let go of this opportunity to "dump" China. They have reported on the "obstruction" of the Chinese coast guard, exaggerated the facts, exaggerated tensions, and some media even suggested that it was the presence of the Chinese coast guard that terrified Filipino fishermen and led to the explosion. These reports make people laugh and cry, as if the Chinese coast guard has become an all-powerful "back-ercher".

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

What neither Barilo nor the Philippine media expected was that after listening to the Philippine explanation, the Chinese coast guard not only allowed the Philippine patrol boat to enter the area where the incident occurred, but also took the initiative to send two patrol boats to participate in the rescue operation. This move by the Chinese Coast Guard slapped those rumor-mongers in the face and won the gratitude of the Filipino fishermen present. This caught Ballylo and the Philippine media off guard, and the expression on his face was estimated to be faster than turning a book.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

During the rescue process of the Philippine Coast Guard, those "unprofessional" operations were also looked at by the Chinese Coast Guard. The Philippine Coast Guard tried to "rescue" the half-sunken fishing boat, but it was self-defeating, and the boat not only failed to save it, but sank faster like a stone. In the end, they could only stare dryly as the fishing boat plunged headlong to the bottom of the sea.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty
A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

The conspiracy theories behind the explosion

As soon as the bombing came out, all sorts of conspiracy theories came immediately. The main thing is that the sudden explosion of a fishing boat is a bit strange no matter how you think about it. Don't roll your eyes just to see just how outrageous these conspiracy theories really are.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

Some people say that the explosion was nothing more than a bitter ploy directed and staged by the Philippines. Their fishing boats deliberately broke into the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal, and they were simply veterans of finding fault, with the obvious intention of disturbing the waters of the Yellow Sea. Imagine a fishing vessel exploding right under the noses of the Chinese Coast Guard, and the Philippines could hype up the "threat" of the Chinese Coast Guard and win international sympathy and support.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

The real purpose of the Philippine fishing boat is to force its way into China's territorial waters within 12 nautical miles of Scarborough Shoal, cause another explosion and create chaos, and then the Philippine Coast Guard can send official ships into the waters of Scarborough Shoal on the pretext of rescue, so that the Philippines can claim its "legal" presence near Scarborough Shoal. This sounds like an elaborate "porcelain" plan with the clear goal of keeping China passive.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

Behind this "porcelain encounter" is the South China Sea issue, to put it bluntly. The Philippines has made frequent provocations in the South China Sea in recent years, is there any other major power behind it? Some people have asked whether these actions of the Philippines have been instigated by certain forces with the aim of destabilizing the situation in the South China Sea and making China tired of coping. The above statement is not nonsense, after all, the Philippines has not done similar things before.

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty
A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty


Philippine fishing boats in the South China Sea are playing one drama after another, and no one can overthrow China's sovereignty in the South China Sea, and cooperation and conflict between China and the Philippines on the South China Sea issue will continue to exist. It is hoped that the Philippines will show some sincerity in communication and work with China to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea. After all, the resurgence of storms in the South China Sea will not benefit anyone.

Here are the sources of information:

There was an accident in the direction of Huangyan Island, the Philippine fishing boat suddenly exploded, the Chinese coast guard blocked the scene, and the Philippines asked for dialogue

A Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese Coast Guard arrived urgently, and the Philippine media recognized China's sovereignty

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