
1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked in the article, please be aware.

On June 11, 1971, a horrific murder occurred in the Xiaozhu Brigade of Fangdao Commune, Shunchang County, Fujian Province.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

The mother and daughter were brutally murdered, and their bodies lay in pools of blood, which is chilling. When the police arrived at the scene, the smell of blood and the shocking sight were unbearable for everyone present.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case
1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

Preliminary on-site investigation

After entering the door, the police were shocked, and Wei and her three-year-old daughter, Huang Yajin, were lying quietly in a pool of blood, with a fatal wound on their neck. The contents of the house have not been turned over, indicating that the mother and daughter died in a coma.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

What is even more puzzling is that the husband of the deceased, Huang Huonu, has disappeared. Neighbors said the couple quarreled from time to time. One villager even recalled that in the morning, before dawn, he saw a man in a gray shirt and black trousers hurriedly leaving Huang's house, unsure if it was him, and felt like a yellow fire slave.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case
1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

The suspicion of the Yellow Fire Slave

By questioning neighbors and villagers, combined with some clues, the police believed that Huang Huonu had a motive for committing the crime. As a door-to-door son-in-law, his self-esteem has always been the fuse of the conflict between husband and wife. Wei Yandi's sister said that her sister complained to her about the discord between the husband and wife, and even said that she might die at the hands of her husband. This is good, Huang Huonu is even more suspicious.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

Just as the police were about to mobilize manpower to search for Huang Huonu, someone came to the police to say that they saw a corpse in the river outside the village, and when they fished it up, they saw that it was the disappeared Huang Huonu. The medical examiner determined that he was in the water before his death, which means that Huang Huonu probably committed suicide by jumping into the river.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case
1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

There are many doubts

It seems that Huang Huonu committed suicide in fear of crime, but the police did not close the case hastily. Why did Huang Huonu kill his wife and children, what happened to him that day? These problems led the police to decide to continue their investigation. Through interviews with villagers, the police learned that although Huang Huonu and his wife often quarreled, he was very good to his daughter and could not kill her for no reason.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

Just when the police were at a loss, one of the rabbits raised by Huang Huonu's family also disappeared. The police felt that things were not so simple, where did the rabbit go? Why did it disappear on the day of the crime? This detail led the police to decide to re-examine the case.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case
1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

New leads

Upon further examination of Huang Huonu's body, the police found that the shoes he was wearing were not his, and both family and villagers confirmed that he had never been seen wearing them. Moreover, there were rabbit blood stains on Huang Huonu's clothes. The police thought that this was absolutely boring, and launched an investigation around it.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

Wei Jincan told the police that the day before the incident, Wei mentioned that the rabbit had been lent to her neighbor Xie Wangxiang, saying that it was to breed his sister's rabbit. When the police went to Xie Wangxiang's house to investigate, they learned that neither his family nor his sister's family had rabbits. Xie Wangxiang's lies made him the new suspect.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case
1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

Interrogated Xie Wangxiang

Xie Wangxiang was taken to the police station for interrogation. At first, he firmly denied that he had anything to do with the rabbits of the Yellow Fire Slave family. When the police found blood stains on his clothes, Xie Wangxiang broke his defenses. He confessed his crime and gave a detailed account of the entire crime.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

It turned out that Xie Wangxiang's buddy had a grudge against Huang Huonu, and he had to recall a stupid incident two years ago. The two of them made a big move at that time - stealing the millet of the brigade. Although Huang Huonu has been reluctant to go about this matter, who is happy to bear the name of a thief.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

So, Huang Huonu's heart was crossed, and he felt that he couldn't go on like this, so he took the initiative to follow up and admit his mistake, and said that Xie Wangxiang was also involved. Do you think this Xie Wangxiang can not be angry? For no reason, I thought I had found an "iron buddy" to make a fortune together, but as a result, people's conscience moved and they sold him completely.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

However, this Xie Wangxiang is also a "talent", thinking that he can't just forget it. So he began to pretend to reconcile with Huang Huonu, he was so enthusiastic about Huang Huonu on the surface, that is called a deep brotherhood. Huang Huonu, an honest man, didn't think much about it, thinking that people could change their mistakes, and the relationship between the two was really as good as ever, even closer than before.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

But do you think Xie Wangxiang is really that simple person? No, his head spins fast. This guy has a big move in his heart, thinking about how to take revenge on Huang Huonu and come to a "double eagle with one stone" - not only to take revenge, but also to escape the involvement. So, he started his own "genius program".

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case
1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

The course of the crime

He found that Huang Huonu had an "Achilles' heel" - back disease, he was tired from work, he was in pain, and he had to find medicine to eat if he couldn't stand the pain. Xie Wangxiang heard that Huang Huonu often took a capsule to relieve pain. Now it's a good thing, the opportunity came, he found someone to make more than 30 sleeping pills from the clinic, grinded them into powder, and stuffed them into the pain-relieving capsules that Huang Huonu often ates.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

Immediately afterwards, this Comrade Xie Wangxiang staged another good show of "The Farmer and the Snake". He knew that Huang Huonu's family had a male rabbit, and thought to himself, hehe, this rabbit can also come in handy. He lied and said that he wanted to borrow a male rabbit to breed with his sister's rabbit. And guess what? He didn't breed them, but he slaughtered them and collected their blood.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

Finally, on June 11, 1971, Xie Wangxiang felt that the time was ripe for action. He called Huang Huonu and told him that he had obtained a miraculous "low back pain medicine". Huang Huonu, an honest man, knew that it was a plan, so he happily went to Xie Wangxiang's house and drank the "royal jelly" capsule mixed with sleeping pills. It didn't take long for Huang Huonu to sleep like a dead pig.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

Next, Xie Wangxiang and his wife went to Huang Huonu's house with the tools of the crime. In order to let Wei Liandi lie down obediently, they lied to her that this medicine could cure her daughter's diarrhea. Wei Liandi is a mother, how could she doubt it, and swallowed the medicine in one bite. After a while, she also fell into a coma.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

Under the cover of night, Xie Wangxiang was responsible for "handling" Wei Xiandi, while Xu Qiaoxian quietly walked to Huang Yajin's bed, and after the two committed murder, they did not forget to act. Xie Wangxiang used rabbit blood to forge the illusion that Huang Huonu committed suicide after killing people, and then threw Huang Huonu's body into the river.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case

These two people thought that their plan had no loopholes, who would have thought that a little rabbit would become their Waterloo. After the truth of the case was revealed, Xie Wangxiang and Xu Qiaoxian were arrested in accordance with the law. In court, Xie Wangxiang finally paid the price for his crimes. Justice, though late, was never absent.

1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case
1971 strange case: wife and daughter were killed in bed, husband drowned in the river, and a rabbit became the key to solving the case


Xie Wangxiang's self-righteous plan was finally broken by a rabbit. It seems that no matter how clever this crime is, it can't match the wisdom and carefulness of the police. Ladies and gentlemen, this case can be regarded as a wake-up call for us, don't do bad things, otherwise you will be found out sooner or later!

Here are the sources of information:

Selected Criminal Investigation Cases 2, People's Publishing House, Beijing, 1985

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