
The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
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In recent years, bloody dramas are usually seen in TV dramas, but this is a real story, and it is guaranteed to be more bloody than TV dramas.

The actor's name is Lan Tian, and despite his wife's strong opposition, he insisted on finding a female netizen 13 years ago to "catch up". Sounds exciting enough, right? Don't worry, there's still to come.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

In order to find her, Lan Tian even participated in a nationally popular search show, and he dug three feet into the ground before he finished, and even his wife Yuxiao was pulled on the show. At this moment, the vinegar jar in Yu Xiao's heart was completely overturned, and the expression on his face was more wonderful than the five-flavor bottle. What sparks will be created when these three people meet? The picture is too beautiful to think, not to think.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

This has to start from 2001, when Lan Tian was still in high school, his grades were average, and he didn't know what he wanted to do in the future. Then he became obsessed with the Internet, which had just become popular.

But parents and teachers can't get used to his hobby, and think that he is wasting time when surfing the Internet, and nagging in his ear every day: "If you go on like this, what will happen in the future!" ”

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Just when Lan Tian was about to give up his dream, fate sent him hope. One night, he met a friend named Bai Kefan on the Internet. Bai Kefan was particularly gentle and kind, not only did she not laugh at Lan Tian's dream, but she also encouraged him all the time. Her words made Lan Tian regain hope and find a way forward.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Bai Kefan said: "You are very talented, you should continue to persevere." For Lan Tian, this sentence was like a shot in the arm. With Bai Kefan's encouragement, Lan Tian made up his mind and devoted himself to the study of Internet technology. No matter how his parents objected, or how his classmates laughed at him, he never wavered.

Bai Kefan, just like Lan Tian's sister, always cheers him up when he needs it most, making him feel especially warm and powerful.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

As time passed, Lan Tian and Bai Kefan's online friendship deepened, and they talked about everything and shared each other's emotional ups and downs. Although they had never met, this pure virtual friendship profoundly changed the trajectory of Lan Tian's life.

With Bai Kefan's encouragement, Lan Tian's enthusiasm for learning was rekindled, and he began to work hard to balance his studies and interests, and there was a leap forward in Internet technology, and his academic performance gradually improved.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Just when the relationship between the two was getting closer and closer, an accident happened. Bai Kefan suddenly disappeared from the Internet and could no longer be contacted.

Lan Tian tried all kinds of ways to contact her, but all of them were in vain. This sudden loss of contact made Lan Tian's heart empty, but he did not give up his dream. On the contrary, he turned his thoughts about Bai Kefan into motivation and continued to make progress in the Internet industry.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Time flies, and since the two lost contact, 11 years have passed in a blink of an eye. Lan Tian has already started a family and has a beautiful wife, Yuxiao. But there is always a knot in his heart that he can't untie, and that is Bai Kefan's whereabouts. Whenever he had an argument with his wife, he would always involuntarily think of Bai Kefan's gentleness and thoughtfulness.

Things took a turn for the worse shortly afterward. One day in 2012, Lan Tian accidentally learned that Bai Kefan actually wrote a letter to him 11 years ago, and attached a photo. But the letter was withheld by his father at that time, for fear that it would affect his son's studies. This news made Lan Tian like a bolt from the blue, and he was even more determined to find Bai Kefan.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Receiving this belated letter, Lan Tian felt very angry and lost. He thought about it, not knowing how to reply, or even what to write. Eventually, he chose to reply to a letter on the internet.

This letter not only did not let Bai Kefan see it, but made Lan Tian's wife Yu Xiao feel angry. Seeing her husband contacting a netizen she had never met, Yu Xiao naturally couldn't calm down.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?
The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Lan Tian participated in a nationally popular search program despite his family's opposition, hoping to use the power of the media to find Bai Kefan, who had been missing for many years. The decision was obviously risky, which could affect his marriage or disappoint him.

But Lan Tian didn't seem to care so much anymore, he just wanted to untie the knot and express his gratitude to Bai Kefan in person.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

In 2014, Lan Tian appeared on the TV show with his wife Yuxiao, and a subtle sense of tension filled the air. Yu Xiao barely had a smile on his face, but he couldn't hide the uneasiness in his eyes. Lan Tian looked excited and apprehensive, as if he had returned to the ignorant teenager more than ten years ago.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

The host inquired in detail about the story of Lan Tian and Bai Kefan, and Lan Tian talked endlessly, with a happy smile on his face. He described how Bai Kefan encouraged him and how it became a turning point in his life.

With every word, Yu Xiao's expression stiffened. People couldn't help but feel distressed for Yu Xiao, and at the same time questioned Lan Tian's behavior.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense, and the audience was looking forward to it, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. Waiting for the appearance of this mysterious female netizen. Finally, in a burst of melodious music, Bai Kefan slowly walked onto the stage. The moment she appeared, the audience was boiling.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?
The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Bai Kefan is indeed as Lan Tian described, beautiful and generous, with elegant manners. Her appearance made Lan Tian excited, and the expression on her face was like seeing a lost treasure. And Yu Xiao's face was even more ugly, and his face was full of embarrassment and uneasiness.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Bai Kefan gracefully signaled to Lan Tian and Yu Xiao, her appearance seemed to turn back time, bringing everyone back to the era when the Internet was in its infancy 13 years ago. Lan Tian took a deep breath, and then began to tell the story of the long-sealed past between them.

As Lan Tian narrated, the past came to his heart like a tide. The audience seemed to follow them through time and space, back to the youthful years. The three people on the stage, their faces showed a variety of different expressions, telling their inner waves.

When Lan Tian began to tell Bai Kefan about his longing over the years, the scene fell into an eerie silence. Lan Tian gushed endlessly about Bai Kefan's influence on him, and even praised Bai Kefan for being beautiful and talented in front of his wife. This remark undoubtedly embarrassed everyone present, especially Yu Xiao, whose expression was even more indescribable.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?
The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

But what is surprising is that Bai Kefan's reaction is very decent. She tactfully expressed her gratitude, and at the same time skillfully distanced herself from Lan Tian. She even revealed that Bai Kefan was not her real name, just a pen name used in high school. This small detail, like a basin of cold water, made Lan Tian feel a little lost, but it also eased the atmosphere of the scene a lot.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Under the arrangement of the program team, Bai Kefan took the initiative to hug Yuxiao, which was undoubtedly the finishing touch. This not only resolved the embarrassment between the two women, but also drew a successful end to this seemingly farce reunion.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?


After the show was broadcast, the relationship between Lan Tian and Yu Xiao improved significantly. This experience made Lan Tian realize the importance of his wife, and he began to cherish the people in front of him even more.

Yu Xiao also said that although she didn't understand her husband's behavior at first, seeing that he just wanted to express his gratitude in the end, the guilt in her heart slowly disappeared. This process has made the relationship between the two deeper and the communication smoother.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Bai Kefan's life after the show has also undergone some changes. Because of this appearance, she has gained a lot of attention, and some people even invited her to participate in some public welfare activities.

Bai Kefan happily accepted, she said that since her words of encouragement can change a person's life, she is willing to continue to pass on this positive energy to influence more people.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

This incident also had some impact on the careers of the three people. Because of this special experience, Lan Tian has a new understanding of his work. He said that Bai Kefan's appearance made him re-examine his original intention, and he decided to help and encourage others more in his work, just like Bai Kefan did to him back then.

Yu Xiao also had a new insight. She began to reflect on whether she had put too much pressure on her husband in the past, and decided to give him more encouragement and support in her future life.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

The biggest takeaway from this story is that the most important thing in relationships, both past and present, is sincerity and understanding. Lan Tian finally got his wife's understanding, and Bai Kefan chose to pass on his kindness, which are all positive attitudes worth learning from.

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

I don't know if you have a similar experience after reading the story? Feel free to leave your story in the comment section.


Reference: Shenzhen Satellite TV "You Have a Letter"

The man ignored his wife's obstruction and searched for a female netizen 13 years ago, the beauty appeared, and his wife left?

Reference: Shenzhen Satellite TV "You Have a Letter" 20140605 issue

Disclaimer: Some of the pictures in this article are taken from the Internet, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after verification.

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