
The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

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The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

Many military fans know that the mainland's air force is constantly getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more aircraft models, especially the J-16 and J-20, which have attracted more attention recently.

In many people's minds, the fighter is of course getting bigger and bigger, so many people naturally think that the J-20 will be larger than the J-16.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

But when the two fighters appeared in people's field of vision at the same time, everyone found out that the J-16 was the largest fighter.

So why is the J-16 designed to be larger than the J-20? Which type of aircraft is more powerful than the two?

One of the three musketeers of the Air Force - J-16

Speaking of the J-16, known as the hidden dragon, many military fans are very familiar with his parameters, with a fuselage length of 21.19 meters and a wing width of 14.7 meters, which makes him look very "strong" in front of many fighters.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia

The J-16 officially entered service in 2016, and it took five years for him to go from test flight to service at the Shenyang Aircraft Company.

This is a multi-purpose fighter, with very powerful combat capabilities, whether it is against the air or the ground, it has a very strong lethality, although it is not suitable for aircraft carriers, but it also has enough threats to targets at sea.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

Of course, being able to pose such a big threat is inseparable from the weapons and equipment equipped on the J-16.

The most lethal on the J-16 is two weapons, one of which is the "stealth defense zone ammunition distribution system" that can attack outside the defense area, this weapon can allow the J-16 to carry out a fatal blow to the target from a long distance.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

Another weapon is the "Ground Bomb", as the name suggests, this weapon has strong penetration, which can give the J-16 the ability to hit underground targets.

In addition, the J-16 is also equipped with a large number of other weapons, of which there are as many as 16 weapon attachment points alone, and a fully loaded J-16 is equivalent to a mobile arsenal.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

While equipped with so many weapons, the J-16 also has a very powerful power system, all of which benefits from the "Taihang" turbofan 10 engine produced by the mainland.

In addition to weapons and equipment, the J-16 is also equipped with a lot of very advanced systems, it can be said that the J-16 can become a multi-role fighter, which is inseparable from the support of all this.

So what is the difference between the J-20 and him?

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia

Weilong - J-20

Unlike the J-16, the J-20 focuses on stealth capabilities.

The length and width of the J-20 are slightly smaller than that of the J-16, with a length of only 20.3m and a wingspan of only 12.68m.

However, although the J-20 is smaller than the J-16, compared to other fighters, the J-20 is also a behemoth.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

The same J-20 also made its maiden flight in 2011, but it entered service a year later than the J-16.

The J-20 is a single-seat fighter, while the J-16 is a two-seat fighter, and there is a big difference in its design.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

Although the J-20 has such a huge size, its stealth performance is not weak at all, and even many countries are deeply afraid of it.

The J-20 benefits from the design of his overall model, as well as the paint of the fuselage, in order to make the stealth of the J-20 reach an excellent state, it adopts a canard aerodynamic layout.

This design not only improves its stealth status, but also improves its lift.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

And, with the help of the WS-15 engine, the J-20 can even fly at a terrifying Mach 2.5, which is capable of catching the enemy off guard in most situations.

Such a terrifying stealth ability gives the mainland the upper hand on the air battlefield, but because of this, the firepower of the J-20 is not as terrifying as that of the J-16.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

It can be said that this advanced stealth ability is obtained in exchange for attack power.

So which of the two fighters is more powerful?

Which is stronger and which is weaker

From the point of view of function, these two types of fighters have a lot of differences, J-16 is a multi-functional fighter, most of which perform firepower strike work, while J-20 belongs to a stealth fighter, which performs a sneak attack mission and has strong concealment, so there is no more fire support.

But in terms of performance, the J-16 is not as good as the J-20, in terms of endurance, the J-16 can only fight within a radius of 1500 kilometers, while the J-20 can reach a terrible 2000 kilometers.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

At the same time, the J-16 has launched a fighter that can fight in the electronic field, which is a capability that the J-20 does not have.

From this, it can be seen that these two types of fighters have their own strengths and weaknesses.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

However, in any case, these two types of fighters are powerful fighters produced by the mainland, and both provide a lot of strength for the mainland's air combat capability.

Moreover, these two types of fighters can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses to achieve unexpected results.


The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

Reference: China News Network, March 2, 2018 - How amazing is the combat power of the J-16 and the J-20? The strength of the new tactics is worth looking forward to

It can be known that the J-16 is stronger than the J-20 in strike missions, but if the J-20 gives up its stealth ability, it can also mount a lot of weapons to complete the strike mission.

However, as a stealth fighter, the cost of the J-20's flight is higher than that of the J-16, so this will be a little more than worth the loss.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

However, in the face of local early warning aircraft, the J-16 will be helpless, so at this time, if you can let the J-20 dispose of the early warning aircraft through its stealth ability, and then the J-16 will strike at the target.

Each of the two fighters plays to its own strengths, which may have unexpected effects.

In fact, not only the J-16 and J-20, but also the mainland has developed countless models of various types through unremitting efforts in recent years, including the brothers and sisters of the J-20, the Y-20 and the H-20.

This shows how rapidly the mainland has developed in the past few decades.

History of the development of the Air Force

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

Reference: China Military Network, November 11, 2019 70 years - the Chinese Air Force and the Republic of China "spread their wings and fly high" together

You must know that as early as more than 70 years ago, when New China was just founded, only 17 of our planes participated in the military parade at the founding ceremony.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

You know, at that time, we didn't have the ability to build our own planes, and all the 159 planes in our hands were old planes captured from various countries and left over from the Kuomintang.

Today, more than 70 years later, the mainland's air combat strength has made leaps and bounds compared with those years, and has won the favor of many countries.

The largest fighter of the Chinese Air Force! When the J-16 and J-20 are in the same frame, they found out what is the biggest fighter!

Moreover, it is not only combat capability, we have reflected the progress of the air force in many aspects, when the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane was lost and searched, our air force conducted a total of 346 hours of search and rescue, which has further enhanced the reputation of the mainland air force in the world.

It is believed that in the future, our air force will be further strengthened and play a more important role in our country and even in the world.

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