
The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

author:Read the micro-notes
The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles


On July 2, the high-profile 37th Hundred Flowers Awards announced the list of actors nominated this year.

What do you have to say about this list?

The official is said to have given recognition, at least partial recognition, for example, Zhao Liying won the award, which can be regarded as expected.

But there are also a lot of names in it, which makes people look a little eye-catching.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

So, is this year's Hundred Flowers Award lineup a hundred flowers blooming, a hundred schools of thought contending, or is it a mixture of fish and dragons, and the rivers are declining?

Let's take a look.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

The best picture of "messy".

As one of the three major awards for Chinese mainland films, the Hundred Flowers Award still has a relatively high gold content in the industry.

Therefore, being able to win the honor at the Hundred Flowers Award is also something that many actors are proud of.

However, in recent years, although the Hundred Flowers Award still has a good gold content, it seems to have been a bit mixed.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

For example, in this year's Hundred Flowers Awards, the first work to be nominated was "Ten Thousand Miles Home".

The movie was released in September 2022 and its box office revenue reached 1.593 billion, but the score on the Douban official website is not very good, only 7.2 points.

7.2 points, placed in the Chinese mainland film and television industry in the past ten years, is a pretty good score.

But if you're going to say good, you have to get 8 points anyway, right?

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

What's even more uncomfortable is that the three leading actors nominated in the movie are Yin Tao, Zhang Yi, and Wang Junkai.

The first two have nothing to say, they are both tried and tested good actors, and no one has any doubts about their awards.

But the question is, does this Wang Junkai really deserve it?

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

Although Wang Junkai has been praised by the capital flow very much over the years, looking at the film and television works he has starred in, that acting skill is really straight to the soul, and I can't see any expression on his face anyway.

In comparison, the latter ones are okay.

The second film to be nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award is "Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an".

Although the movie is an anime, it is really quite good, and it scored 8 points on Douban at the beginning! As for the box office, it also reached 1.824 billion, completely crushing the previous one.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

I have to complain here that the acting skills of the generation of actors in China are getting worse and worse, but the salaries are getting higher and higher.

In contrast, making anime has become cheaper, and you don't have to worry about the acting skills of the actors.

Could it be that the future of China's film and television industry lies in animation?

The third nominated work is "Volunteers: Heroes Attack", although the work was criticized for the sensitive issues of some posters before its release, but it is still a strong lineup.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

Tang Guoqiang, Zhang Songwen, Xin Baiqing... To be able to find this lineup, Chen Kaige can be regarded as bothered.

It's just that the movie didn't receive the expected effect, with a Douban score of 6.9 points, which is barely a passing grade.

The fourth work is "Fengshen Part 1: Chao Song Fengyun", which was carefully prepared by director Wu Ershan.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

Although the movie has been questioned due to the large scale of some pictures, the audience still buys it, with a Douban score of 7.8 points, and the box office has exceeded 2.6 billion! Absolute fame and fortune have been gained.

The last one is the Spring Festival movie "Article 20".

Director Zhang Yimou personally went out of the mountain, and Ma Li and Zhao Liying starred in these popular flowers, which was generally not bad.

I don't know which of the above works you like the most?

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

Ironic actor nominations

If most of the above five nominated movies can be regarded as unsatisfactory, then the nominations for the next few Best Actors are really ridiculous and generous!

Among them, the hottest ones are Wang Junkai and Yi Yang Qianxi.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

Wang Junkai first debuted as a singer, later as a men's group, and then entered the film and television industry.

It is also sad to say that in the past ten years, the Chinese film and television industry is decaying at an outrageous speed!

Take Wang Junkai as an example, in good conscience, in the movies he starred in, are you sure you can see other expressions other than dull? Are you sure he really has acting skills?

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

There is also Yi Yang Qianxi, which is really unacceptable.

The reason why Yi Yang Qianxi was able to get this nomination is because he played Sun Jun in "Man Jianghong".

Everyone's evaluation of this movie is completely two extremes, some netizens think it is very good-looking, and some netizens think it is very ugly!

How much of the box office and rating of this movie was voted by "Yin Soldiers"?

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

In this way, this work can also become Yi Yang Qianxi's famous work.

Besides, his acting skills in it are not as popular as Zhang Yi and Xiao Yueyue, how can he be nominated for Best Actor?

has the gold content of the Hundred Flowers Award at the beginning, it is really broken!

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

Fortunately, the next few actors are quite reliable, such as Zhu Yilong.

Although his reputation is not as good as the above two, everyone still sees in their hearts the hard work and acting skills improved over the years, and he can still accept the nomination.

The next Zhang Yixing can also be, as for Andy Lau, not to mention more, an absolute superstar.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

However, this also has to make people sigh, when did my Andy have no face, and I actually want to compete with Yi Yang Qianxi and Wang Junkai on the same stage.

After talking about the nomination of the leading actor, now let's talk about the nomination for the best supporting actor.

Zhang Yi, a recognized veteran actor, had to play a supporting role for Yi Yang Qianxi in "Man Jianghong".

But even so, Zhang Yi still won the nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

In contrast, Mr. Li Xuejian, who is also an old drama bone, is much more decent, and he was successfully shortlisted for "Chao Song Fengyun".

The above two finalists, no one said anything, but the third place is very interesting, because the third finalist is named Fan Chengcheng!

Seeing this name, I think everyone's first impression should be Fan Bingbing, right?

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

As for Fan Chengcheng's acting skills, everyone has their own opinions, and the wise people have their own opinions, so I won't discuss them here.

The remaining two male supporting actors are as reliable as ever, namely Zhang Songwen and Wei Daxun.

In addition, Wei Daxun's Mao Anying in "Volunteers: Heroes Attack" is really good.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

How so?

Compared with the protagonist team, the nomination of the supporting role seems to be more reliable, I don't know if you approve it?

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

Reliable heroine

Compared with the cast of actors, who can be called a mixed bag of fish and mud, the nomination of actresses is much more reliable.

Let's talk about a few of the Best Actress nominees first.

The first is the comedian Ma Li, who has become popular in the past two years.

It must be admitted that Ma Li's acting skills in recent years have indeed passed, especially in "Charlotte Troubles", Ma Dongmei is indeed a good role.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

However, in the nomination of this year's Hundred Flowers Award, Ma Li relied on the work "Article 20".

In this movie, Li Maojuan, played by Ma Li, does interpret the image of a middle-aged woman who is tortured by life vividly and very down-to-earth.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

The second is Wang Zhi.

Speaking of which, many people may be a little unfamiliar with the name of this actor, but if you mention Han Duoduo in "The Wandering Earth 2", everyone should know something.

As the heroine of this national blockbuster, is it not normal?

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

As for the remaining three, they are all our old friends Jia Ling, Ni Ni, and Yin Tao.

I don't have to say anything about the acting skills of these three, but there are a lot of arguments about Jia Ling.

Because although "Hot and Hot", which was broadcast during this year's Spring Festival, was a huge success at the box office, it also aroused the disgust of many people.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

When people calmed down and re-examined, they found that the reason why this movie was able to sell so well was largely due to a good commercial gimmick.

As for the real plot and acting skills, it's really not that good, and even compared with the original book, the plot is simply miserable.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

The remaining two? It's decent, I can't say how amazing it is, but the works can't be said to be reasonable.

After talking about the main character, let's take a look at the nominations for several supporting roles.

The first is Wen Yongshan, speaking of which, Wen Yongshan and Ni Ni both relied on "Disappearing Her" to successfully enter the Hundred Flowers Award nomination.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

failed to win the Best Actress Award, and it is reasonable to receive a nomination for the Best Supporting Actress Award.

The second is Zhao Liying, Zhao Liying has changed a lot in the past two years, before her main drama was silly and sweet, and she took the road of Hua Dan.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

In the past few years, Zhao Liying has been taking the real acting school and has achieved good results.

For example, in "Article 20", she played the deaf and mute "Hao Xiuping", which made many viewers cry and won everyone's unanimous recognition.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

So much so that when Zhao Liying was nominated for Best Supporting Actress, not only major media outlets issued congratulations, but even the official media "Movie Channel" of the central media also expressed their recognition of Zhao Liying.

It can be said that among the many nominees for this year's Hundred Flowers Award, Zhao Liying's ranking is the largest.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

As for the remaining two, they are quite powerful.

Let's talk about Gao Ye first, relying on the role of Lu Lingling in "Article 20" to be successfully shortlisted.

I have to sigh, this movie is really good, you look at how many nominees for this year's Hundred Flowers Award are from this movie.

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

Actor Yuan Quan was successfully shortlisted for the title of Queen Jiang in "Fengshen Part 1: Chao Song Fengyun".

As for the last one, it is our old acquaintance Haiqing, who successfully won the nomination for Best Supporting Actress at this year's Hundred Flowers Awards for her role as Lin Qiaozhi in "Volunteers: Heroes Attack".

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

The above is the list of actors nominated for this year's Hundred Flowers Awards, I don't know which actors you think are deserved, and which actors are indiscriminate?

The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles


The Paper News--The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award was announced: Andy Lau, Ma Li and others competed for Best Actor and Actress
The complete list of the Hundred Flowers Award is exposed! Wang Junkai and Andy Lau competed for the best actor, and Zhao Liying was only nominated for supporting roles

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