
Middle school students were defrauded of 100,000 yuan for "dating in the same city"?! Parents on alert!

author:Shandong Internet Police

With the popularization of the Internet, most primary and secondary school students are now mobile Internet users, but they often lack the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

1. The temptation of "welfare".

Typical case 1

Middle school students were defrauded of 100,000 yuan for "dating in the same city"?! Parents on alert!

In April 2024, Gao, a primary school student, added a friend on a short video software, and the other party claimed that there was a "red envelope rebate" activity, and if you invest a certain amount of money to complete the specified task, you can get a "rebate red envelope", and the larger the amount of money, the more rebate. So Gao tentatively transferred 600 yuan, and then the other party sent a screenshot showing "transfer 3,000 yuan to Gao". Gao did not receive it, and the other party said that he could unlock the "rebate red envelope" of the previous task by completing the next task, and under the trick of the other party, Gao transferred 11 times to the other party and was defrauded of more than 50,000 yuan.

Typical case 2

Middle school students were defrauded of 100,000 yuan for "dating in the same city"?! Parents on alert!

In February 2024, middle school student Teng popped up a website link of "same-city dating" when he was playing on his mobile phone, and after clicking the link to enter the website, he was asked to download an APP, and the customer service in the APP claimed that he needed to transfer money and accumulate a certain number of points before he could "date". The customer service induced Teng to transfer money many times on the grounds of "membership handling fee", "confidentiality certification fee" and "insufficient points", and was defrauded of more than 100,000 yuan in total.

Routine analysis

Criminals use social software to add primary and secondary school students as friends on the grounds of sending "red envelope rebates" and "dating benefits", and slowly deceive their trust. Then use "small favors and small favors" to deceive the victims, step by step to eat away at the psychological defense line of children who lack social experience, anti-fraud knowledge, and are not deeply involved in the world.

2. Fraud of "online games".

Typical case 1

Middle school students were defrauded of 100,000 yuan for "dating in the same city"?! Parents on alert!

In February 2024, when middle school student Zhang Moumou watched a live game broadcast through a short video platform at home, he saw an advertisement for free game skins, so he took the initiative to add the other party as a friend, and the other party asked Zhang to scan the code to enter a social software group. After entering the group, the other party asked Zhang to use his parents' mobile phone to operate on the grounds that he was a minor, otherwise he would be arrested by the police. Under the intimidation and inducement of the other party, in order to get free game skins, Zhang used his father's mobile phone to transfer more than 80,000 yuan to the account designated by the other party, but the game skins were not obtained, and the transferred money was not returned, so he realized that he had been deceived.

Typical case 2

Middle school students were defrauded of 100,000 yuan for "dating in the same city"?! Parents on alert!

In March 2024, when student Shen was playing a game at home, he saw someone selling a game account, so he took the initiative to add the other party as a friend. The other party proposed to transfer money directly on a social software without going through the game account trading platform. Shen transferred money according to the other party's request, and after playing for a period of time, he found that the password was changed and he could not log in, and found that he had been deceived and called the police.

Routine analysis

"Selling accounts at high prices", "selling accounts and equipment at low prices", "giving away game skins", "recharging and unblocking games" and other news are flooded in major online games, and through these attractive false advertisements, they can deceive those primary and secondary school players who are greedy for small and cheap players, and they may be tricked if they are not careful.

Middle school students were defrauded of 100,000 yuan for "dating in the same city"?! Parents on alert!

1. Parents should always check the computers, IPads, mobile phones and other electronic products used by their children in online classes, and it is recommended to keep only the APP software that must be used in class, and uninstall all other unrelated APP software such as games, social networking, and payment.

2. Teachers and parents must strengthen their children's anti-fraud education, do not read, ignore, or click on calls, text messages, and links from unknown sources, ignore strangers who deliberately talk to them on the Internet, do not be greedy for small gains, do not believe in winning the lottery, making extra money, etc., and resolutely do not listen to or believe or transfer money for any reason.

3. Parents should take good care of their mobile phones, bank cards and other items, and do not let their children know the payment password, so as not to make large-amount transfers and remittances after being deceived. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the balance of your child's own WeChat account and Alipay account.

4. Educate children, communicate more with teachers and parents, and tell teachers and parents as soon as possible when they encounter things that they cannot discern or are violated, and report the case in time.

Source: Criminal Investigation Bureau of Anshan Public Security Bureau