
The recurrence rate of pulmonary nodules surgery is high, and GGO is found just after the operation, and I am reluctant to operate again!

author:Respiratory specialist Du Baorong


(Click on the video above to play) After the patient in the video was found to have lung nodules, he underwent surgical resection in the local hospital, and he thought that he would be cut a hundred, and he didn't have to worry about it anymore. There was a young man before, who also checked a lot of relevant information on the Internet, and finally chose surgery, but the result was that a new nodule was found during the follow-up, and when he found me, he also told me: I checked all the information, but I missed the surgical recurrence rate, if I knew that the surgical recurrence rate was so high, I would not choose surgery directly!

The recurrence rate of pulmonary nodules surgery is high, and GGO is found just after the operation, and I am reluctant to operate again!

In fact, it is very common for patients to be similar to the above-mentioned patients, whether in the background or in the outpatient setting: after the surgical incision, a new one grows; Some even cut more lengths; In particular, patients with multiple pulmonary nodules are often only removed from the largest, and the remaining small ones are removed until they are older. The characteristic of such patients is that they like to grow nodules everywhere in the body, not only limited to pulmonary nodules, but also thyroid nodules, breast nodules (hyperplasia), uterine fibroids, intestinal polyps, etc.

The recurrence rate of pulmonary nodules surgery is high, and GGO is found just after the operation, and I am reluctant to operate again!

In fact, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, these are all pathological products of phlegm dampness and coagulation, but they grow in different positions, so Western medicine has different names according to different parts. Since from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the pathological pathogenesis of the above-mentioned nodules is the same, then the treatment principle is also the same. For different patients, it is necessary to see which factor is dominant in qi stagnation, blood stasis and phlegm coagulation, and then targeted medication.

The recurrence rate of pulmonary nodules surgery is high, and GGO is found just after the operation, and I am reluctant to operate again!

At present, Western medicine has no good way to treat pulmonary nodules, except for surgery is follow-up, and the purpose of follow-up is also to detect nodules in time after they grow up and surgery, it can be said that traditional Chinese medicine is an effective way to treat lung nodules at this stage, but it is not 100%. Clinically, a large number of patients, in 2-3 months, through the intervention of the traditional Chinese medicine system, pulmonary nodules can be reduced or eliminated, therefore, patients should give themselves a chance not to operate before surgery, of course, this is not to reject surgery, if the pulmonary nodules are already in the high-risk stage, there is no time for traditional Chinese medicine intervention, surgery must be the first choice.

The recurrence rate of pulmonary nodules surgery is high, and GGO is found just after the operation, and I am reluctant to operate again!

So should I have surgery or take traditional Chinese medicine? We will give the most suitable plan according to the specific risk degree of nodules, whether it is surgery or traditional Chinese medicine, the patient's vital health interests should be the first consideration, and under the premise of ensuring safety, let the patient solve the biggest problem at the minimum cost as much as possible!

The recurrence rate of pulmonary nodules surgery is high, and GGO is found just after the operation, and I am reluctant to operate again!