
I have realized 7,000+ daily writing, sharing my experience in self-media writing and 100,000+ popular dry goods

author:Orange heart

Written by Kokoro Tachibana

On the last day of June, I achieved another breakthrough in self-media.

Accept the invitation of Mr. Mohua to share with my friends the experience of writing 19 articles in Cai Lei's "Believe" last year, as well as writing 100,000+ explosive articles and operating self-media.

To be honest, I have been writing silently, and I have no confidence in real people.

I have realized 7,000+ daily writing, sharing my experience in self-media writing and 100,000+ popular dry goods

But this time, I wanted to break through, so I accepted the invitation.

It's a workout and an uplift for me.

I thought it would be cold, but I didn't expect the process to be quite smooth, and I chatted for about 2 hours, and shared everything I wanted to share.

It can be regarded as a summary of my writing for more than half a year before I got pregnant, and now I will share Lianmai dry goods with friends who want to learn to write, I hope it will help you a little.

1. Writing experience

I started to update the public account in September last year, at that time, because I read "Believe" let me continue to output articles, but I didn't expect many articles to be recommended by traffic, and the first article was read by tens of thousands, and then more than 10 articles were written one after another, and half of them were recommended by the platform.

So, just one book gave me the inspiration for 19 articles, and I gained 1000+ at that time.

Later, I continued to update every day, and wrote a number of 100,000+, after half a year of accumulation, I summarized the following 4 experiences in writing articles.

1. Writing ability is getting better little by little, not overnight, but to adhere to long-term thinking

Although it was a hit just after the daily update, I was already learning to write before the daily update, writing reading notes every day according to the course content, and practicing how to write articles.

It wasn't until I really mustered up the courage to start the daily update that there was a hit.

I have realized 7,000+ daily writing, sharing my experience in self-media writing and 100,000+ popular dry goods

And after 3 months, I obviously feel that my writing speed has become faster, and my language control ability is much better than before.

If I hadn't practiced every day, I wouldn't have experienced this deeply.

2. Just start writing, don't be in a hurry to make money, write well, and the money will come naturally.

Most of the friends who want to learn to write want to have some spare time income, which is understandable. But I recommend that you just start learning and focus on practicing the basics. If you keep an eye on your income, you will be trapped in endless anxiety.

When I first started studying, I had the mentality of having no income for a year, and it was this peace of mind that made some of my income feel as an unexpected surprise.

So, this gives me more motivation to keep practicing and keep writing.

Moreover, everything has its own law of development, especially the skill learning with thresholds, and there must be a long-term learning period, when we practice with a learning mentality, and slowly write better and better, the money will naturally come.

In my opinion, money is the added value of your product, and your product is your high-quality article.

3. Mentality is very important, write slowly, you will get results, it's just a matter of time or time.

A friend in Lianmai asked, I was anxious when I saw that other students had submitted manuscripts and articles were recommended, did I have this situation.

To be honest, I didn't.

I have realized 7,000+ daily writing, sharing my experience in self-media writing and 100,000+ popular dry goods

Because, I understand that everyone's foundation is different, the frequency of practicing writing is different, the learning ability is different, and of course, the time to produce results is also different.

My advice is to only compare yourself with yourself, and if you are better today than yesterday, you will improve.

Write slowly, and the results will come out, sooner or later, but they will definitely come.

4. Day is the fastest way to progress.

This is what I felt during that time.

When I first started learning to write, it took me a week to write an essay. Later write an essay for 2 or 3 days.

Until the daily update, one article a day, I feel that the speed of writing is getting faster and faster.

I have realized 7,000+ daily writing, sharing my experience in self-media writing and 100,000+ popular dry goods

And there is basically no halfway article during the daily update. Now because I am pregnant with a second child, I have slowed down the speed of writing, and there are many manuscripts that have been abandoned halfway.

Therefore, if you have some writing experience, it is recommended that you try it for a while every day, which will definitely give you unexpected results.

And a lot of writing problems also disappear in the process of daily changes, and that feeling is wonderful, so you might as well give it a try.

2. Write the experience of the hit

Looking through the articles of the daily watch, there are many tens of thousands of reads. Some are even 100,000+, the following is the experience of the popular article, I summarize the following 4 points.

1. The premise of writing is to have perception and desire to express

Reading Cai Lei's book "Believe", whether it is Cai Lei or Duan Rui, whether it is their work or life, I have a lot of things I want to say and what I want to express.

Looking at their marriage, I wrote "Cai Lei and Duan Rui love purely, deeply, and selflessly, and their concept of love is worth learning from".

Faced with Duan Rui's choice, I wrote "Duan Rui, the wife of Cai Lei, the former vice president of and a patient with ALS, she moved the whole network with her fulfillment and support for Cai Lei"

Cai Lei's reluctance to his son, I wrote "Although life is short, love is long" Cai Lei's words to his 4-year-old child are tearful,

There are also their respective advantages, and I wrote 19 articles unconsciously, and I have been paying attention to them since then.

They have new news, and sometimes they write articles, and some friends even counted more than 50 articles about them that I wrote.

Of course, many of the things I wrote later were not in the book, but they were all what I wanted to write and express, so the traffic was still good.

2. It is important to disassemble the article

Just like I write character sketches, I have a folder of large character sketches.

When I encounter someone else's good writing, I will copy the article into the document, dismantle the title, line logic, language expression, etc., and disassemble them one by one from all aspects.

In this way, you can more intuitively see where others write well and where you write that needs to be improved.

Of course, it is to disassemble other people's articles after writing your own articles, so that you will not be disturbed by other people's articles when you write articles, and you can find your own problems better.

3. The title of the article is particularly important

I sometimes post the same article twice, just to test the title.

For example, writing articles about the love between Cai Lei and Duan Rui.

I have realized 7,000+ daily writing, sharing my experience in self-media writing and 100,000+ popular dry goods

Two titles, one is "If I want to write something, this is what love looks like" Ni Ping said, this title has been read more than 900 times.

And the next day, I changed it to "Today is another day for Cai Lei and Duan Ruifa Sugar, envious of others", which has more than 90,000 reads.

If you think the content is high-quality, you can also republish it with a new title like me, and maybe it will have a different effect.

Taking my 100,000+ read article as an example, I have summarized 3 popular title methods.

1) Use the words of the characters as the title

For example, "I am especially grateful to my parents," said Duan Rui, the wealthy daughter. That's what I said when I watched Duan Rui's interview video.

I have realized 7,000+ daily writing, sharing my experience in self-media writing and 100,000+ popular dry goods

2) With the help of celebrity effect

For example, "I avoided Wei Ya, avoided Li Jiaqi, but lost to Dong Yuhui"

3) Expressing opinions and celebrity effect

For example, "The strongest girlfriends in history, Tiantuan Yan Ning and Li Yinuo, lived the most enviable appearance of women"

4. Japan is the premise of a hit

I don't know if other writers agree with this view, but for me it is.

Since I found out that I was pregnant with a second child in March this year, there were few updates in March, April, and May, and in June, I only updated more than 10 articles, and the number of readings dropped significantly.

However, it should also have something to do with what I wrote.

After pregnancy, my mood has changed, I just want to write something about my inner feelings and simply write book reviews, traffic is not the focus of the current consideration, this kind of content is destined to be less read.

I have realized 7,000+ daily writing, sharing my experience in self-media writing and 100,000+ popular dry goods

Now it is more than 2000 words, in order to avoid reading fatigue of the public account operation experience and microphone Q&A, I will not write it first, if you are interested in these 2 parts, please leave a message in the comment area.

More than 10 people will write another article. #头条创作挑战赛#

About the Author: Orange Heart

early to bed and early to get up practitioners;

Half fireworks, half bookish.

35+ office workers learn to write from scratch, write for a year, and submit sail books and other platforms;

One book writes 19 articles and earns 1000+;

Write 2 articles of 100,000+ in three months, with an income of 2500+.

Reading and writing is in progress, if you also like reading and writing, welcome to walk along the way.

I am fortunate to have you witness my growth.

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