
High School Essay Writing Skills (28)


Grasp the details and write good paragraphs

Chapter 5 1-2 (Continued from the previous verse)

2. The transition between argument and discourseStudents write an argumentative essay that puts forward the central argument first, and then argues in combination with their own experience or social phenomena, but lacks the necessary language transition to separate the point of view from the material.

In writing, from putting forward an argument to analyzing and arguing in connection with reality, candidates can use sentences such as "there are people of the same kind in real life" and "I can't help but think of similar phenomena in real life" to make a transition, so that the point of view and the argument can be naturally transformed, and the tone of the text is coherent.

Commonly used transition sentences are: (1) From this, I think of our human society...... (2) If the nature of things is like this, why is it not the case for us human beings...... ③…… This gives us a profound revelation...... (4) As things are, so are people......

High School Essay Writing Skills (28)

Example: Join hands for a better future with the world. The English poet John Donne said, "No man is a self-contained, isolated island, but a part of a vast continent." ”

From this, I think of our human society, which is a whole with a connected destiny, not an isolated existence. Young people are the backbone of a country's development, and the development of society and the future of the world are worthy of your consideration.

Together for the world, we need the world's youth to be inclusive. Countries around the world have their own development history and have formed their own unique cultures.

High School Essay Writing Skills (28)

In the history of world culture, the cultures of various countries are like dazzling stars, reflecting each other, complementing each other, and converging into a splendid galaxy of world culture. Therefore, while we are proud of our own culture, we must also be eclectic and learn from others to promote the development of world culture.

During World War II, Chinese scholar Liang Sicheng marked the location of ancient buildings along the coast of China on a map for the U.S. military, and also deliberately marked Kyoto and Nara in Japan, so that the ancient buildings that carried the history and culture of these two cities were preserved during the war. Culture knows no borders, and people of all countries need to learn to appreciate and learn to learn from it.

Therefore, young people from all over the world should seek common ground while reserving differences, and while adhering to their own national culture, they should also respect, learn from, and learn from foreign cultures, so that the galaxy of world culture will shine more brightly.

High School Essay Writing Skills (28)

In the above paragraph, the argument "join hands in the same world to create a better future", and then the transition from "from this, I think of our human society", combined with the existence of the young generation to carry out the discussion, emphasizing that young people should have a heart of inclusiveness, seek common ground while reserving differences, and the connection between the argument and the discourse is very natural and rigorous, so that the context becomes a whole.

To be continued

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