
Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

author:Silk Road Xianyang

"We need to understand children, approach children, and be supporters, collaborators, and guides in children's games......" On June 1 this year, in the "Xingfuhui" social work service station of Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District, a popular science lecture with the theme of "Children's Common Psychological Problems and Behavioral Manifestations and Countermeasures" is underway, and pediatricians from the Party branch of Wenlin Hospital are carrying out parenting counseling for parents and children in the jurisdiction and providing social work family support services.

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

The "Happiness Hui" social work station of Wenhui Road Street carried out the "June 1st" theme activity

In recent years, Wenhui Road Street has always adhered to the needs of the masses, focusing on the key service objects in the field of civil affairs and the expectations of the people in the jurisdiction of "one old and one young, one disabled and one poor", exploring the practical model of "party building + social work", and creating a supportive, pivotal and professional comprehensive platform for mass services through the project-based management idea of "basic projects + characteristic projects + professional projects", so as to continuously improve the level of service for the people.

Party building empowers and strengthens the organizational guarantee of the "five social associations" of social work

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

The upcoming Wenhui Road Street Regional Elderly Care Service Center

"When will this place open? How much does it cost? I'm going to sign up and send the elderly over to take care of them when the time comes. ”

In the family courtyard of the fifth district of the steel pipe factory on Biyuan Road, Weicheng District, Xianyang City, a provincial-level standardized community and regional pension service center project is about to be completed, and the masses who come to consult are endless.

It was originally an old guest house in the family courtyard of Xianyang Baobao Steel Pipe and Rope Factory, and the building was dilapidated and idle for many years. In the socialized transfer of the "three supplies and one industry" of the enterprise, through the efforts of the street, the old building was won down as a new position for the community to serve the masses. The new building will be renovated in July, after completion, the first floor will be built as a community convenience service hall, and the second to third floors will be used for the regional elderly care service center of the street, which will be open to more than 11,000 elderly people in the surrounding area, providing professional care, care, dining, medical and other elderly care services for the elderly in the jurisdiction.

Focusing on improving the level of home-based community elderly care services for the people in the jurisdiction, Wenhui Road Street relies on the "Party Building Alliance" of the street, gives full play to the territorial management advantages of "street whistle-blowing and multi-party reporting", takes the project-based management of party building as a means and professional social work methods as the support, carries out community social work, and continuously improves the construction of home-based elderly care service facilities in the jurisdiction. In addition to the steel pipe factory community, in the Dongfeng Ludong Community Party and Mass Service Center in the jurisdiction, the pilot construction of an embedded day care center and an age-appropriate product experience center, which is the city's first "one-stop" age-appropriate product experience platform for the elderly, which can provide the elderly with age-appropriate services such as home safety monitoring and transformation, and better meet the needs of the elderly in the jurisdiction.

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

Dongfeng Road East Community Age-appropriate Product Experience Area

Professional support to build a resource integration link transportation hub platform

"We want to join the 'Happiness Hui', we can provide the masses with more preferential housekeeping into the community service ......" In the "Happiness Hui" social work service station in Wenhui Road Street, Wenhui East Road, the captain of the Weicheng District CPPCC member volunteer service team is discussing cooperation matters with the comrades in charge of the social work station, and discussing how the CPPCC members can give full play to their strengths to participate in community services.

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

The staff of the social work station negotiated service cooperation with the Weicheng District CPPCC Volunteer Service Team

Wenhui Road Street has continuously strengthened the function of the street social work station, and gradually expanded the team of "partners" stationed at the station by giving full play to the role of "five social associations", absorbing the participation of multiple social forces, and injecting vitality into community governance. At present, as a hub platform for the integration and service of street resources, the "Happiness Hui" social work station radiates and drives 14 communities in the jurisdiction, adheres to the concept of professional social work, combines grid governance, and sinks all kinds of service resources into the grid to build a "general grid". Through the "five-step work method" of "integration-distribution-order-service-feedback" of resources from the street to the community, we provide diversified service supply for the community. At present, there are 13 community social work rooms, 1 social work team, 59 community social organizations, 49 licensed social workers, 14 volunteer service teams, more than 900 "double registration" party member volunteers, and more than 150 mass volunteers. 43 volunteer teams of co-construction units and 7 caring enterprises outside the jurisdiction were recruited to jointly carry out services in six major areas, including social assistance, services for the elderly, child protection, women's care, community governance, and community worker team building, forming a grassroots governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

Wenhui Road Street "Happiness Hui" Social Work Service Station

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

Provincial supervisors carry out professional supervision for the staff of the social work station

Improve the professional level of site management services

Multi-point breakthroughs to expand new scenarios of efficient linkage and convenient life

"We're looking for volunteers, welcome to join!" "Social work is an activity that helps people to help themselves and help individuals, groups, and communities strengthen or restore their abilities to function as social...... In Wenhui Park, located next to the Dongfeng Road overpass, another phase of the "Wenhui Public Welfare Market" is underway, attracting many people to participate.

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

The "public welfare market" in Wenhui Park is crowded

Focusing on solving the problems of weak professionalism, single content form, insufficient accuracy, and insufficient participation of the masses in community services, since the beginning of this year, Wenhui Road Street has innovated to create a "Wenhui Public Welfare Market", making full use of the limited resource space in the old city, and carrying out convenient services such as minor repairs, free health clinics, policy presentations, cultural publicity, and charity sales on a regular basis in open spaces such as Wenhui Park, community pocket parks, and community squares. And through the public welfare display, the masses can enjoy convenient services while visiting the park, so that the public welfare is more intimate and can participate.

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

All kinds of resident "partners" participate in the "Community Charity Day" activities

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

The social work station and the social work students of the National University of China jointly carry out social work publicity

At the same time, the streets are open to ideas, and constantly expand new scenarios of convenient life with efficient linkage. For example, we explored the service method of "social workers entering the grid", relying on the platform of the street social work station, organizing community licensed social workers to go into the grid, carrying out door-to-door visits to families and children in difficulty, and serving more than 60 people through emotional counseling, door-to-door assistance, condolences and assistance and other casework. Group services were carried out for the "empowerment and empowerment" of the disabled, and 2 skill trainings such as nail art, hair braiding, flower arrangement, and hand-weaving were carried out in conjunction with social organizations, charities, and "community experts" in the jurisdiction, 57 vocational ability assessments, and more than 200 public welfare classes to support morale and intelligence. Focusing on "improving the ability of volunteers and making them an effective supplement to community work", 2 training activities for social workers, grid workers and volunteers were carried out to improve the ability of emergency rescue, 1 patriotic education, and 2 training sessions on traditional Chinese culture and skills, so as to continuously improve the service ability of community volunteers and promote the volunteer spirit of dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress.

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

Volunteers take photos of mothers in the area on Mother's Day

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

Social organizations carry out skills training services

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

Raise charitable resources through the "Five Societies Linkage" to care for and comfort the disabled

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

Grid social workers carry out home visit case services

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

"Small repairs and small repairs" into the community

Wenhui Road Street, Weicheng District: "Party Building + Social Work" empowers party building to lead the professional level of grassroots governance

The Red Cross Society of the United District conducts emergency rescue training for social workers and volunteers

Source: Weicheng District Rong Media Center

Information officer: Wang Xinrui

Edit: zdr


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