
Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

author:Silk Road Xianyang

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, relive the glorious history of the party, carry forward the party's fine traditions, and further build the ideological foundation of party members and cadres loyal to the party, since June, the Party Committee of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has carried out a series of activities such as awarding the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", taking the oath of joining the party, training of party activists, condolences to party members in difficulty, organizing party member development objects to join the party defense, and carrying out special training for party members and cadres. Strive to take responsibility and forge ahead on a new journey.

A solemn and simple awarding ceremony

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".
Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

On the morning of July 1, in the conference room on the seventh floor of the newly renovated Qindu Hospital, the Party Committee of the hospital held a commemorative medal awarding ceremony for the "50th Anniversary of Glory in the Party", and 7 veteran party members with more than 50 years of party experience accepted the commemorative medal on the spot. Yang Jingfeng, Vice President of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kou Jiushe, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute, Li Wenbin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice President (presiding over the overall administrative work), Gong Xiaoyong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President, and heads of relevant functional departments, representatives of branch secretaries and representatives of some Party members attended the awarding ceremony.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".
Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".
Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".
Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Yang Jingfeng presented commemorative medals to the winners of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" and delivered a speech. He pointed out that the veteran party members are the pioneers, participants and witnesses of the construction of the hospital, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of the hospital. It is hoped that the majority of young party members will take the old party members as an example, inherit the red gene, absorb the strength of endeavor, inherit and carry forward their fine traditions and styles, and constantly promote the hospital to achieve new and greater achievements in various undertakings.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Kou Jiushe made a concluding speech. He pointed out that the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" is glory, praise, encouragement, and admiration, and contains the "infinite glory" of being a Communist Party member.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

An oath to join the party that asks about the original intention

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

On the afternoon of July 1, the oath of new party members to join the party and the oath of old party members to review the oath of joining the party were held in the multi-functional hall of Xixian Campus. Members of the leadership team, probationary party members, party branch secretaries and representatives of official party members of the party and mass departments attended the event and solemnly swore an oath under the leadership of Jie Wenbin, director of the Organization Department. Qiu Tong, the representative of the new party members, and Ma Jiangang, the representative of the party members, made speeches. The meeting was presided over by Gong Xiaoyong, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".
Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Kou Jiushe congratulated the new party members and made a request. It is hoped that the new party members will keep this sacred moment in mind, take the oath of joining the party as a lifelong pursuit, lifelong cultivation and lifelong practice, always maintain the advanced nature and purity of communist party members, and contribute their own strength to the cause of the party and the people with more enthusiasm and firmer faith. At the same time, it is also hoped that the old party members will re-examine their original intention and mission by reviewing the oath of joining the party, always strictly demand themselves with the standards of party members, play a vanguard and exemplary role in their work, make unremitting efforts for the development of the hospital and the health and well-being of the people, bravely climb the peak, strengthen their ideals and beliefs in learning, thinking and practice, and practice their original mission in striving for success.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

A vivid and wonderful party class training

From June 11th to 18th, the Party School of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine held the third training course for party activists and development targets. Eighty-eight party activists and development targets participated in the training.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The training of party activists is an important way to ensure the quality of party members' development and temper the ability and quality of party members, and it is the need for party activists to fully grasp the party's basic knowledge and basic theories. During the training, Kou Jiushe, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy, Gong Xiaoyong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President, and branch secretaries and heads of Party and mass departments gave special lectures on the nature of the Party, the Party's guiding ideology, the Party's discipline and the comprehensive implementation of the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Through training and study, all the participants deepened their understanding and mastery of the party constitution, party rules and the party's innovative theories, further strengthened their ideological and moral cultivation, corrected their motivation for joining the party, and strived to join the party ideologically and in action.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".
Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

An organizational care that asks for warmth

On June 27, Kou Jiushe, Secretary of the Party Committee of the hospital, and Li Wenbin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice President (presiding over the overall administrative work), led the heads of the Party and Mass Departments to visit the party members and workers in difficulty in the hospital, sent them the party's care and holiday greetings, and sent the condolences to them one by one.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Kou Jiushe and Li Wenbin cordially inquired about the living conditions and physical health of the old party members, listened to the old people tell their past stories, and thanked them for their contributions to the party's cause and the development of the hospital, so that the old party members deeply felt the care and concern of the party organization, and strengthened their confidence and courage to overcome difficulties.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

A soul-touching defense of joining the party

On the eve of July 1st, the party branches of the hospital innovated the form and used the form of party membership defense to deeply investigate the political consciousness, ideological quality and understanding of the party members to ensure the advanced nature and purity of the party members.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The atmosphere of the defense scene was solemn and warm, and the party members took the stage in turn, combined with their own experience, they elaborated on the motivation for joining the party, the learning experience of the party's theoretical knowledge, the performance in work and life, and the direction of future efforts, fully demonstrating their loyalty and love to the party, and expressing their firm determination to fight for the cause of communism for life. The branch secretary, the party introducer and the party members present listened carefully to the defense of the party members, and asked questions and commented on the content of their statements. Everyone also put forward ardent expectations for the development of party members, and encouraged them to strictly demand themselves with the standards of party members in their future study, work and life, constantly strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, never forget the original intention, and keep the mission in mind.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".
Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

A trip to reminisce about the awakening of the mission

In order to further promote the study and education of party discipline, go deeper and more practical, take a new heart, and tap the spiritual connotation of red resources, on the eve of July 1st, the party committee of the institute organized party members and cadres to embark on a meaningful red education journey. 25 party members and cadres went to Liu Zhidan Memorial Hall, the former site of the Baoan Revolution, the Anti-Japanese Red Army University and other places to search for red marks and carry out special training for party members and cadres.

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

During the visit, the precious historical pictures and the real objects that have experienced the vicissitudes of life seem to bring everyone back to that war-torn era. The party members and cadres stopped and stared, listened attentively to the narrator's account of the heroic deeds of the revolutionary ancestors, and felt their noble spirit of throwing their heads and spilling their blood for national independence and people's liberation. Those touching scenes made everyone deeply understand the hard-won victory of the revolution. Cheng Haiyan, secretary of the ninth party branch of the clinic, said with emotion: "I was deeply touched by this red education, and the dedication and firm belief of the revolutionary ancestors are the driving force for us to move forward. We must pass on this spirit, bravely shoulder heavy burdens in our work, seek happiness for the people, and seek rejuvenation for the nation. ”

Inheriting the spirit of casting the soul of the party The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Central held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

All party members of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi will be more high-spirited and full of spirit, cheer up their spirits, take on practical work, and forge ahead in the new era and new journey, and actively contribute to writing a new chapter in the high-quality development of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi.

Source: The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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