
Ridiculous! Lai Qingde is planning to lay out 2028, either a green camp or a "fellow traveler in the mainland"

author:Xie Zhichuan Taiwan

Text: Xie Zhichuan

Lai Ching-te has recently been very clever and has applied the "conditions for Taiwan independence" mentioned by the mainland to everyone in Taiwan. Even if he engages in "Taiwan independence" on his own, now all the people in Taiwan, regardless of whether they voted for him or not, have become "fellow travelers" on the mainland. Just like the pre-election lieutenant who led a group to the mainland to play, and when he came back, he used the "anti-infiltration method" to investigate, which is a typical example. He first arrested you for trial and then said that you were a "fellow traveler" on the mainland, but he did not expect that Lai Qingde would become bigger and bigger, and he would brand people of different political parties in Taiwan as "fellow travelers" on the mainland.

Because Guo Zhengliang said that Lai Qingde's pattern is very small, he now wants to win back in 2026 because he lost too badly in 2022. In this way, as long as all those who oppose him are branded as "fellow travelers" on the mainland, he will be easily elected, so we can see that the DPP's recent operation is still "resisting China and protecting Taiwan." Those who are not of our race are "fellow travelers" on the mainland, and those who do not agree with the views of the green camp are also "fellow travelers" on the mainland; as long as the DPP continues to use the method of fabricating and smearing the mainland, those who agree with it are its own people and those who do not agree with it are the mainland's "fellow travelers."

Ridiculous! Lai Qingde is planning to lay out 2028, either a green camp or a "fellow traveler in the mainland"

Lai Qingde said that the mainland says that he is a "Taiwan independence," and that what he says about other positions is also a "Taiwan independence element," because as long as he does not stress reunification, he is a "Taiwan independence element." In a certain respect, this is true, because there are several types of "Taiwan independence," including "Type A Taiwan independence" and "Type B Taiwan independence," and "Type A Taiwan independence" is a person like Lai Qingde, that is, he has completely deviated from his ancestors and forgotten his ancestors. The so-called "Type B Taiwan independence" means that the two sides of the strait will always maintain the status quo and will never talk about reunification, but they need the mainland to make concessions, so that Taiwan's economy can continue to flourish. People on the stage only need to recite the "consensus of '92" as a charm, so that everything can be passed, but when it comes to reunification, they say that because the cross-strait systems are different, the two sides of the strait may not be able to talk about reunification until the mainland first democratizes.

As a matter of fact, the mainland has already said that it is still possible to talk about reunification despite the differences in the systems of the two sides of the strait, and now the initiative is in the hands of the mainland, and all of Taiwan's trade surplus is to earn the mainland's money; once the mainland cuts off this line, Taiwan will no longer have a trade surplus, and there will be no money to buy US weapons. At that time, the Americans will dislike you and kick you into an outcast. The so-called "Type B Taiwan independence" is just a bunch of "wall-riding factions" who shout all day long that they want to maintain the status quo, believing that it is a very glorious thing to say that Taiwan can elect the leader of the Taiwan region.

Ridiculous! Lai Qingde is planning to lay out 2028, either a green camp or a "fellow traveler in the mainland"

If you become Taiwan's "chief executive," at least there is the mainland behind you that can help you, and if you encounter any financial crisis, industrial sluggishness, transportation construction, or anything like that, the mainland can give full play to the power of his infrastructure madness. Isn't there a lot of traffic jams in Taiwan, and building another highway can immediately solve the problem of traffic jams, and it is not a problem to build bridges and dig holes in the mountains when encountering water. Although Taiwan belongs to the earthquake zone, the mainland's engineering earthquake resistance capacity is also sufficient, especially now that science and technology are changing with each passing day, there are many shield machines in the mainland that can completely penetrate the mountain cover tunnel without being affected. Therefore, I believe that many people have long seen whether reunification is good or not, and many people have also said that it is better to reunify Taiwan as soon as possible if it is so chaotic, because the DPP's approach is really unbearable.

Taiwanese people often say that the so-called change of party in power, but now that the Kuomintang is not doing and the DPP is doing a super bad job, it is better to change the Communist Party. Isn't it very good to see that people are engaged in economic construction and military equipment, and that they can proclaim their national prestige everywhere, especially in difficult areas, where all those who cannot evacuate overseas Chinese are Western countries. The mainland has a green pass to evacuate overseas Chinese immediately, think about when you are isolated in a remote place, you only need to take out your ID card to board the mainland ship, and send you to a safe place safely, so what's wrong with this. Don't follow Lai Qingde to mess around, just thinking about the election every day, as if there is nothing else to do except the election.

Ridiculous! Lai Qingde is planning to lay out 2028, either a green camp or a "fellow traveler in the mainland"

At present, the DPP's representatives are very worried that Lai Qingde will not be able to come up with a package to solve the economic problem, and how miserable Taiwan's economy will be. Houses everywhere are either rented or sold, and many stores in the elite area still have signs hanging up since the epidemic, but no one wants to invest. This is because the first Taiwan is in danger of being war-torn and the second Taiwan's prosperity is really very poor, inflation is very high, and wages have not risen. So everyone is miserable, and now we are facing a hot summer, maybe everyone will not even have to blow the electric fan when they sleep at night, let alone blow the air conditioner. Therefore, it is better to say that it is better to reunify as soon as possible, and I hope that the Taiwanese themselves will reflect on themselves, and your ideology will never be able to withstand your stomach.

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