
Flowers have a flowering period, people have luck, as long as they are getting better, it doesn't matter if they are slow

author:Xiaozhou reads

Today, July 2nd, is another beautiful day, I wish you all to grow inward and live towards the sun.

I like a passage very much: "Flowers have a flowering period, people have luck, as long as they are getting better, what if they are slow, fireworks in the world, each has its own regrets, today is better than yesterday, this is hope." ”

Flowers have a flowering period, people have luck, as long as they are getting better, it doesn't matter if they are slow

In a society with a fast era, if you are slower, you can also "work slowly and carefully" and realize your dreams.

1. Respect for others means respect for yourself

According to the requirements of the provincial documents, after the final exams of this semester, students still have to study in school for a week before they can really have a summer vacation.

The two-month summer vacation is everyone's dream time to rest and adjust.

It is precisely because of this that most students are looking forward to the early holiday and do not want to go to school.

When you go to school during the holidays, the students are in school, their hearts are outside the school, they are very impetuous, and they don't have the heart to listen to your lectures carefully.

In the past few days, I have been taking the main class, and many teachers have already finished explaining the final exam papers, and the new classes of the next semester are in advance.

If they are students who want to study, it is good for them to learn new lessons in advance and take the initiative to consolidate the exercises themselves, if they don't want to study, they think about vacations all day long, think about playing with their mobile phones, think about indulging themselves at home, etc., then these days are a kind of torment and pain for them.

During yesterday's class, many people's hearts wandered outside the classroom, constantly looking into the distance; Some people are sleeping, how to scream, like a dead pig can't wake up, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the student pretends; There are also some people who have a hot conversation with their classmates before and after, and they don't take you seriously at all......

Counting, there are very few people willing to listen, less than 10 people, and my heart is cold.

The behavior of the students makes me speechless, what can I do, except for yelling and roaring loudly, you can't control them at all, and they won't pay attention to you.

Do my own duty, whether to listen or not is their business, and it is also their loss.

In class, I was talking about a question, and the class leader in the lower left corner of the podium said to me, "Teacher, they don't listen to ......"

I smiled and said, "It's okay, it's their loss if they don't listen, and I can't help it, as long as someone listens, I will take every class and explain every practice." ”

The first few boys were still more serious in class, knew what they wanted, and worked very hard to consciously complete the tasks assigned by the teacher.

Usually the results are relatively high, very stable, and promising.

The class teacher attaches great importance to them and often talks to them to encourage them to read well and improve their grades.

Success is a combination of internal and external factors, and it is useless to have the blessing of external factors alone and not want it.

That's how it is, learning is your own thing, you don't pay attention to it, don't work hard, the teacher has helped you many times, if it's still like this, it will definitely indulge you and fly freely with you.

People respect each other, and if you don't respect me, I won't respect you.

So, attitude is very important in everything you do, and even more so when you learn.

You can not take it seriously in the past few days, but some students have already surpassed most people, and they have already studied in advance, and you are still thinking about the outside world, and it is you who suffers after all.

In yesterday's class, I was also deeply reflecting, what needs to be corrected, what needs to be improved, what needs to be learned, improve myself, just take advantage of the summer vacation to enrich myself, arm my brain with knowledge, and enhance my teaching ability.

Flowers have a flowering period, people have luck, as long as they are getting better, it doesn't matter if they are slow

I have always advocated that students should have a sense of "lifelong learning", do not just wait for the teacher to come, and do not pin their hopes on others, they are the most precious feng shui treasure.

2. Where you spend your time, the flowers of life will bloom

A very healing passage: "Where you spend your time, the final harvest is." And when you go through one difficulty after another, climb over the lofty mountains, and finally meet a more abundant self. ”

That's right, if you spend your time in the game, you will only be addicted to the game and unable to extricate yourself. If you waste your time watching dramas on video, you'll only be satisfied with short-term pleasures. If you spend your time reading, you will have more pattern and insight. If you spend your time exercising, you need to be physically fit. If you spend your time at work, you will reap the rewards of a successful career......

Time is the fairest thing in the world, and it is the only thing that cannot be consumed.

In fact, although time is silent, it answers all questions, it is fair, just, equal, respect for everyone, you cherish it, it will also reciprocate you.

"If you don't come back in the middle of the year, it's hard to get back in the morning. Be encouraged in time, and the years will not treat others. ”

After the last class yesterday morning, it was already 12 o'clock, let's go to the cafeteria to eat, there were too many people, too crowded, and the weather was hot, so I decided not to go to the cafeteria to eat, and I didn't go home, so I stayed in the office at noon to rest, and waited for the first and second classes in the afternoon.

In fact, I planned it in the morning, I didn't go home at noon, I didn't go anywhere, I just coded words in the office at noon, and completed my 4th day of writing and healing diary.

But I thought it was so good.

Back to the office after class,Sit for 1 minute,Then I turned over the bag and found out the phone,See if the time is still early,Very unconsciously,Can't help but open the Pinduoduo APP,First check whether the package express I bought in the past few days has arrived,After reading it, I accidentally clicked on the video column inside,This column is all short dramas,And it's free,Instantly feel like a treasure has been found。

With this joy, I ordered a short drama that suddenly jumped out "The Big Guy Mother Doesn't Pretend After the Bankruptcy of the Rebel", the title attracted me, and I couldn't help but go in and watch it, and I just watched one episode, the plot in it was very funny, so I continued to watch it, it's okay not to watch it, I can't control myself when I see it, and I play it episode after episode, without the interference of advertising in the middle, and the playback is very smooth.

Episode 86, brushed up in the blink of an eye, looked up at the clock on the wall, 2:00, said a lunch break, but never thought that I sacrificed my rest time to feast my eyes, but my eyes hurt very much, and my back hurts.

I feel guilty, the main thing I feel guilty about is that I spend my time watching short dramas, and I have a video addiction, but I neglect my writing and healing diary, more than 3,000 words, more than 1,000 words left, and a speech, I didn't do anything, I have to go to class at night, and I have other things to do.

Thinking of this, I was speechless.

Things that were not completed during the day, must be made up for at night, after dinner, went outside for a while, went back before 9 o'clock, helped the child take a bath, wash, get more than 10 o'clock, and so the child went to bed to read, I hurried to the code word, watching the loss of time minute by minute, anxious, rushed to 11 o'clock, and finally completed.

The quality of such a codeword is certainly not very good, but it is great when it is completed, and the quality will slowly improve if it is improved in the future.

That's right, finish it first and then refine it.

To be honest, when you decide what you want to do, you must take the time to focus on completing it, and you must not be tempted by other things to put on hold.

If I had done it as planned at noon yesterday, I wouldn't have been in such a hurry, so I would have consumed my physical health.

From yesterday's incident, I learned the importance of self-control and self-discipline, as well as time management.

Flowers have a flowering period, people have luck, as long as they are getting better, it doesn't matter if they are slow

Recite the passage again: "Where you spend your time, the final harvest will be." And when you go through one difficulty after another, climb over the lofty mountains, and finally meet a more abundant self. ”

Come on, spend your time on the blade, and meet a better version of yourself.

3. Grades are the bargaining chips that measure everything

The results of the high school entrance examination were announced yesterday, July 1, and many candidates checked their scores one after another, some were worried and some were happy.

Yesterday afternoon, when I went to the hospital to see a doctor, I heard a doctor tell another old doctor that the best class in the first middle school needs 781 points, and those who score less than 781 points will not be able to enter; The best class in the seventh high school needs 779 points, and below this score, you can't get in.

The doctor's nephew scored 774 points in the exam, and although he could not get into the first or seventh middle school, he could not enter the best class of the first middle school, nor could he go to the best class of the seventh middle school, which was a few points different.

But the family, including the doctor, was not happy, not encouraged, but angry, accusing and abusive, why are you so useless, you can't even get into the best class, why didn't you take more points in the exam at that time, and now it is very embarrassing.

It is not easy for a child to score more than 700 points, and he has entered the line of two key high schools, which is really the best of the best.

His family was not satisfied, and complained that he did not do well in the exam.

When the child listens to it, what will he think in his heart is too demoralizing.

Other people's children scored more than 600 points in the test, and their mentality is very good, the high school entrance examination has ended, and then go too much to dwell on the previous things, not only the adults are suffering and suffering, but the children are even more uncomfortable, everything must go with the flow, and we must look forward.

Every child is developmental, not final, we must be patient and wait for his growth and success, and we must not help the seedlings to grow.

The current competition for the high school entrance examination is also huge, as a parent, I need to do a good job in the enlightenment of junior high school and primary school subjects in advance, and I must pay close attention to it, and I can't be soft-hearted, so that I can be qualified to PK.

I also really feel that the pressure on today's children to read is too great, and reading is also very hard, this is a reality, no one can change it, only to change themselves and adapt to the environment.

Just complaining, blaming, the child is not going to be the person you want him to be.

Flowers have a flowering period, people have luck, as long as they are getting better, it doesn't matter if they are slow

Therefore, children's education requires not only the supervision and guidance of parents, but also the need for parents to provide children with a steady stream of heart energy, more understanding, more acceptance, more respect, more care, more companionship, more encouragement, less blows, and less blame.

At last

The Greek philosopher Plato once said, "Time takes away everything, and over the years will change your name, appearance, personality, and destiny." ”

I think so.

In real life, it is clear that everyone is on the same starting line, but as time goes by, everyone's situation has quietly changed dramatically.

Today is the 5th day of my healing diary, due to various reasons, I really want to give up halfway, after all, 3000 words a day, a lot, there is no certain time, it is difficult to make up the number of words, at present I gritted my teeth and walked through five days, it is not easy, here to encourage myself.

No matter how hard it is, we must persevere to the end, we must not give up, even if it is to make up the number of words, we must complete it, only when the quantity reaches the standard, there will be a qualitative leap.

The reason why those top students are so good and can be admitted to the school they want to go to is that they have gone through hundreds of thousands of deliberate practices.

Flowers have a flowering period, people have luck, as long as they are getting better, it doesn't matter if they are slow

So, continue to work hard, boldly catch up if you have a dream, go all out, grow inward, and be born to the sun.
