
[Xie Zhichuan: Fools talk about dreams! An Australian think tank said that Taiwan's peace index is seventh in the Asia-Pacific region, but no one actually believes it] A security index survey conducted by an Australian think tank ranked first in Asia

author:Xie Zhichuan Taiwan

[Xie Zhichuan: Fools talk about dreams! Australian think tank said that Taiwan's peace index is seventh in the Asia-Pacific region, but no one actually believes it]

In a safety index survey conducted by an Australian think tank, Taiwan ranked seventh in Asia, indicating that it is very safe. As a result, many netizens directly complained about it, saying that it was safe, so safe that the speedboat could directly enter this freshwater estuary, and then collided with the traffic boat, and then the mainland citizen had to turn himself in, and then arrest someone.

Taiwan's "coastal defense" is simply a virtual reality. Now the problem is even more serious is that the PLA military planes and warships come to Taiwan every day to go around Taiwan. Every day, it is slowly approaching Keelung, Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Eluanbi, and even drones have flown to Hualien, which is called safety. After Lai Qingde published a naked "two-state theory" on May 20, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) immediately carried out the "Joint Sword-2024A" exercise, which surrounded Taiwan and made it impossible to get through. All important ports and airspace are equipped with PLA military planes, warships, and coast guard ships, completely "encircling Taiwan."

The British magazine "The Economist" once listed Taiwan on the cover, saying that Taiwan is the most dangerous place on the surface, and this is called security. There is also the increasing possibility of a military conflict in Taiwan, which is also called security. I really don't know what these Australian think tanks have in their heads, and what standards are used to measure Taiwan's security index. Or is it that the DPP authorities are asking the Australians to do things with money, that is, they want them to write an assessment report to show that Taiwan is very safe to be protected?

I believe many people have watched the British TV series "Mr. Prime Minister", which has a classic line, they are saying to the former Soviet Union that Britain needs to make some moves to make the British believe that Britain is protected. Therefore, the British are silent about their constant spending on military spending, because they believe that Britain is being protected by the British army, so it can be said that Taiwan is now being protected by the "Taiwan independence" army.

The DPP authorities are now unable to find anyone for the "Coast Guard" because of the high turnover rate. In addition, Guan Biling's remarks have made many people lose their morale, and I believe that in the future, as long as Taiwan's "coast guard ships" go out, they will be far away when they encounter mainland coast guard ships. After all, his boss said that he should be beaten, so why should he stretch his face over and let the mainland coast guard knock him down.

In addition, Taiwan's pilots don't have to work hard, and when the time comes, they should hurry up and report to be discharged, get their retirement money as soon as possible, and hurry up to become a pilot engaged in civil aviation. And you can save your life and accompany your family. No matter how big things happen on both sides of the strait, they have nothing to do with themselves. Moreover, after becoming a pilot, the first one's income has become higher, the second one is not so dangerous, the third one does not have to work hard for "Taiwan independence," and the fourth, in case he is being called up, is driving a passenger plane, where to recruit people.

Therefore, there are still a lot of smart people in Taiwan. Therefore, I believe even more that the report written by the Australian think tank should be written by the DPP authorities at the expense of someone. Because they want the Taiwanese to know that Taiwan is safe. Just as Lai Qingde said, after he is elected, Taiwan will be the safest, and there will be no war between the two sides of the strait.

The PLA's military planes and warships are getting closer and closer to Taiwan, and I believe everyone knows the current situation, so whether Taiwan is safe or not is not Taiwan's final say. Americans have already seen that something may happen between the two sides of the strait, and the signs are not quite right

Therefore, in Shangri-La, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also made a special request to meet with the mainland's defense minister, Dong Jun. When you meet, both sides blame each other for wrongdoing, and then each explains its position. The conclusion is that the United States has softened.

Austin said to Secretary Dong Jun, "The next time I call, please be sure to answer, which means that the Americans themselves are already very empty-hearted." If even the US military is very weak-minded, where does the confidence of these "Taiwan independence elements" come from? This principle is also very simple, it is just to whistle and be courageous.

They now want to show the whole of Taiwan that Taiwan is actually very safe because it is covered by the Americans. They do not know that the United States is now in a state of decline, and that both the "slipper army" and the Houthis dare to launch two rounds of attacks on the US aircraft carrier battle group, and directly force the US aircraft carrier back several hundred kilometers. It can be seen that the United States cannot even cope with the "slipper army", how can it be tough on the PLA.

Moreover, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) beat the US military to the point of "Resisting US Aggression and Aiding Korea," which made Americans think about it for the rest of their lives, and they never wanted anyone to mention the war of "Resisting US Aggression and Aiding Korea." It's a pity that the South Koreans don't appreciate their face, and they also plan to shoot the Korean version of "Changjin Lake", just like South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol said, saying that the 1st Marine Division of the United States can still get out of Changjin Lake dangerously, which is really brave. I believe that after he said this, the US congressmen present had three lines on their faces, scolding this short-sighted thing, how could he mention the war that the Americans did not want to mention the least.

After all, the Americans themselves wrote a book called "The Coldest Winter", which is about that part of the battle. Therefore, Yin Xiyue is not long-sighted, whether Taiwan is safe or not, I believe that with the development of time, the answer will soon be known.

[Xie Zhichuan: Fools talk about dreams! An Australian think tank said that Taiwan's peace index is seventh in the Asia-Pacific region, but no one actually believes it] A security index survey conducted by an Australian think tank ranked first in Asia
[Xie Zhichuan: Fools talk about dreams! An Australian think tank said that Taiwan's peace index is seventh in the Asia-Pacific region, but no one actually believes it] A security index survey conducted by an Australian think tank ranked first in Asia
[Xie Zhichuan: Fools talk about dreams! An Australian think tank said that Taiwan's peace index is seventh in the Asia-Pacific region, but no one actually believes it] A security index survey conducted by an Australian think tank ranked first in Asia

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