
Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

author:Jintang release

When the first rays of the morning dawn

Pierce the mist and map the earth

The streets and alleys of Jintang are filled with familiar smells

The taste buds of a night's sleep are awakened......


China Central Radio and Television Station's large-scale financial media activities

"Good Morning Breakfast, Fireworks in the Morning Dawn China"

Walk into Jintang County

The program focuses on Jintang's characteristics early——

Liu Zhaoshou and fat rice noodles

Lead the audience to feel the most authentic Jintang breakfast taste

Check it out!

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

In the short video "The Director of Culture and Tourism Calls You Home for Breakfast", the program team invited the director of Jintang County Culture and Tourism to appear on the camera to introduce Jintang's well-known snack - Liu Zhaoshou.

"Liu Zhaoshou" is famous for its thin skin, fresh meat, many fillings, and delicious taste, the filling is made of fresh pork, adding sesame oil, ginger and green onions and exclusive ingredients, the filling is very delicate, and the entrance is slag, which is not only liked by young people, but also loved by the elderly and children.

A bowl of steaming spicy shou is served on the table, the cooked shoshou soup is bright in color, accompanied by the spicy and fragrant secret red oil, the aroma is tangy, the green onion flowers floating on it are verdant in color, the skin is thin and transparent, and the stuffed meat is faintly visible, which makes people salivate. Use chopsticks to pick up a smooth and tender copy hand and send it into your mouth, gently sip, soft and smooth, and the satisfaction spreads on the tip of the tongue, which is endlessly memorable.

"Let's have a bowl of fat rice rolls! Katsuko! "Many Jintang people's day starts with a bowl of fat rice noodles. In the micro-documentary "One Day's Plan", the program team focused on the "fireworks" of Jintang City, and planned to launch the short video "Spicy and Fresh!" with fat rice noodles as the entry point! Behind this breakfast is full of love and perseverance! 》

The authentic Jintang Fat Intestine Noodles are soaked in fragrant fat intestine soup, and during the cooking process, the fresh fragrance is immersed in the powder, coupled with crisp bean sprouts and secret condiments, the aroma is striking, and the lips and teeth are fragrant. Behind the deliciousness is the love and persistence of the store.

Anyone who knows Jintang knows it

The food of Jintang

It's far more than Liu Zhaoshou and fat rice noodles

In the Golden Hall

Whether it's at the end of the alley

Or on both sides of the street

Or in a small and inconspicuous building

There are many small shops and delicacies hidden away

They rely on word of mouth from gourmets

Low-key but blooming

Here are a few places for you

Friends who love food should hurry up and check in

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

Orchid baked cake

Orchid baked cake located in Zhaozhen Cultural Street

It can be said to be the ceiling of the Jintang egg baking cake

Because the selection of materials to the production are very exquisite

It is loved by the majority of customers

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

The color is golden and crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

Refreshing and slaggy, the egg fragrance is rich

The sweet filling is fragrant and delicious, and the meat filling is oily and delicious

If you haven't tried the flavor of Lan baked cake

Hurry up and check in

Daughter's cafeteria

Speaking of the daughter's cafeteria

The first dish that comes to most people's minds

It is the whole egg gold silk noodles

Whole egg gold silk noodles

It is made from flour, eggs, cooked chicken, etc

A specialty noodle dish that has been boiled

The noodles taste golden and smooth

The soup is refreshing and salty

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

Except for the whole egg gold silk noodles

There is also oil tea with rice cereal and oil

Sweet and crispy triple mud

Slightly sweet water in the mouth, etc

Time-honored Malatang

Speaking of Malatang

If you smell the incense, you can find this house at the intersection of Qingping Street

Time-honored Malatang

This store is the tip of the tongue memory of the local post-80s and post-90s

Time passes

But the signature features spicy tang and mung bean ice

The taste is consistent

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

The time-honored spicy soup base is neither oily nor heavy

There are self-service spice dishes on the table

Garlic water and dried chili peppers are the soul

The freezer for food is not large

But the menu is complete

Excellent value for money

In addition to the spicy tang is delicious

Ice powder and mung bean paste are both worth trying

Claw claw first forest

Located at the head of the Ping'an Bridge

It used to be called the signature phoenix claw

Chicken feet are piled up in a large basin

Although no one greeted and shouted

But business is surprisingly good

It has been maintained to this day by virtue of word-of-mouth recommendations from repeat customers

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

The hot and sour sauce makes the chicken feet very flavorful

The sour soup, spicy and garlic blend well together

The big chicken feet are fat and firm

One bite goes down and the mouth is full of fragrance

The spicy aroma of millet oozes from the chicken feet bones

It's hard to stop

Zhao Ji tore roast rabbit

Speaking of Fuxing Street, this "Zhao Ji hand-torn roast rabbit"

Whether it is the old Jintang people or the new Jintang people

It should all be praised

Zhao Ji hand-torn roast rabbit since its inception

Because of its unique flavor, distinctive characteristics and attractive taste

Famous in Sichuan

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

The rabbit meat is roasted

Then it is impregnated with condiments such as peppercorns and chili peppers

Say goodbye to the soft taste of rabbit meat

Not to mention that it tastes chewy

It also has a special flavor

Sweet and spicy without losing the mellow aroma of meat

All kinds of noodles

The noodle shops of Jintang are all over the streets

Feel free to walk into a house

Almost no thunder

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

It is different from the rough noodle style of the north

The noodle restaurant in Jintang has a unique Sichuan flavor

Ginger duck noodles, covered noodles, mixed sauce noodles, knife-cut noodles

Beef, fat sausage, chicken offal, minced meat, pickled pepper......

A specially prepared soul broth

Served with smooth and firm noodles

Eat a bowl

Guaranteed to give you rave reviews

Specialty fish

Jintang is located at the beginning of the Tuojiang River

The Middle River, the North River, and the Bi River pass through the county

Unique natural environment

The result is a rich fish resource in Jintang

It has also achieved a variety of fish specialties

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

The incense rouge of Sanjiang Fisherman's House

It has been loved by customers for many years

Not too late in the small courtyard of the soft-shelled turtle hot pot

The meat is delicious and nourishing

Panlong yellow eel in Tuqiao Town

Spicy and fragrant, attractive color


In the Golden Hall

Almost every Sichuan restaurant

There are one or two fish specialties available

If you love fish, don't miss it

Specialty barbecue

Speaking of barbecue

Probably the best way to embody

One of the ways the city is sparkling

In the streets and alleys of the Golden Hall

There are a lot of unique barbecues all over the place

Gluttonous! Jintang food is on CCTV, hurry up and bring 512G stomach to check in......

The stewed uncle on Jinyuan Road

The original flavor retains the original flavor of the ingredients

Easy barbecue in the old town

It is a good memory of Jintang's delicious mouth

There are also various special barbecues

Waiting for you to check in

Jintang's gastronomic culture has a long history

Each dish contains

The wisdom and enthusiasm of the people of Jintang


The above list of delicacies

It's just the tip of the iceberg of Jintang's food culture

There are many other delicacies waiting to be discovered

Everyone is welcome to leave a message and interact

Tell everyone what is in your heart

What is the TOP1 of Jintang cuisine?

(Source: Jintang WeChat public account)

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