
High uric acid changed from eating meat every day to eating vegetarian, can you lower uric acid?

author:Gout director Xu Xuecheng

High uric acid: Changing from eating meat every day to eating a vegetarian diet can reduce uric acid levels? Is it suitable for people with high uric acid to be vegetarian?

From the point of view of all vegetarians, this means that in this dietary pattern, they eat mostly plant proteins. Precisely because there is no food other than vegetarian foods such as meat or eggs, the human body is more likely to face malnutrition. It may cause severe physical discomfort, such as general fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, mental depression, and deteriorating physical health.

High uric acid changed from eating meat every day to eating vegetarian, can you lower uric acid?

Actually, it's easy to understand. Precisely because meat or eggs contain high-quality protein, B vitamins, calcium, iron, and other components that the body needs. When the body does not ingest for a long time, related diseases, including anemia, depression, malnutrition, Alzheimer's disease, etc., may also follow.

It is also said that the stomach is more prone to flatulence after a vegetarian diet, and people with high uric acid are no exception. This may be because plant foods are high in high-quality protein but high in dietary fiber. If people only eat this food every day, excessive consumption may cause so-called gastrointestinal discomfort like bloating, diarrhea, indigestion, bowel sounds, etc.

High uric acid changed from eating meat every day to eating vegetarian, can you lower uric acid?

For people with high uric acid and anemia, especially thin women, due to protein malnutrition, it can lead to more facts that you don't want to face, such as hair loss, hair loss, dry skin, rough skin, yellow complexion, decreased resistance, decreased immunity, poor concentration, etc. They look like old men in their twenties and thirties.

High uric acid changed from eating meat every day to eating vegetarian, can you lower uric acid?

In addition, for people with high uric acid, whether you have hyperuricemia or gout, only one-third of the uric acid is sourced from food, and the remaining two-thirds is synthesized by yourself. In other words, you can watch out for high-purine foods in your diet. Eggs, milk, aquatic products, etc. are all low- to medium-purine foods. When the condition is stable, moderate consumption will not increase uric acid.

On the contrary, it also avoids aggravation of the condition due to an unbalanced diet and vegan eating habits. The same goes for others. Veganism isn't necessarily healthy, let alone longevity. Eating the wrong things can also be a big health hazard.