
Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

author:Director Xu Health said

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"You say this orange causes kidney failure?" Uncle Li looked at the orange in his hand, his brows furrowed, and his heart was full of doubts. As an ordinary office worker, Uncle Li usually likes to eat some fruits between work, especially oranges, to quench his thirst and supplement vitamin C.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

However, this morning he stumbled upon an article online that said that Orange was an "assassin" for kidney failure, which made him worried. Uncle Li decided to go to his friend Dr. Zhang for verification. Dr. Teo is an experienced internist with a unique understanding of various health issues. He knows that only the answers he gets from professionals can give him real peace of mind.

Dr. Zhang patiently listened to Uncle Li's doubts, smiled, and said, "Actually, oranges do not directly cause kidney failure. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and a variety of antioxidants, which have many benefits for the body. However, eating too much of anything can be problematic, and we need to balance our intake. ”

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

Dr. Teo went on to explain that oranges are rich in potassium, which is very beneficial for people with normal kidney function. However, in patients with renal insufficiency, excessive potassium intake can lead to an increase in potassium concentrations in the body, which in turn can lead to hyperkalemia. In this case, oranges may become the "invisible killer" of the kidneys.

Dr. Zhang reassured that as long as the kidney function is normal, there is no problem in eating oranges in moderation. The key is to pay attention to a varied and balanced diet, and not rely on one fruit alone.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

In order to let Uncle Li know better, Dr. Zhang explained in detail several other fruits that are not very friendly to kidney health. The first is bananas, which are also rich in potassium, and for patients with renal insufficiency, high-potassium foods may increase the burden on the kidneys. In addition, raisins are also a high-potassium food, and excessive intake can also adversely affect kidney health.

Dr Cheung mentioned that although coconut water quenches thirst, its potassium content is not low, and patients with renal insufficiency should drink it with caution. Lychee and longan, these fruits are high in sugar and calories, and excessive consumption will not only cause blood sugar to rise, but may also increase the burden on the kidneys.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

When it comes to fruits, there are really many types of fruits that we usually eat, each of which has its unique nutritional value and health effects. The high-potassium fruits mentioned by Dr. Zhang certainly need to be paid attention to, but there are also some fruits that we also need to pay attention to to avoid excessive intake and burden the body.

Mango is rich in vitamins A and C as well as dietary fiber, making it a very healthy fruit. However, mango also contains a certain amount of oxalic acid, which is easy to form calcium oxalate stones after combining with calcium in the body. If too much is consumed, especially for those who are already at risk of kidney stones, it can aggravate the condition.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

Persimmons are highly nutritious and especially popular in autumn and winter. However, persimmons contain a large amount of tannin, and after tannin combines with gastric acid in the body, it is easy to form insoluble calcium tannin, which in turn causes gastrolithiasis.

This condition has a certain impact on the digestive system, and at the same time, it will also indirectly increase the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, trying to avoid eating persimmons on an empty stomach and controlling your daily intake is a wise choice to protect your kidney health.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

According to Dr Zhang, many fruits have their own specific nutrients that are beneficial to health, but if they are not controlled and balanced, they can be counterproductive. In order to give Uncle Li a better understanding, Dr. Zhang cited some data to illustrate the problem.

A high-potassium diet among Chinese adults was significantly positively associated with the incidence of kidney disease, and individuals who consumed high-potassium foods for a long time had a approximately 25% higher risk of kidney disease than those on low-potassium diets. In addition, about 60% of patients with renal insufficiency have excessive intake of high-potassium foods in their daily diet.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

These data show that although potassium is an essential trace element, it is very important for patients with renal insufficiency to control potassium intake.

Dr. Zhang reminds that patients with renal insufficiency should try to choose low-potassium foods in their daily diet, such as apples, pears, watermelon, etc., which not only taste good, but are also beneficial to kidney health. To further help Uncle Li, Dr. Zhang also gave a simple dietary advice.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

Pay attention to the diversity of your diet, and consume different kinds of fruits and vegetables every day to ensure a balanced nutrition. Controlling the intake of high-potassium foods, especially for people at risk of kidney disease, should check kidney function regularly, consult a professional doctor, and drink a moderate amount of water to maintain electrolyte balance in the body and avoid overburdening the kidneys.

After listening to Dr. Zhang's detailed explanation, Uncle Li's doubts gradually dissipated. He understands that the key is not whether a certain fruit will cause kidney failure, but how to eat scientifically and rationally to maintain the overall health of the body. He decided to pay more attention to his diet in the future, not only to enjoy delicious fruits, but also to protect his kidneys.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

From this consultation, Uncle Li not only learned about the effects of oranges on the body, but also learned more about kidney health. He realized that a healthy diet has an important protective effect on all organs of the body. Dr. Zhang's advice has benefited him a lot, and it has also made him pay more attention to the scientific combination of daily diet.

When Uncle Li returned home, Dr. Zhang's words kept echoing in his head. He began to reflect on his eating habits and decided to pay more attention to eating a balanced diet. In fact, a healthy diet is not only good for the kidneys, but also has a protective effect on various systems throughout the body. At this time, he remembered some articles about diet and health that he had read recently, and his heart suddenly brightened.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

In the days that followed, Uncle Li insisted on a scientific diet, moderate exercise, regular work and rest, and gradually developed a healthy lifestyle. Not only did he enjoy the taste of a variety of delicious fruits, but he also effectively protected his kidney health and significantly improved his quality of life.

Through this communication with Dr. Zhang, Uncle Li understood that the so-called "oranges can cause kidney failure" is actually a misunderstanding of nutritional knowledge. As long as the diet is properly controlled, any fruit can add points to health. He decided to share this knowledge with his friends and family, so that everyone can pay attention to kidney health and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

What do you think about oranges? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits


[1] Li Peng. Effect of Nephronkang Injection on Renal Interstitial Fibrosis, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Mitochondrial Oxidative Injury in Rats with Chronic Renal Failure, Modern Drugs and Clinical Medicine, 2024-05-28

Oranges are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor's reminder: If you want kidney health, eat less of these fruits

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