
Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Doctor, I heard that you can't eat watermelon for heart disease, is this true?" Uncle Wang is a retired worker who has always had heart problems. Recently, he heard from his neighbors that people with heart disease can't eat watermelon, which left him very confused. In order to figure out this problem, Uncle Wang went to the community hospital and found Dr. Li.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Dr. Lee is a senior internist with many years of experience in medical practice. She smiled and replied, "Can heart patients eat watermelon?" That's an interesting question. In fact, heart disease patients can eat watermelon, as long as it is not excessive, it will not cause a burden on the heart. ”

Dr. Lee explained in detail the effects of watermelon on the body. Watermelon is rich in water, vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and potassium, which have great benefits for heart health. The water in watermelon can help detoxify the body and boost metabolism, while potassium helps lower blood pressure and relieve the burden on the heart.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

In addition, Dr. Lee also mentioned that watermelon contains a substance called citrulline, which can dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation, thus having a protective effect on the heart. However, she also reminded that although watermelon has many benefits, heart disease patients should also pay attention to the appropriate amount to avoid eating too much at one time, which will cause a burden on the kidneys.

Next, Dr. Li told Uncle Wang about a few foods that are very good for heart health and explained why these foods are good for the heart.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Dr Lee pointed out that onions are rich in flavonoids and sulfides, which have strong antioxidant effects and can effectively prevent arteriosclerosis and lower cholesterol levels. Onions also contain a substance called quercetin, which is not only anti-inflammatory, but also inhibits the aggregation of platelets and prevents the formation of blood clots, which is very good for the heart.

Dr. Lee explained that garlic contains a substance called allicin, which has a strong bactericidal effect and is effective in preventing infection. In addition, allicin can also dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, thereby reducing the burden on the heart, people who regularly consume garlic, the risk of heart disease is significantly lower than that of people who do not consume garlic.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Dr Lee mentioned that legumes such as soybeans, black beans and red beans are rich in protein, dietary fibre and minerals, which are very beneficial for heart health.

In particular, soy isoflavones, which regulate blood lipid levels, lower cholesterol and prevent arteriosclerosis. In addition, legumes are also rich in potassium, which can help the body excrete excess sodium, lower blood pressure, and reduce the burden on the heart.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Next, Dr. Lee moved on to another very important food – sweet potatoes. She explained that sweet potatoes are not only rich in dietary fiber, but also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and potassium, all of which are great for heart health.

In particular, the dietary fiber in sweet potatoes can promote intestinal peristalsis, help the body excrete cholesterol, and reduce blood lipid levels. In addition, the potassium in sweet potatoes can also help regulate the electrolyte balance in the body, lower blood pressure, and reduce the burden on the heart.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Dr. Lee mentioned a food that people may not be familiar with – mushrooms. She explained that mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides, which have a strong immunomodulatory effect and are able to enhance the body's immunity.

In addition, mushrooms are also rich in dietary fiber and minerals, especially potassium, which are of great help to heart health, and people who regularly consume mushrooms have a significantly lower risk of heart disease than those who do not consume mushrooms.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

In addition to these specific foods, Dr. Li also reminded Uncle Wang that to maintain heart health, he should also pay attention to these points in his diet. Too much salt and oil can increase the burden on the heart, which can easily lead to high blood pressure and high blood lipids, which can increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, heart disease patients should try to eat less salt and fat and choose more light foods.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are very beneficial for heart health. In particular, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and potassium, such as oranges, bananas, tomatoes, etc., have a stronger protective effect on the heart.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Excessive diet increases the burden on the stomach and intestines, and indirectly increases the burden on the heart. Therefore, heart disease patients should pay attention to controlling the amount of food they eat and avoid overeating. Water is the source of life, and sufficient water can help the body detoxify, promote metabolism, and is very beneficial to heart health. Heart disease patients should ensure adequate water intake every day, especially in summer, and pay attention to hydration.

Moderate exercise can enhance the function of the heart, improve blood circulation, reduce blood lipid levels, and is very beneficial to heart health. Patients with heart disease can choose some low-intensity aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., and stick to 30 minutes to 1 hour of exercise every day.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Dr. Li's explanation made Uncle Wang pause, and he finally understood that patients with heart disease can eat watermelon, and there are many foods that are of great help to heart health. Uncle Wang decided that after returning home, he must follow Dr. Li's advice to adjust his eating habits and eat more foods that are good for his heart to keep his heart healthy.

In addition to these specific foods, Uncle Wang also found that there are some dietary habits that need to be paid attention to to to maintaining a healthy heart. The first is less salt and less oil. Too much salt and oil can increase the burden on the heart, which can easily lead to high blood pressure and high blood lipids, which can increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, heart disease patients should try to eat less salt and fat and choose more light foods.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

Uncle Wang has become a health expert in the eyes of everyone in the community, and he used his personal experience to tell everyone that it is not difficult to maintain heart health, as long as you start with your daily diet and living habits, you can effectively prevent heart disease.

Through this detailed explanation, Dr. Li not only solved Uncle Wang's doubts, but also popularized a lot of heart health knowledge. Her humor and professionalism made Uncle Wang feel very kind and made him trust the doctor's advice even more.

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

As Dr. Lee said, if you want to have a healthy heart, in addition to eating the right food, you must also maintain a good lifestyle, and only in this way can you truly have a healthy heart.

What do you think about watermelon? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible


[1] Hou Mingming. Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing Based on Systematic Health Education on Cardiovascular Adverse Events and Quality of Life in Patients with Heart Failure, Journal of Rare Diseases, 2024-02-25

Can't eat watermelon for heart disease? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, you can eat as many of these things as possible

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