
Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Hey, I've heard that people with tumors can't eat mutton, is that really the case?" As soon as Li Ming's question was raised, the atmosphere immediately became tense. Today is an ordinary weekend, Li Ming and his friend Zhang Wei are basking in the sun and chatting in the garden of the community.

Li Ming is a bank clerk, usually busy with work, and finally had a free time, just happened to meet his neighbor Zhang Wei, so the two sat down to chat. Hearing Li Ming's question, Zhang Wei frowned.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

"You said mutton, Lao Li, I have also heard people say that it is hair, and tumor patients can't eat it. I don't know, but there are so many of these rumors. Zhang Wei responded that he was an ordinary company employee and did not know much about health. The more they talked, the more confused they became, and finally decided to go to a hospital near the community to find a doctor to understand.

When they arrived at the hospital, the two registered and waited in line, and after a while, it was their turn. Sitting in the consultation room, Li Ming asked with a puzzled expression: "Doctor, is it true that people with tumors can't eat mutton?" ”

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

The doctor, an experienced middle-aged man named Dr. Wang, smiled and said, "The statement that mutton can't be eaten is actually a misunderstanding. Whether cancer patients can eat mutton or not depends not on the mutton itself, but on the overall nutritional combination of the food and the patient's personal physique. ”

Dr. Wang paused and then explained that lamb is a high-protein, low-fat meat rich in high-quality protein, vitamin B and minerals such as iron, which is good for restoring physical strength and boosting immunity. However, cancer patients should pay special attention to their diet, and should not eat a large amount of mutton because it is rich in nutrients, as excessive intake of any food will cause a burden on the body.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

In order to give Li Ming and Zhang Wei a better understanding, Dr. Wang began to explain in detail the effects of mutton on the body, and moderate consumption of mutton has a positive effect on the immune system of healthy people.

Consuming lamb two to three times a week can significantly increase the number of white blood cells in the blood, thereby enhancing the body's immune function. This is because mutton contains a lot of high-quality protein and iron, which can promote blood circulation and enhance the body's hematopoietic function.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

Dr. Wang said that for cancer patients, especially during chemotherapy or radiotherapy, the body's immune system is already very weak, and excessive intake of high-protein foods at this time may increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, which is not conducive to the recovery of the body. Therefore, cancer patients can eat mutton in moderation, but the amount must be controlled, once a week, no more than 100 grams each time.

Dr. Wang then turned to another important topic, in addition to mutton, there are some foods that cancer patients need to pay special attention to in their diet. The first category is high-sugar foods. Excessive sugar intake can lead to an increase in blood sugar and insulin secretion, which promotes the growth of tumor cells, and a high-sugar diet is closely related to the occurrence of many cancers, especially breast cancer and colon cancer.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

Dr Wong went on to say that a high-fat diet increases the burden on the liver and pancreas, as well as obesity, which itself is a risk factor for many cancers, and excessive intake of saturated fatty acids increases the risk of breast, prostate and colorectal cancer.

Processed meat products such as sausages, hams, and bacon contain high amounts of nitrites and preservatives, which can be converted into carcinogens in the body, and long-term consumption can significantly increase the risk of colorectal and stomach cancer.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

Li Ming and Zhang Wei were dumbfounded when they heard this, it turned out that there were so many things that needed to be paid attention to in their daily lives. Dr. Wang saw their confusion and continued, in fact, dietary conditioning is very important for the recovery of cancer patients, and reasonable dietary habits can improve the body's resistance and reduce the risk of recurrence. In addition to the above-mentioned foods, there are some details to be aware of.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

Cancer patients should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially foods rich in vitamin C and carotene. These nutrients have a strong antioxidant effect, which can neutralize free radicals in the body and protect cells from damage.

In addition, foods rich in dietary fiber, such as whole grains, legumes, and nuts, can promote intestinal peristalsis and reduce the residence time of harmful substances in the body, thereby reducing the risk of tumors.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

Dr. Wang also mentioned that cancer patients should also avoid high-temperature fried and barbecued foods in their diet. High-temperature cooking produces a large number of carcinogens, such as benzopyrene and heterocyclic amines, which can cause damage to the digestive system and increase the risk of cancer. It is recommended to use low-temperature cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and stewing to make it healthier.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

After listening to Dr. Wang's explanation, Li Ming and Zhang Wei suddenly realized. Li Ming said gratefully: "Thank you, doctor, I really benefited a lot today." It seems that our usual eating habits need to be adjusted well. ”

Dr. Wang smiled and nodded, saying, "Healthy diet is an important foundation for disease prevention and treatment, and I hope you can all maintain good lifestyle habits and stay away from diseases." ”

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

Coming out of the hospital, Li Ming and Zhang Wei discussed what they had learned today while walking. Li Ming said: "It seems that you really need to pay more attention to eating in the future, and you can't just listen to rumors." Zhang Wei responded with a smile: "Yes, healthy eating is king, let's pay attention to it in the future." ”

In order to better manage his health, Li Ming also decided to have regular physical check-ups to keep abreast of his physical condition. Modern medicine provides a variety of tumor marker detection, which can detect the risk of tumor recurrence early and take timely interventions. Li Ming believes that only by actively managing one's own health can one effectively prevent the deterioration of tumors.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

This weekend is undoubtedly a rare health education class for Li Ming and Zhang Wei. They understand that the key to whether cancer patients can eat mutton or not lies in the overall combination of moderation and diet.

Several other foods such as high-sugar, high-fat and processed meat products really need to be eaten less in order to effectively prevent the progression of tumors. This valuable knowledge will play an important role in their lives, making them pay more attention to healthy eating and stay away from diseases.

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

In the future, Li Ming will use practical actions to prove that scientific eating habits and a healthy lifestyle are the key to the prevention and treatment of tumors. He believes that as long as he persists, he will be able to overcome the disease and usher in a better tomorrow.

What do you think about lamb? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods


[1] Chen Shuangshuang. The Effect of Dietary Structure on the Health of the Elderly in China, Journal of Shandong Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2016-09-15

Cancer patients can't eat mutton? Doctor: If you don't want the tumor to worsen, it's best to eat less of these foods

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