
The Fengtai District Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Red Culture".

author:Cultural tourism Fengtai

In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Party organization, improve the Party spirit cultivation of Party members and cadres, and strengthen responsibility, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism organized more than 90 Party members and party activists to go to the Changping Martyrs Cemetery and the China Aviation Museum to carry out the party day activities with the theme of reminiscing the eventful years and inheriting the red culture.

The Fengtai District Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Red Culture".

In the Changping Martyrs Cemetery, everyone looked solemn and with great reverence, they lined up in front of the martyrs' monument and bowed three times to pay tribute to the martyrs. After the ceremony of commemorating the revolutionary martyrs, everyone came to visit the Revolutionary History Memorial Hall. The memorial hall displays in detail the major historical events and heroic stories from the Nankou Workers' Movement, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation to the Liberation of Changping. Everyone visited the contents of the five sections of the preface hall, the spark of the ancient city of Jinghua, the unswerving resistance to the enemy, the red flag dance and the renovation calendar, and the tail hall, and deeply felt the noble spirit and firm belief of the revolutionary ancestors, and drew strength and wisdom from them. Finally, all party members took a group photo in front of the commemorative sculpture.

The Fengtai District Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Red Culture".
The Fengtai District Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Red Culture".
The Fengtai District Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Red Culture".
The Fengtai District Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Red Culture".

Located in Xiaotangshan Town, Changping District, China Aviation Museum is one of the first batch of national first-class museums and patriotic education bases, with a collection of more than 15,300 pieces of weapons and equipment of various arms of the Air Force, such as aircraft, surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, radar, etc., which records in detail the history of the birth, growth and expansion of China's aviation industry. Everyone visited the great landline exhibition area, the Hero Monument, the Hero Square, the sword sculpture and the exhibition hall in turn, and the party members reviewed the oath of joining the party in front of the Blue Sky Soul Heroic Wall. Under the strong leadership of the party, China's aerospace industry has grown from scratch and from weak to strong, constantly forging ahead and making tremendous achievements that have attracted worldwide attention.

The Fengtai District Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Red Culture".
The Fengtai District Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Red Culture".

In this theme party day activity, the party members deeply felt the fighting spirit and dedication of the martyrs for national independence, people's liberation, and national prosperity, and were determined to play the vanguard and exemplary role of communist party members in their future jobs, take the initiative, have the courage to take responsibility, never forget their original intentions, continue to forge ahead, inject cultural and tourism vitality into the leapfrog development of Fengtai, and contribute to the construction of the capital.

The Fengtai District Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years and Inheriting the Red Culture".


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