
"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

author:Xiaobeijun micro-comment

Lin Shengbin's "Melon" is really a series that spans many years, which can be called the realistic version of "Unforgettable", stinky and long! I thought that after the true face of the "application scumbag" was exposed, this pure evil seed who gnawed on the blood steamed buns of four people with his wife and children and made a fortune should be offline, but unexpectedly, his news came out on the Internet again!

According to the news, on Tianyan Check, Lin Shengbin, an "affectionate scumbag" who is good at crying, and the companies associated with his deceased wife all show abnormal operations.

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!


When did Lin Shengbin "go offline"?

Seeing a certain blog, some netizens bluntly said: "Marketing the character of loving his wife, and after eating traffic for so long, why hasn't this kind of person been 'offline'?" ”

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

Regarding the melon of "Lin Shengbin", everyone must have eaten "enough", so I won't go into detail here, let's give a brief overview, this man has created a lot of public opinion sympathy for him through marketing his deceased wife and three children, opened a lot of companies behind his back, enjoyed the dividends of the "beloved wife man" persona, and accumulated a lot of wealth in a short period of time, but a few years later, his true face was picked up, and netizens followed the vine and found more evil things about him!

Of course, the most controversial thing is about the nanny, the fire, the wife, the 3 children and other incidents, but subsequently, the relevant departments in Hangzhou also responded to this, defining these online rumors as rumors.

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

Now that the official has found out, there is no need to dwell on these issues, in this case, why is Lin Shengbin still scolded by everyone like a street rat? Maybe it's because he himself has been marketing the image of a "good man" and making money through this person, but in fact, he doesn't seem to be the case.

In addition, the follow-up official identification of some of his violations of laws and regulations, therefore, netizens will still look down on this former "affectionate man".

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

It stands to reason that after this person is dealt with by the official in accordance with laws and regulations in 2021, there will be no trouble.

But what I didn't expect is that there will be a follow-up, in 2022, the company he registered will be found out one after another, and in 2023, first the suspected selling price of the house in the "arson case" will be exposed, and then the clothing company he associated with will be revoked, and he will also be included in the list of serious violations and dishonesty, and in 2024, there will still be a lot of things related to him.

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!


Why is he still scolded after "whitewashing" arson?

In fact, everyone knows Lin Shengbin, or because of the sensational "fire case" that year, at first, many people sympathized with this man, but later, there was a series of reversals and speculations, and netizens began to accuse Lin Shengbin of mixing his departure with his deceased wife and 3 children to discuss.

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

Of course, the above situation was also officially identified as a "rumor" in the future, in this case, why is Lin Shengbin still scolded by netizens? Regarding this, I also mentioned it earlier, mainly because he has been enjoying the dividends in this regard and making a lot of money after relying on the "beloved wife" person to set up a fire in those years, but the question is, does he really love his wife and children?

To be honest, we don't know, after all, feelings are complex and diverse, but when trust collapses, it is too difficult to build it again! Besides, the bonus isn't so tasty! Therefore, netizens are still chattering and scolding Lin Shengbin on the Internet.

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

And this time, Lin Shengbin was revealed to be related to the companies associated with his deceased wife, you know, this "abnormality" is not a good thing, basically related to the failure to publicize the annual report in accordance with the regulations, the failure to fulfill the obligation of information disclosure, the address is false or unable to be contacted, the unauthorized operation without approval and other violations and other reasons.

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

Some netizens speculated, "Could it be tax evasion again this time?" To be honest, there is no clear information from the official at present, so it is impossible to assert it for the time being, but Lin Shengbin has not done this kind of thing, so the speculation of netizens may also be reasonable, of course, speculation is speculation, and it is still necessary to squat on a final official result.


Spicy comments from netizens!

If the "abnormality" that came out of the revelations this time is related to tax evasion and other illegal acts, I am afraid that Lin Shengbin is really in a catastrophe.

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

First of all, tax evasion is not the same as the tax arrears of some celebrities, and there is no such thing as a first violation! Second, the outcome of the second offense will obviously be more serious than the first offense, because it is a decision to do so knowing that the law is violated. Again, Lin Shengbin is entangled in a lot of lawsuits, and obviously he can't afford the punishment of another tax evasion.

Of course, Lin Shengbin and his deceased wife's affiliated companies have shown that the reason for the abnormal operation is not yet conclusive, but this does not affect the heated discussions among netizens.

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

In this regard, some netizens said: "The affectionate personality has collapsed, and now the only business territory is about to collapse!" ”

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

Some netizens also said: "It's really a hearty show!" Is Mr. Lin's drama coming to an end? ”

"Affectionate man" Lin Shengbin is making trouble again? This time, he is afraid that he will not escape! The comment section has exploded!

Some netizens said: "Why are you on the hot search every now and then? Who bought it? What's so good about this kind of thing and this kind of rotten person? ”

Obviously, netizens are about to lose their feelings about the name Lin Shengbin, after all, he can still make a hot search, who is this, who will not feel the diaphragm in his heart?

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