
In the year of Jiachen in 2024, the "Earth Mother Sutra" records: "Spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible".

author:Selection of agricultural products by agricultural managers

In the long river of traditional Chinese culture, the "Earth Mother Sutra", as an ancient classic, has always been regarded by some people as a reference for predicting the good and bad times and the good and bad things in the world. For the 2024 Jiachen year, "spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible", which has attracted a lot of attention and interpretation. However, before delving into its implications, we need to examine this statement with an objective and scientific attitude.

In the year of Jiachen in 2024, the "Earth Mother Sutra" records: "Spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible".

Taken literally, "flooded in spring and summer, and inaccessible in autumn and winter" depicts a picture of seasonal climate and water flows. The implication seems to be that in the spring and summer, there may be flooding, causing the land to be inundated; In autumn and winter, the water flow is not smooth.

In the year of Jiachen in 2024, the "Earth Mother Sutra" records: "Spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible".

From the point of view of agricultural production alone, such a statement may indicate an impact on crop growth. Spring is the planting season, and summer is a critical period for crop growth, and flooding can damage farmland, damage crops, and affect crop emergence and growth, thus posing a potential threat to agricultural harvests. In autumn and winter, the lack of water flow may lead to irrigation difficulties, which is not conducive to the preservation of soil moisture and preparation for the next season.

In the year of Jiachen in 2024, the "Earth Mother Sutra" records: "Spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible".

However, we should not simply regard such accounts as conclusive predictions, but should combine them with historical, geographical, and scientific knowledge.

First of all, from a historical point of view, the climate is cyclical and variable. In past years, some regions may have experienced a similar climate phenomenon of "inundation in spring and summer, and inflow in autumn and winter", but this does not mean that the same situation will be repeated in every Jiachen year. Past climate records are only indicative and cannot be fully applied to future projections. Historically, climate change has been influenced by a variety of factors, including solar activity, atmospheric circulation, ocean temperature, and so on, and the complex interaction of these factors makes climate change difficult to predict accurately and simply repeat.

In the year of Jiachen in 2024, the "Earth Mother Sutra" records: "Spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible".

Secondly, from a geographical point of view, China has a vast territory and diverse climate types. Even within the same year, climate conditions can vary greatly from region to region. "Flooded in spring and summer, inaccessible in autumn and winter" may be specific to specific geographical areas, rather than covering the entire country or the world. Some areas may have abundant rain in spring and summer, and even floods, but in other areas, it may still be dry and rainless. Similarly, the flow of water in autumn and winter will vary depending on geographical factors such as topography and water distribution. For example, in mountainous and plain areas, the flow and passage of rivers can vary greatly.

In the year of Jiachen in 2024, the "Earth Mother Sutra" records: "Spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible".

From the perspective of modern science, weather forecasting and climate prediction are based on a large amount of meteorological data, advanced models and technical means. Although the current level of science is still unable to achieve 100% accuracy in long-term prediction of climate, modern meteorological science has higher reliability and accuracy than relying on the ancient "Mother Earth Sutra" for general and vague inference. By monitoring key parameters such as atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, wind direction and speed, meteorologists can use supercomputers to carry out numerical simulations, and can give relatively accurate and detailed forecasts of weather trends in the future period.

In the year of Jiachen in 2024, the "Earth Mother Sutra" records: "Spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible".

What we need to be clear is that although the "Earth Mother Sutra" carries the observation and summary of nature and life of the ancients, it was more produced under the scientific and technological level and cognitive conditions at that time. In the modern world, we should rely on scientific methods and technical means to address possible climate challenges. At the same time, strengthening the protection of the ecological environment, mitigating the impact of climate change, and improving the resilience of agriculture to disasters are the fundamental ways to ensure the stability of human production and life.

In the year of Jiachen in 2024, the "Earth Mother Sutra" records: "Spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible".

For the record of "spring and summer are submerged, autumn and winter are inaccessible", we can study and think about it as a cultural phenomenon, from which we can understand the ancient people's awe of nature and expectations for life. However, we should not rely too much on it to guide our practical decision-making, let alone cause unwarranted panic or blind superstition because of such records. In the face of the future, we should uphold the spirit of science, apply modern knowledge and technology, and actively prepare for various natural changes in order to achieve sustainable development and a stable life.

In the year of Jiachen in 2024, the "Earth Mother Sutra" records: "Spring and summer are flooded, and autumn and winter are inaccessible".

All in all, the record of "spring and summer are submerged, autumn and winter are inaccessible" in the "Earth Mother Sutra" in 2024 Jiachen year, although it reflects the observation and imagination of the ancients on natural phenomena to a certain extent, in today's society, we should be based on science and rationality, continue to explore and innovate, adapt to and respond to the changes of nature in a more scientific and effective way, and create a better future.

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