
If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

author:Selection of agricultural products by agricultural managers

On the stage of life, debt is like a heavy shadow that weighs on the hearts of many people. Those who are in it are under tremendous pressure day and night, and their minds are tormented. However, for those who have not experienced debt firsthand, it is easier said than done to truly understand the weight of this pressure.

If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

People who have not really experienced debt can often only imagine the plight of the debtor from the surface, but cannot touch the deep, rock-like pressure. Debt is not only a numerical debt, but also a shackle of the soul, a fear of the future, and a helplessness of losing control of life.

If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

For debtors, every debt that matures is like a ticking time bomb, ticking and terrifying. Every day, they are either thinking about how to repay their debts or worrying about the serious consequences of overdue debts. The voice of the debt collector on the other end of the phone is like a prelude to a nightmare, ready to break their fragile psychological defenses. If you haven't experienced this kind of panic of being collected every day, how can you experience the pain of sleepless nights and anxiety?

If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

The pressure of debt is also reflected in the sharp decline in the quality of life. The comfort and comfort of the past have come to naught in an instant, and the usual consumption has now become a luxury. In order to save money, they may have to cut back on the quality of their diet, forgo recreation and leisure, or even live in a rudimentary and crowded environment. And those who have not experienced this kind of life gap from existence to nothing, from good to inferior, may never be able to understand the bitterness and bitterness.

If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

At the same time, debtors also face the breakdown of social relationships and a decline in social status. Former friends may be estranged due to debt problems, and there may be disagreements and conflicts between relatives as a result. At work, because of financial difficulties, they cannot devote themselves wholeheartedly, which affects career development and even faces the risk of unemployment. This all-round blow is not something that can be felt just by imagination. If you haven't personally experienced the scenes of being besieged by creditors, avoided by friends, and discriminated against by colleagues, how can you experience the loneliness and helplessness in the hearts of debtors?

If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

In addition to the material and social hardship, debt is more like a torture of the mind. The guilt for their families and the self-blame for their incompetence tormented their hearts all the time. Every time I see my family suffering because of my own fault, and every time I think of my own blindness and impulsiveness that led to my current predicament, the remorse in my heart comes like a tide. This kind of spiritual torment cannot be described in words. For those who have not experienced this kind of self-denial and inner torment, the so-called "understanding" is only superficial sympathy.

If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

What's more, debtors often lose hope for the future mentally. The future is no longer a bright road full of infinite possibilities, but a misty and thorny wilderness. They don't know when they'll be able to pay off their debts and get back to a normal life. This despair and confusion about the future is like an invisible mountain, overwhelming them. How can a person who has not really experienced debt experience the despair of groping in the dark and finding no way out?

If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

To truly understand the pressures of the indebted, it takes more than just sympathy and pity, but also empathy and empathy for their situation. Everyone who is deeply in debt is like a walker walking alone in the dark, they need not only the understanding of others, but also practical help and support to help them regain their confidence and courage in life.

If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

For those of us who are lucky enough to be in debt, we should learn from the experiences of others and maintain a rational consumption concept and sound financial planning. Don't fall into debt easily, because only by experiencing it yourself can you know how heavy the pain and hardship are. Let us cherish the stability of the moment, protect our lives with wisdom and self-discipline, and avoid falling into the pressure of boundless debt.

If you are not in debt, you don't know the weight, and you can fight back when you get to the bottom of your life?

In short, it is difficult for people who have not really experienced debt to fully appreciate the pressure of those who are in debt. This pressure is multi-dimensional and all-encompassing, covering all aspects such as material, spiritual, and social. Only when we pay more attention to and help those who are in distress with more empathy can this society become warmer and better. Because, no one can predict whether they will encounter the same wind and rain tomorrow.