
The same year, month, day, and time are different, why is "one heaven and one underground"? What's the difference

author:Selection of agricultural products by agricultural managers

In ancient numerology and astrology, there is often such a puzzling view: the same year, month and day are born, but the time is different, but the fate may be "one in the sky and one underground". Is this nonsense, or does it contain some deep law and wisdom? Today, let's delve into this mysterious topic.

The same year, month, day, and time are different, why is "one heaven and one underground"? What's the difference

First of all, we need to be clear that the hour is given an extremely important meaning in numerology and traditional culture. The day is divided into twelve hours, each with a unique aura and energy. The division of time is not only a simple cut of time, but also related to the changes of the five elements of yin and yang between heaven and earth.

The same year, month, day, and time are different, why is "one heaven and one underground"? What's the difference

From the perspective of the theory of yin and yang, the night is yin and the day is yang, and the growth and decline of yin and yang have different states at different times. The sub-hour, i.e., between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m., is the time when the yin energy is at its peak but the yang energy is gradually rising; Noon, from 11 to 1 p.m., is when the yang energy is at its peak and the yin energy is gradually rising. This alternation of yin and yang is believed to have an intrinsic effect on those born at the corresponding hour. People born in the age of a child may have more introverted and quiet traits in their personalities, and they are good at thinking and insight; People born at noon are likely to be more enthusiastic, outgoing, energetic and driven.

The same year, month, day, and time are different, why is "one heaven and one underground"? What's the difference

The Five Elements Doctrine also plays a key role in this. The five elements include metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and each hour is associated with a specific attribute of the five elements. For example, it is wood when it is yinmaochen, it is fire when it is not at noon, it is gold when it is shenyouxu, and it is water when it is ugly. The five elements are mutually reinforcing, influencing an individual's character, health, and fortune. If a person is born in the hour of fire, he may be more enthusiastic and positive, but he may also be easily impatient and impulsive; Born in the water hour, one may have a more supple and intelligent personality, but it can also be overly sensitive and indecisive at times.

The same year, month, day, and time are different, why is "one heaven and one underground"? What's the difference

In addition to the influence of the five elements of yin and yang, from a more modern and scientific point of view, being born at different times also means that there are differences in the environment and external conditions. Children born early in the morning may come into the world with the first rays of sunshine and fresh air, which may create their positive and optimistic nature; A child born at dusk, who comes after a day of hustle and bustle, may be more calm and thoughtful in his heart. In addition, the pace of social activities and the atmosphere of the family will vary over time. For example, when the child is born at night, the family may be more serene and focused, giving the child a relatively peaceful initial environment. Born during the day, especially during busy working hours, the surrounding environment may be noisy, which may subconsciously affect how children feel about the world and how they respond.

The same year, month, day, and time are different, why is "one heaven and one underground"? What's the difference

From the perspective of the course of life development, the difference in time may also affect the opportunities and choices of individuals at key points in life. For example, in the agrarian society of ancient China, children born during the busy farming season may have been more exposed to labor and difficult living conditions from an early age, cultivating tenacity and industriousness. Born in the off-season, you may have more time to receive education and culture. Although the rhythm and pattern of modern society have changed dramatically, to a certain extent, the season, social environment, and family economic status corresponding to the time of birth may still have a subtle impact on the growth path of individuals. For example, if you are born at a certain time during the economic boom, you may have more advantages in terms of educational resources, entrepreneurial opportunities, etc.; Those born at different times during a recession may face greater competitive pressures and resource constraints.

Going deeper into psychology and behavior, differences in the hours of the day may also be reflected in an individual's biological clock and daily rhythm. Some people are born "early birds", energetic and quick-witted in the early morning; Others are "night owls" who burst out of creativity at night and are extremely efficient. This internal circadian clock rhythm will also affect an individual's study, work and lifestyle to a certain extent, which in turn will have an impact on the achievement of life. For example, a person who was born early in the morning and is comfortable getting up early to work may be at home in a traditional professional environment. A person who was born at night and is good at thinking and innovating in quiet moments may be better suited to art, creation, or work that requires independent thinking.

The same year, month, day, and time are different, why is "one heaven and one underground"? What's the difference

People born at different times may react and make decisions in very different ways when faced with the same challenges and opportunities. This is not only due to innate personality tendencies, but also to the thinking patterns and behavioral habits that have been formed during the growth process. For example, when faced with a major decision, a person born at noon may make a quick choice with intuition and decisiveness, while a person born at the time of a child may be thoughtful and weigh the pros and cons before acting. This difference in decision-making style can lead to very different outcomes over the course of a long life.

The same year, month, day, and time are different, why is "one heaven and one underground"? What's the difference

However, we must not be overly superstitious about the role of time in determining fate. Human free will and acquired efforts have always been the key forces in shaping life. While the time of birth may give us certain innate traits and tendencies, we can change and perfect ourselves through education, self-improvement, and a positive attitude towards life. A person who seems to be unfavorable at the time of birth, with firm belief and unremitting efforts, can also create a brilliant life; On the other hand, a person born at a so-called favorable time will not be able to achieve true success and happiness if he is passive, lazy, and unmotivated.

The same year, month, day, and time are different, why is "one heaven and one underground"? What's the difference

In short, the difference in the same year, month, day, and time may indeed bring differences on multiple levels, from the ancient theory of yin and yang and the five elements to modern psychology and sociological analysis, some clues can be found. However, we should look at this phenomenon with an objective and rational attitude, neither over-exaggerating the determinism of time, nor blindly denying the laws and revelations that may be contained in it. No matter when we were born, we should have the love of life and the vision for the future, and bravely write our own unique and wonderful chapter of life.