
What "gods" do you have in your body? Mobilize them, just do a few things!

author:Grassroots sword training

Excerpt from the Internet; Baiyunxian Temple, Shandong

What "gods" do you have in your body? Mobilize them, just do a few things!

Cloud practice

Taoism is Tianzun's most compassionate admonition to the world! This is the time to practice, pay attention to cloud practice, and from here you will begin to meet your faith, practice in life, and live in practice.

What is Body God? What role does the body and God play in our lives? What kind of benefits can we get from cultivating in this way?

Practices related to our body and spirit not only enable us to harmonize our five internal organs and remove calamities, but also communicate with the gods and lead to immortality, and because the body and spirit are incarnated from the divine qi and mixed into the body, the practitioner has the possibility of ascending.

1. What are the characteristics of the body and spirit?

What "gods" do you have in your body? Mobilize them, just do a few things!

The scriptures that explain the origin and nature of our bodies and spirits are first found in the Taiping Sutra.

Jingyun: "Mrs. God is born inside, returning to travel outside, swimming is not timely, and it is also a physical harm, that is, it can be chased back, and the autonomy is undefeated." ”

The Taiping Sutra believes that the god of the human body is born in the body by the essence of the four seasons and five elements, rather than the outer god entering the body, so it is said that "the god is born inside".

The five visceral gods, limb gods, head gods, abdominal gods and other body spirits produced in the body will travel outside the body, and if they cannot return to the body in time, it will cause the loss of the function of relevant parts of the body.

Therefore, one of the functions of the body and god is to maintain the normal operation of the body's functions, and the other function of the body and god is to dispel evil spirits, and the principle is that the body and god can enslave many other "good gods" and many other external gods to protect the body, so that the disease does not add to the body.

2. What are the bodies and spirits?

What "gods" do you have in your body? Mobilize them, just do a few things!

"Lingbao Five Fu Order" says: "The five internal organs and five elements are also the five emperors...... The gall is the king of the Son of Heaven, the spleen is the queen's noblewoman, the heart is the prince of Taiwei, the left kidney is Situ Gong, and the right kidney is Sikong Gong. The gossip god eight, and the navel Taiyi, is the nine qing. There are 12 gods in the 12 rings, 12 doctors in the spleen, and 3 Jiaoshen 3 people, together with 27 doctors. The four-limbed god is eighty-one yuanshi. The Three Princes' Mansions, the Jiuqing Mansion, the Twenty-Seven Doctors' Mansions, and the Eighty-one Yuanshi Mansions are combined into one hundred and twenty mansions. The inside of the house is five Cao, the outside is the five officials, and the ten officials are combined, which is 1,200 counties. The gods are eight thousand, and they are eight thousand townships. There are 36,000 gods, which is 36,000 pavilions. The pavilion has five mounds, which are 180,000 mounds. ”

The five organs are taken from the five elements of the law, also known as the five emperors...... The gall is the Son of Heaven Daojun, the spleen is the queen's noble daughter, the heart is the Taiwei Gong, the left kidney is Situ Gong, and the right kidney is Sikong Gong.

There are eight gossip gods, and the navel Taiyi is collectively called Jiuqing. There are twelve gods in the Twelve Ring Towers, twelve counselors in the spleen, and three Sanjiao gods, a total of twenty-seven doctors. The Three Princes' Mansion, the Jiuqing Mansion, the Twenty-Seven Doctors' Mansion, and the Eighty-one Yuanshi Mansion are collectively known as the "One Hundred and Twenty Mansions". In addition, there are also "1,200 counties", "18,000 townships", "36,000 pavilions", and "180,000 mounds" whose names have not been directly listed.

The body and spirit of the Shangqing Sutra are also similar to this, mainly showing three characteristics:

1. Trinity's ternary architecture

There are two kinds of trinity outside the body and inside the body, and the trinity outside the body corresponds to the trinity inside the body.

Outside the body, one is the one under the canopy, the sun and the moon travel to the first place, and the first person in the fight; The lower body should be the three palaces of the head, heart, and umbilicus. In the three palaces, one person (Jiang Palace) lives in Antarctica Taiyi and a child, and one (Dantian) lives in Daomu.

2. Keeping the idea of a female

"Lingbao Five Fu Order" proposes that "the place of one is in the Xuan, not only guarding the male but also guarding the female." "Putting forward the concept of female and male is the source of the idea of guarding female and male in the Shangqing Sutra.

3. The concept of "child-like".

The three-element structure of the Lingbao Five Symbolic Sequence is the overall form of "Heaven and Earth, Parents and Pure Children", and the concept of "Pure Children" transforms the "dedication and softness like a baby" mentioned in Chapter 10 of the Tao Te Ching into a body and spirit for the first time.

3. How to think about the body and spirit

What "gods" do you have in your body? Mobilize them, just do a few things!

How do we achieve spiritual inwardness? The method of the Taiping Sutra is "Yuzhi" - contemplating the body and the gods so that they remain in the body.

The Lingbao Five Symbolic Sequences also record specific methods of contemplation, such as:

The essence of the sun can live forever. Often on the first day, the third day, the fifth day, the seventh day, the ninth day, and the fifteenth day of the month, when the sun rises, the hair is draped to the sun, and there is a little boy in the heart. Ma said: Rijun Yuanyang, and I are virtuous, and I raise a little boy in the palace.

The essence of eating the moon, often on the fifteenth day of the month, said to the moon: Yuejun Yuanyin, and I am virtuous, and raise the little children in the dantian.

Eating the essence of the sun can lead to immortality. Often on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 15th days of the first month of each month, when the sun first comes out, he spreads his hair and faces the sun, closes his eyes, and thinks that there is a little boy in his heart, and the crimson clothes are gorgeous, and the five colors are brilliant, and the big red is (for the child). Recite the mantra: "Rijun Yuanyang, be virtuous with me, and raise the little boy in the palace."

Feeding on the moon essence, often on the fifteenth day of each month, facing the moon to recite a mantra: "Moon Jun Yuanyin, and I am virtuous, and raise the little boys in the dantian."

In the Dao techniques of the relevant Heavenly Master Dao, a spirit of life is generated in the practitioner's body, and this spirit is called Taokang.

"Shangqing Yellow Book Excessive Instrument: A and B Mantra" says:

Yanchen concubine has a certain beggar excessively, a total of morality, begging for a long time, have to be a breeder, note the central three words, the left is supreme and the right Xuanlao, too high three qi, symbiosis of the concubine body, chaos is one, the name is Taokang, the North Pole, the number is called Zidan, the clothes are five colors, the red crown is big, the golden bed and jade couch, the five-color column stem, the pearl and jade bucket tent, the legitimate life door, the god man and the jade maid on both sides, the yang turns left, the yin turns right, up to the Taiqing, down to the bottom, often travels between the nine palaces, five Tibets and six mansions, leading the group of gods, the case records the name, not to pass the death, long in my body, and I am immortal.

The Heavenly Master Taoist believes that the mixture of the three qi can give birth to Tao Kang, also known as Zidan, the god of life, and master the practitioner's book, so that the practitioner can become an immortal.

On the whole, the body and gods of the Han and Wei dynasties are divided into two kinds, one is the god inherent in the body, as described in the "Dragon Fish River Map" and "Huang Ting Jing", the recitation can only reconcile the five organs; The second is the body god corresponding to the god of heaven in the "Zhongjing of Lao Tzu" or the qi of the five elements in the "Taiping Sutra" into the god of the five organs, which can be used to go to disasters by thinking, or the body and god are used as the intermediary to communicate with the gods and gain immortality.

In addition to these two concepts of body and spirit, there is also a group of concepts that believe that the body and spirit are incarnated from the divine qi and mixed into the body of the town, so that the practitioner has the possibility of direct ascension, which is the concept of the Great Cave Sutra.