
The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

author:Open-minded and enthusiastic lucky stars
The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

According to the news, on June 21, the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection reported a case. Yan Hui, the captain of the city appearance and sanitation brigade in front of the Handan Urban Management Brigade, continued to fraudulently receive the wages of sanitation workers for 8 years from 2014 to 2022, totaling 5.56 million yuan.

An average of 700,000 per year.

The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

There was another piece of news the other day. A lawyer in Shaanxi Province offered a bribe of 300,000 yuan to the judge's wife. The Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Justice announced the results. It was determined that the amount of bribes of 300,000 yuan was relatively small, and it was not transferred to the procuratorate, and only the bribery lawyer was given an administrative punishment of suspension of practice for six months.

In other words, the lawyer paid a bribe of 300,000 yuan to the judge, which was found to be a small amount. The price is a half-year holiday.

The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

According to this standard, Yanhui fraudulently receives 700,000 yuan in wages from sanitation workers a year, which is not a big deal. It is equivalent to 300,000 more than the two smaller amounts, and 100,000 more.

However, according to the minimum wage standard implemented in Handan from 2023, the highest is 2,200 yuan per month in the four districts of Congtai, Handan, Fuxing, and Wu'an. In other areas, it is lower, with the lowest being only 1,800 yuan.

According to the standard of the highest region in 2023, 700,000 a year is more than the total salary of 26 people.

Some would surely say that the real wages of sanitation workers will definitely be a little higher than the minimum wage.

In 2022, there was a case of sanitation workers collectively blocking the road to ask for wages. After the incident became a big problem, the Letters and Visits Bureau at that time responded: It will be issued in the near future. (Now Yanhui's deeds have been announced, which can be regarded as an explanation for the salary incident two years ago)

The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

In 2022, Recommendation No. 387 of the Second Session of the 16th People's Congress of Handan City replied, clearly stating that the salary of sanitation workers will be paid monthly according to the minimum wage standard of 1,790 yuan in Handan City (much lower than the standard implemented in 2023).

Coupled with some other sporadic subsidies, a sanitation worker earns only 30,000 yuan a year.

In the eyes of others, the innocuous mere 300,000 is likely to be a sanitation worker's family for 10 years.

If we talk about the amount of money, there is still controversy, so let's not talk about it for the time being.

But even the poor hard-earned money in the pockets of sanitation workers is not spared, and this shameless behavior can be summed up by the word "shameless".

The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!
The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

Legend has it that in the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a big thief, with 9,000 robbers, who ran rampant all over the world, robbing wealth and killing people, and even the vassal states were afraid.

But such a robber who does almost no evil, when there is danger, he always rushes to the front; When retreating, they always walk at the rear; When he shared his possessions with his men, he never took more.

That's why Zhuangzi said, "There is also a way to steal."

He is a robber who robs and burns, and lives a life of robbing houses and houses. But what he does is a big deal, and he can't get along with the small people. Of course, it may be because he disdains petty fights.

Either way, he spared the weak, so he was still qualified to be called a man, standing between heaven and earth. He has been recorded in many historical documents. It can be regarded as another kind of history to leave a name.

But like Handan, Yanhui, as a public official, grabbed food in the bowls of sanitation workers at the bottom of society, not only grabbed food, but even took the pot away, leaving no way for people to live.

Not even as good as a robber.

This is all a law of the jungle.

In the animal world, this is the case, and the strong do not care about the life or death of the weak. Not to mention any system and law, the only rule is "I am strong, I am reasonable".

The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

From this point of view, like Yanhui, it is probably an omission of evolution. In the world of civilized people, they lack the element of true "people".

Biological indicators may be satisfied, but at the social level, the amount of "person" is too low. Or rather, they don't qualify.

When I saw the news of his embezzlement of sanitation workers' wages, I couldn't help but think of a scene and a line in the TV series "Langya Bang".

The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

At that time, the local prefectures and counties were affected by the disaster, there was no harvest, and the people were dying of hunger.

In the past, disaster relief was led by King Yu. Every time, he filled his pockets with the food and silver for disaster relief, and the desperate victims had no choice but to take risks and launch a popular uprising. In the end, the imperial court sent another army to suppress and slaughter these victims.

Therefore, when another disaster occurred, King Jing wanted to fight for the dominance of disaster relief, and also for the poor victims to fight for a little hope of life. However, whether it is hard work, or the degree of trustworthiness in front of the emperor, he has not been able to compete for the king.

King Yu was very proud.

Hube Shangshu, who still has blood and pursuit, was angry, and complained in front of King Jing: "I only hope that a thunder will come down from the sky now, and it will just hit King Yu's head." ”

Yan Huike's deduction of the wages of sanitation workers is as shameless as King Yu's greed for the life-saving food and silver of the victims.

Hubu Shangshu Shen Chai said what was in our hearts.

The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!
The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

Someone once said that to measure the degree of civilization of a society, you only need to look at three things to know: how to treat the elderly? How to treat children? How to treat a woman?

To sum up, in fact, it is how the disadvantaged groups are treated, which reflects the degree of civilization of this society.

It has been thousands of years since the development of human society.

It is no longer possible to simply follow the law of the forest between people. Otherwise, you can only return to your ancestors and live the same life as animals.

But man is not a brute.

Human society has the civilization of human society. One of the manifestations is to protect the weak.

If it is based on whose power is high, who is strong, who is thick-skinned, and whose bottom line is low, who can ignore the lives and deaths of others, the world will inevitably not become purgatory.

The life of a sanitation worker is really not easy.

Getting up early and greedy for darkness, wind, sun, rain, wind and dust, being the hardest, dirtiest, and most tired guys, taking the lowest wage.

The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!

Let's not talk about the non-division of work, the high and the low, everyone is equal, and we don't talk about the boundless love.

Let's just talk about the most basic, sanitation workers are also human beings, and they and their families also have the right to live independently and with dignity.

If just because they are in a relatively weak group position, they do not have hot power in their hands, they do not have enough connections around them, and they do not have enough room to speak out when they encounter problems, they will bully them and slaughter them. What is trampled on is not the dignity of a group of people, but the bottom line of the entire society.

In nature, predators hunt for satiety.

A captain of the urban management brigade fraudulently received 700,000 yuan a year from sanitation workers, far exceeding the needs of life.

The beasts still know how to be satisfied, but some are insatiable. Beasts are not as good as animals!

The reason why a person becomes a sanitation worker may be because of poor family conditions, it may be because it is not well educated, it may be because of limited ability......

We can't blame everyone for understanding them, helping them, loving them. But at least they can't be bullied.

Only in this way can this society retain a warmth and a conscience.

The captain of the urban management brigade has received a salary of 5.56 million for sanitation workers for 8 years, what a brute!