
Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

author:Wang Gekan Sports

On June 17, Ms. Li was asked to take off her clothes and undergo a thorough personal assault on her personal dignity as she prepared to leave the country at Palau International Airport.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

The incident quickly sparked public outrage in Taiwanese society, with many people outraged and puzzled by Palau's extreme censorship measures. Forced to undress in an unfamiliar environment, Ms. Li described her inner experience: a mixture of fear, shame and helplessness, which was not only a physical assault, but also a great destruction of her personality.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

In reporting on the incident, the media in Taiwan Province emphasized that such acts trampled on human rights, especially in a country that claims to have friendly relations with Taiwan, which is even more unacceptable. The New Party even accompanied Ms. Lee to a press conference to publicly condemn Palau's misconduct and demand that the Palauan government give a reasonable explanation and necessary compensation for the incident.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

Palau is a country that relies on tourism, and such incidents will undoubtedly take a toll on its international image. The Taiwanese media that reported on the incident not only focused on the incident itself, but also further explored the historical and political context of Palau, especially its close relationship with Japan and the way it received foreign tourists, prompting readers to think deeply about the safety of international tourism.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

Palau, which is separated from Japan by 4,000 kilometers by the ocean, maintains an unusually close psychological distance from Japan. If you don't look closely at the flag of Palau, you might think that it has strayed into the territory of Japan. This national flag is not only modeled after the Japanese flag, but even in terms of style, it also reveals a strong "Japanese-style" complex. Yes, you heard it right, this island nation is probably one of the most Japan-obsessed countries on the planet.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

Palau's worship of Japan doesn't stop at the flag. On the streets of Palau, Japan's cultural influence is everywhere. From the vending machines on street corners to the must-have Japanese curry rice in every restaurant, everyday life in Palau has a "little Japanese" vibe. Moreover, the English spoken by Palau residents is occasionally mixed with Japanese words, which makes first-time visitors even more confused: is this the western Pacific Ocean, or is it one of Japan's outlying islands?

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

This cultural infiltration stems from the entanglement of history. After World War I, Palau became a Japanese territory until the end of World War II. During that time, Japan left a deep imprint on the island, and from schooling to infrastructure development, Japanese influence was deeply rooted in Palau's blood. Today, although Palau is an independent country, Japan still has a place in the hearts of the people.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

Tourism is one of the pillars of Palau's economy, and tourists from Japan are particularly high. This is not only because of the relative proximity of the geography, but also because of the cultural similarities that make Japanese tourists feel particularly familiar in Palau. Palau's tourism industry knows this well: "Whenever I welcome Japanese tourists, I always feel like I'm hosting old friends. This sense of cultural proximity has made Palau an overseas home in the eyes of the Japanese.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

In schools in Palau, Japanese is almost on a par with English as a second foreign language. Children learn Japanese from an early age, and many families even encourage their children to go to Japan for further education. Such an education policy not only reflects Palau's appreciation of Japanese culture, but also reflects a deep international strategic thinking.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

Palau's relationship with Japan is also a unique asset on the international stage. Despite its small population, Palau has effectively enhanced its international influence in international affairs through its friendly relations with Japan. For example, in some important meetings of the United Nations, Palau can occasionally see scenes of joining forces with Japan, which undoubtedly adds a lot of voice to a small country.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

Palau's "Japan fever" also has its negative effects. Some critics argue that over-reliance on Japan could deprive Palau of some degree of political and cultural autonomy. But it is undeniable that this deep cultural sentiment has given Palau more international sympathy and support, especially from countries that also value Japan's friendship.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

In the delicate arena of international diplomacy, Palau, a small island nation with a different kind of diplomatic strategy, has a different kind of diplomatic strategy. Despite its small size, Palau has a place in international politics, largely due to its unique relationship with Taiwan Province. It is this relationship that has made Palau one of the so-called "18 countries with diplomatic relations" in Taiwan Province.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

Palau's independent stance on the international stage, especially its refusal to recognize the one-China principle, has placed it in a complex and delicate position in cross-strait relations. This not only brought Palau all kinds of economic and political support from Taiwan, but also gave it a certain amount of bargaining power in international relations. But this strategy is a double-edged sword, and it could also put Palau under the pressure of great power politics.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

This special relationship between Palau and Taiwan is undoubtedly motivated by both political and economic considerations. From an economic point of view, Taiwan's support for Palau is, to some extent, an important factor in the maintenance of Palau's economy. Politically, Palau has shown itself as an independent country internationally through its relationship with Taiwan, and this small country diplomatic strategy has won it some international attention.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

China adheres to the one-China principle and does not relax in its commitment to a small country like Palau. Beijing has repeatedly expressed its dissatisfaction with Palau's failure to recognize the one-China principle. This friction between large and small countries not only affects Palau's foreign policy, but also challenges its international image.

Taiwanese women traveled to Palau and were asked to open their butts for inspection, and Palau has not established diplomatic relations with China!

How will Palau's diplomatic course develop in the future?

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