
Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

author:Saisai Qingjian


Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

"I don't want China to be the first to land a manned person on the moon."

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

In July 2022, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson threatened to do this in an interview with the media, and said wildly that China wants to "monopolize the moon", exaggerating the so-called "space race", and even regarding China's development in the space field as a "threat".

I have to say that since we have scored good results in the aerospace field one after another, the United States seems to be in a mess, as if it is suffering from "paranoia of victimization." In the final analysis, it just does not want other people's achievements to surpass theirs, so it has made all kinds of sour remarks.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

In particular, after the mainland's "Chang'e-6" successfully returned from digging lunar soil on the back of the moon, the United States "broke its defenses......

"Chang'e-6" successfully triumphed, the United States can't afford to play?

After more than 20 days of anticipation, "Chang'e-6" finally successfully returned triumphantly, and so far, the mainland has also become the first country in the world to land on the back of the moon.

This time, the "Chang'e-6" brought back nearly 2 kilograms of lunar soil, which has become a sweet treat, which has made many countries envious, and they have expressed their hope that China can share some lunar soil and carry out corresponding cooperation with China.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

Although the United States has not explicitly stated that it wants to obtain lunar soil, judging from their recent statements, there is a look of longing between the lines.

But who is to blame for this? The United States has personally closed the "door" of cooperation with China, and now it wants to get a piece of the lunar soil, how can there be such a good thing?

As a common cause of all mankind, lunar research should be strengthened by all countries, but the United States has done the opposite.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

Since the 60s and 70s of the last century, the United States became the first country to land on the moon, the United States in the field of aerospace development almost no country can match, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, for a long time, the United States has the status of "space hegemon".

In 2011, the U.S. government passed the "Wolf Clause", requiring NASA personnel to limit cooperation with Chinese astronauts, unilaterally erecting a "ban" on cooperation, and before that, the United States explicitly banned Chinese astronauts from entering the International Space Station.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

In order to curb the development of our space industry, the United States has tried by all means to "stumble" us.

However, these have not stopped us from exploring and developing, and mainland scientists and aerospace practitioners have worked hard and conducted independent research, and through their efforts, we have finally made a name for ourselves in the world aerospace field.

How much the United States looked down on us in the past, and how much it "slaps its face" now, seeing that China is a latecomer in lunar research, the United States can not afford to play now!

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

NASA Administrator: Be wary of China's "occupation of the moon"!

Since they can't get it, then they will play scoundrels and smear them, for which they can only spit out "sour water".

For example, before the implementation of the "Chang'e-6" land removal plan, at a hearing in April, NASA Administrator Nelson made a joke.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

He and one of the officials said that China would launch a probe on the far side of the moon, and the far side was on the side of eternal darkness, so few countries would notice that it would pose a "threat" to many countries and would need to cause "vigilance" in other countries.

However, his remarks were soon questioned by people in the industry, and some people said that as a senior manager in the aerospace field, he even got the basic aerospace common sense wrong!

You must know that the moon itself rotates, that is, there are days and nights on the moon, so the "backside" of his mouth will also appear daylight.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

Without understanding the basics, he began to make false accusations against China, and as a result, he made a fool of himself in front of the public.

Prior to this, Nelson had made some ridiculous remarks, such as saying that "China wants to monopolize the moon by itself," and even publicly declared that China would not be allowed to achieve a manned landing on the moon before the United States, which simply embodied the "American-style hegemony" to the fullest.

Even his ridiculous remarks could not stand even his own peers, and bluntly said that Nelson's statement was simply untenable.

The reason is that, according to the Outer Space Treaty, no country has the right to occupy celestial bodies, including the moon. Moreover, to achieve the "capture of the moon", it means sending human and material resources to the moon, which will undoubtedly require huge costs.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

Moreover, human exploration of the moon is now in its infancy, and the technology of landing on the moon is not yet mature, let alone "occupying the moon".

Nelson's groundless accusations against China are completely untenable, but instead make people feel that the United States has a sense of helplessness and "powerlessness".

After the Chang'e-6 returned from the land, Nelson first praised the achievements made by the mainland, and then expressed his intention to increase aviation communication and cooperation with China.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

Now that the "Wolf Clause" is still in effect, the United States seems to have forgotten the existence of the clause.

The construction of the "Guanghan Palace" scientific research station is expected to become a reality

China has proved with its own practical actions that the United States' approach to technological blockade and "hegemony" will not work for China. And our exploration of the moon is much more than that, we are turning Chinese mythology into reality little by little.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

Among them, the construction of the "Guanghan Palace" may become a reality in the near future!

It is reported that in the future, we plan to build a house on the moon to build a "Guanghan Palace", that is, a scientific research station, to facilitate our scientific researchers to carry out research.

In the "Chang'e" series of probes, "Chang'e-6" has completed the return of the moon, and the follow-up "Chang'e-7" task is to find a suitable site to build a scientific research station, and then "8" and "9" began to lay the foundation for a manned landing on the moon, through 3D printing technology, so as to verify the possibility of a manned landing on the moon, and then gradually realize the grand blueprint of the mainland manned landing on the moon and the construction of a scientific research station.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

Perhaps it is precisely because we continue to surpass ourselves in the field of aerospace that the United States feels some "pressure", so some American politicians are angry and exaggerate the so-called "space threat theory."

In the future, we still have a long way to go in exploring the moon, and in the future, we will carry out extensive cooperation with countries around the world to work together for this great cause of all mankind and create more miracles.

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

If the United States really wants to cooperate, it must put aside its prejudices and remove obstacles to cooperation between China and the United States, otherwise it will be useless to shout slogans louder.

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1. Chang'e-6 successfully returned with sampling on the back of the moon, foreign media: An extremely stupid reason makes NASA unable to study valuable samples.--2024-07-01 14:25·

2. NASA Administrator said that "China wants to occupy the moon", and a well-known astronaut scholar posted: The argument is untenable.--2022-07-18 07:04·

3. NASA Administrator Claims That "China Wants to Occupy the Moon", and China Previously Criticized the United States as the Biggest Threat to Outer Space Security.--2022-07-03 15:55·

Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon
Guanghan Palace is about to be built! The United States can't afford to play? NASA Administrator: China wants to monopolize the moon

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