
After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

author:Minimalist Science 2022
After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

"It is only natural for young people to pay money to support the elderly!" At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this! After all, "there is an old family and a treasure"! However, the recent discussion about pensions on the Internet is hotter than the sun on a summer afternoon! Some people say that our pension system is simply "robbing the poor and helping the rich", and the retired employees of the enterprise only receive a few thousand yuan a month after working tirelessly, and they can easily get tens of thousands in the system, which is too big!

If you want to talk about this pension system, it is our family's "top priority", after all, it is related to the happy life of thousands of families. In the past, our family implemented a "dual-track system", inside the system and outside the system, which were two parallel lines, and the difference in treatment was not ordinarily large. Take the pension as an example, in the system, it is a "drought and flood guarantee", the pension is directly issued by the state finance, and the treatment is linked to the length of service and wages, a proper "iron rice bowl". And what about the employees of enterprises? Pensions are mainly paid by individuals and units, enter the overall account, and receive them on a monthly basis after retirement.

In order to solve this "old and difficult" problem, in 2014, our family began to reform the pension insurance system of government institutions and institutions, and gradually realized the integration of pensions. To put it simply, it is to let both inside and outside the system "go on the same track", and the pension is composed of three parts: personal account, overall account and occupational annuity.

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

The goal of this reform is naturally good, after all, who doesn't want to rely on and support the elderly? However, the road of reform is full of thorns and challenges. No, in October 2024, the ten-year transition period of pension merger will end, and the new retirees of government agencies, enterprises and institutions will also adopt the pension model like enterprise employees. As soon as this news came out, a few families were happy and a few were sad!

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

People in the system, that is the object of envy of everyone in the past, the "golden rice bowl" in their hands, a lifetime of worry-free food and clothing, retirement is even more generous, life is called a comfortable life! But now, this "iron rice bowl" has become a "porcelain rice bowl", and after the pension merger, has their treatment really "shrunk"?

If you want to say that the pension merger has an impact on the personnel in the system, it really can't be generalized. For those old comrades who have retired, their pension benefits will not be affected, after all, "old people old ways"! There will be no loss of benefits that should be enjoyed.

But for those who are about to retire and those who will retire in the future, this is not so calm. In the past, their pensions were mainly borne by the state treasury, and their benefits were linked to their wages, and the higher the salary before retirement, the more pensions they would have. After the merger, their pension should also be composed of three parts: personal account, overall account and occupational annuity, just like enterprise employees.

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

This also means that their pension benefits are no longer directly linked to wages, but are related to factors such as the number of years of contribution and the payment base. If the salary before retirement is high, but the contribution period is short, the pension may not be high.

In this way, some people in the system can't sit still, especially those who are close to retirement and haven't had time to "enjoy" high salaries, and they feel that they have "lost a lot".

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

Retired employees of enterprises, which were often called "vulnerable groups" in the past, have low pension benefits, life pressure, and a tight life! But now, with the advancement of pension merger, is their treatment really "counterattack"?

To say that this pension is on the same track, it is a "gospel" for retired employees of enterprises. In the past, their pensions mainly relied on individuals and units to pay, entered the overall account, and received them on a monthly basis after retirement.

After the merger, their pension benefits will be gradually increased, and the gap with those in the system will also be gradually narrowed. In particular, the retired employees of enterprises with a long payment period and a high payment base will have their pension benefits significantly improved, and their lives will become more and more prosperous.

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

Of course, this does not mean that the treatment of retired employees of enterprises has suddenly caught up with those in the system. After all, pension integration is a gradual process and cannot be achieved overnight. Moreover, due to historical reasons, there is still a certain gap between the payment period and payment base of retired employees of enterprises and those in the system, which will also affect their pension benefits.

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

Delaying retirement, that is a hot topic in recent years, some people support, some people oppose, there are different opinions, there is no consensus! After the pension merger, will delayed retirement be "accelerated"?

To say that this delayed retirement is a major event that concerns thousands of families. On the one hand, the aging of the population in the mainland is intensifying, and the problem of labor shortage is becoming increasingly prominent, and delaying retirement can increase the supply of labor and alleviate the pressure of social pension, which has a certain rationality from the perspective of economic and social development.

On the other hand, delaying retirement also means that people have to work longer hours to receive their pensions, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for some manual workers and people with poor physical conditions.

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

Moreover, delaying retirement may also intensify competition for employment, compress the employment space of young people, and cause social conflicts. Therefore, the formulation and implementation of the delayed retirement policy needs to fully consider all factors, conduct scientific demonstration and evaluation, and widely solicit opinions from all walks of life to ensure the fairness and feasibility of the policy.

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

The personal pension system, which is a "new puzzle" of our old-age security system, has attracted much attention since the pilot implementation began last year! Is this thing reliable or not, and can it make our people's pension life more secure?

To talk about this person's pension system, it is an important measure introduced by our country in order to cope with the aging of the population and improve the old-age security system. To put it simply, it is to encourage our people to save a pension money for themselves on the basis of basic pension insurance, and when they retire, they can have more income and live a more comfortable life.

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

This person's pension system has a lot of "temptation"! First of all, the state gives our people a "red envelope", pays personal pensions every year, and can enjoy tax incentives of up to 12,000 yuan, which is equivalent to picking up a sum of money for nothing, who is not impressed?

Secondly, the money in the personal pension account can be independently selected to invest in financial products, such as bank wealth management, savings deposits, commercial pension insurance, etc., and all the investment income belongs to themselves, which is much better than putting money at home to "sleep"!

After the pension merger, the 10-year transition period is over, is the treatment really fair?

Pension affects the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, it is not only related to the quality of life of the elderly, but also related to the stability and harmony of society. The integration of pensions has given hope to the retired employees of enterprises, and their treatment is gradually improving, and the gap between them and the personnel in the system is gradually narrowing. However, the introduction of new policies such as delayed retirement and personal pension system has also aroused heated discussions and worries.

In the final analysis, the pension problem is a complex social problem that requires the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and individuals to solve. The government should continue to improve the old-age security system to ensure that the pension is paid on time and in full; Enterprises should actively assume social responsibilities and pay pension insurance for employees; Individuals should also enhance their awareness of pension, actively participate in personal pension plans, and prepare for their old age.

I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, the future old-age security system will be more perfect, so that every elderly person can have support, dependence, and happiness in their old age, and enjoy a happy old age!