
In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

author:Suman Literary History


A hearse moved slowly in front, and behind the hearse and on both sides of the road stood ordinary people, each with a sad look on their faces.

They sent Ren Changxia, who died in the line of duty, and was their favorite "Ren Qingtian", Ren Changxia enforced the law impartially during her tenure and was loved.

But this time, after receiving the task and preparing to go to the police, he unfortunately suffered a car accident, and a check of 600,000 yuan was found on the driver involved afterwards, which was shocking.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

Before Ren Changxia came to Dengfeng to take office, there were constant problems here, and some appalling information would be heard every once in a while, and since Ren Changxia came here, she immediately changed the status quo little by little, and finally let the people of Dengfeng live a happy life.

So, what efforts did Ren Changxia make for the people of Dengfeng?

Justice Police Flower

Ren Changxia was determined to serve the motherland at a very young age, and she liked to listen to or watch films about the police very much, so she planted the idea of wanting to be a few policemen in her heart.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

Therefore, she is also a person with a very sense of justice in life, not only will she help the people around her, but even if she encounters strangers in difficulty, she will do her best to help them.

However, she did not slack off in her studies, after graduating from high school, she successfully applied for the police academy, and her grades in school were also very good, and she was a top student known to many people.

In college, she studied harder, especially in her favorite field, and she felt motivated every day, and for four years, she never felt hard.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

After four years of study, Ren Changxia finally graduated, and with her own achievements, she also successfully entered the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau of her dream to work, and it was also the first time she participated in real practice.

At the beginning, she was a grassroots policeman, and what she dealt with the most every day was some trivial things, but Ren Changxia never felt bored, but enjoyed it, and tried her best to come up with better ideas to help these people in difficulty, and it was also in this little thing that she accumulated a lot of experience.

Through these little things, she learned a lot of things, and gradually became better at handling cases.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

Her ability has also been recognized by the director, and although she is a female police officer, she has also shown great talent in handling disputes, maintaining law and order, and even solving cases.

In the police station, it was not long before someone discovered her talent and gradually gained the appreciation of her superiors.

In just a few years, Ren Changxia achieved the position of criminal investigation captain from the grassroots level, and at that time, she was the youngest squadron leader in the Zhengzhou public security system.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

She was not proud of such dazzling achievements, but continued to lead the team to help the people, and soon, she solved many cases in a row and was appreciated by more people.

But the new appointment has come down, and Ren Changxia needs to take up a post in Dengfeng.

Say "No" to the Underworld

At that time, Dengfeng was still a backward small county, and although the place was small, the situation was extremely complicated.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

Underworld and evil forces are very rampant, and in particular, some criminals have infiltrated the law enforcement system and seized the opportunity to make a fortune.

At that time, the people of Dengfeng reported injustices to the law enforcement system, and the next day these reports would appear among some people in the underworld forces.

These people will follow the content of the report letter to see who is so bold, and when they come to the door, the verbal warning is basically simple, and more directly solve the problem.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

Over time, the people did not dare to say anything for their own safety, and the law enforcement system also fell again and again due to the infiltration of underworld forces.

Before Ren Changxia arrived in Dengfeng, there were actually several directors, and everyone had the purpose of rectifying Dengfeng before they came, wanting to uncover the influence of the underworld forces for this small county town and give a clear sky again.

But after they came to Dengfeng, they found that the situation here was even more complicated than they thought, the team was scattered, there were strong enemies outside, and they could only leave in discouragement.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

Until Ren Changxia took office, she couldn't help frowning deeply when she saw the state of the communist staff, because these people were too casual, and the work in their hands was perfunctory, and if they couldn't do it, they wouldn't do it, for fear that they would get burned.

She didn't blame the staff, she had a clear idea of the environment before she came, and although the situation was worse than she expected, it was not impossible to change.

Ren Changxia is very smart, she knows that if you want to succeed, a good team is very important, so she started from the simplest and led these staff members to run and train together.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

Let them get back in shape before they can start the follow-up.

In addition to training the staff, he was not idle, and began to understand the source of the Dengfeng problem, and in one case, she really found clues.

Whether it is a large or small case, after peeling off the cocoon, it finally points to Wang Zhensong, chairman of Henan Songfeng Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.

He not only has his own company, but also a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a representative of the People's Congress of Xuanhua Town in Dengfeng, so it can be said that his strength is still very strong.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

Wang Zhensong is a person who contracted reservoirs, and then made water products, through these businesses, he quickly started, and found a group of idle people to be his younger brother, and slowly stretched the business in his hand to the edge of breaking the law and committing crimes.

After tasting the sweetness, he was even out of control, and even dared to do murder and oppression of the people, as long as someone hindered his interests, he would do whatever it took to let the other party know what the consequences of provoking him were.

The reason why the previous directors all left was because they had an inseparable relationship with Wang Zhensong, and Ren Changxia understood everything clearly and did not act rashly.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

She knows that it is not easy for a person like Wang Zhensong, who has been developing in the local area for many years, because if she wants Wang Zhensong to subdue the law, she needs more comprehensive evidence.

Therefore, after the staff changed their faces, Ren Changxia sent the small case to start first, and punished the following people batch after batch.

After Wang Zhensong learned the news, he came to Ren Changxia's office with his own identity.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

"How much money do you want, just say it." Wang Zhensong sat on the sofa opposite Ren Changxia very casually, looking arrogant, not worrying about whether his attitude was appropriate.

Ren Changxia raised her eyebrows after hearing this, and did not answer, although she had heard of Wang Zhensong for a long time, this was the first time the two sides had met.

"My Grand Director, why do you say you do this? As long as you are willing to let go, the price is negotiable. Wang Zhensong and Ren Changxia didn't understand what he meant, so he said it more bluntly.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

And Ren Changxia smiled after hearing this, "Since your brothers have such a good relationship, why don't you also explain your criminal behavior to Boss Wang?" ”

During this time, he has spared no effort to collect evidence about Wang Zhensong's crime, although the current evidence is not very complete, but if Wang Zhensong is imprisoned, it is not too much of a problem.

It would also give her more time to restructure the other evidence.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

Ren Changxia ignored the chattering Wang Zhensong, but instead called his subordinates over and arrested Wang Zhensong, Wang Zhensong looked shocked, as if he didn't understand why this happened.

However, no matter what Wang Zhensong said, Ren Changxia did not change her mind, as long as she could get more evidence, Wang Zhensong's fate could only be an end.

Died in a car accident

After Wang Zhensong was locked up, Ren Changxia immediately began a more detailed investigation, and these evidences well illustrate Wang Zhensong's various illegal and criminal acts of accumulating money.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

In 2004, the Henan Provincial High People's Court issued a second-instance verdict against Wang Zhensong, so he confiscated all his property and sentenced him to death with a two-year reprieve.

After this verdict came out, all the people in Dengfeng City were very happy, and they finally didn't have to worry about the mountain that was increasingly pressing on their heads, and they could start their new lives.

And Ren Changxia was also affectionately called "Ren Qingtian" by them, and everyone couldn't help cheering, and their faces were like joy that could not be hidden.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

But just a little more than a month after she achieved such results, she took on another case, because this case required them to go out, Ren Changxia did not consider the safety issue, after all, they often went out in the usual cases.

Just as they were passing through a section of the highway, Ren Changxia's car was knocked to the ground by an oncoming truck, and she fell into a coma on the spot.

After the news spread, the people of Dengfeng were very sad and sad, especially when they were sure that the news was not a rumor, but a fact, and they were even more saddened.

In 2004, Ren Changxia was killed in a car accident for three years, and 600,000 checks were found on the driver involved

On the day of Ren Changxia's funeral, more than half of the people in Dengfeng were all on the street, wanting to send this "Ren Qingtian" on his last journey.

After the incident, the car accident and the driver who caused the accident were investigated, but a check for 600,000 yuan was accidentally found on the driver, which also made everyone very curious about the truth of Ren Changxia's death.

Even now, it is unknown whether there is a relationship between the two, but Ren Changxia will always live in our hearts, and we will always remember her.


On April 16, 2022, The Paper published "Remembrance, Salute! Eighteen years of separation, unforgettable Ren Changxia ......"

CCTV News on June 11, 2024 "Sacrificed in the line of duty, 21 years as a police officer, she went deep into the tiger's den to sweep away crime and evil, and solved more than 3,000 cases"