
Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

author:Suman Literary History

Undercover agents are dangerous and challenging characters, often hiding their true identities and infiltrating specific organizations or environments in order to obtain intelligence or carry out special missions.

The best way to protect undercover agents is to let people know about it as much as possible, and during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the New Fourth Army created the feat of 600 people lurking inside the Japanese puppet army without being discovered.

This incident was the "Tang Jingyan Mutiny" incident that caused a stir within the New Fourth Army at that time.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

Guilty of crimes

Tang Jingyan once became a member of the Kuomintang in order to defend the motherland, but he was dismissed by the Kuomintang because of his "too extreme" remarks.

Tang Jingyan, who was targeted, chose to leave his hometown and go to Haimen and Nantong to seek a way to survive.

In 1937, after the outbreak of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Tang Jingyan was ready to contribute his own strength, and he got a job in the military espionage department, but after a long time, he found that although he tried his best to obtain information, the war was still unfavorable.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

So, Tang Jingyan made a decision, he participated in the organization and establishment of the Haimen People's Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Corps in 1938, he was the deputy captain at that time, the scale of the anti-Japanese war team gradually grew, the Kuomintang saw this new force, they decided to incorporate this "civilian armed force".

On the grounds of providing better equipment to block the Japanese army, the Kuomintang successfully incorporated the Haimen People's Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Corps, which was reorganized into the Fifth Regiment of the Ninth Brigade of Jiangsu Provincial Security, and Tang Jingyan was appointed as the deputy of the Major.

Tang Jingyan almost became a neighbor of the New Fourth Army when he was in Jiangdu, and during this period, he gained a very deep understanding of the anti-Japanese armed forces led by the Communist Party of China, and he agreed with the Communist Party's anti-Japanese policy, and once used his status to provide supplies, guns and ammunition for the New Fourth Army.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

In 1940, Tang Jingyan's team changed its previous anti-Japanese strategy and aimed its guns at its own people, and the angry Tang Jingyan joined the anti-Japanese team of the New Fourth Army in Xixiang on the grounds of sending his family back to his hometown.

In July of the same year, Tang Jingyan became the chief of staff of the Meng Xianping Regiment of the former Fourth Brigade of the Puppet Security Brigade, and was later transferred to the Self-Defense Regiment as the regiment commander. Tang Jingyan also implemented the principle of mingling with the people and actively promoted the close ties between the troops and the local people, so the people affectionately called him "Tang Tuan".

At that time, the situation of the New Fourth Army was very difficult, and the Japanese army began the "Township Clearance" plan, and the Japanese army began to carry out a sweep of the New Fourth Army.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

Because Tang Jingyan's identity is very complicated, he has also become the target of the Japanese army.

In 1943, an uninvited guest came to Tang Jingyan's office, and Jiang Songping, who had surrendered to the Japanese army, came to him, and as expected, Jiang Songping came to persuade him to surrender.

Jiang Songping opened the coveted high-ranking official Houlu, and he told Tang Jingyan that as long as he surrendered, then he could enjoy eternal wealth with the imperial army, and no matter what he wanted, the imperial army could satisfy him.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

If Tang Jingyan was really a person who regarded wealth as his life, then he would not join the New Fourth Army, and the traitors would be punished by everyone, but Tang Jingyan felt that he still had some use value, so he let him live and said to him: "I will consider this matter, you can't go out, I'll send you out."

When Jiang Songping saw Tang Jingyan behaving like this, he thought that he already had the intention of rebellion in his heart, so he kept fanning the flames on the way out, but as everyone knows, he has entered Tang Jingyan's trap.

After escorting Jiang Songping to leave safely, Tang Jingyan immediately took action and found General Su Yu. In a secret conversation, he unreservedly informed General Su Yu of Jiang Songping's search for him and the conversation between them.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

In this report, Tang Jingyan described in detail the intention of Jiang Songping and what they discussed, ensuring that Su Yu could fully understand the situation. He clearly expressed Jiang Songping's views and requests, and at the same time frankly shared his own insights and suggestions.

General Su Yu and Tang Jingyan decided to come up with a strategy of "repaying the other with the other's way", and General Su Yu said to Tang Jingyan: "You promised him that now the Japanese army has swept our army on a large scale, and our army is now unable to fight the Japanese army, so I want you to lurk inside the enemy to provide intelligence and materials for our army."

General Su Yu added: "You used to be a Kuomintang officer, and they would easily accept you, but once you agreed to this strategy, then you would become a traitor and a traitor in the mouth of the soldiers of the New Fourth Army." ”

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

Tang Jingyan hesitated, and after thinking about it again, he agreed to the "surrender" plan with a ruthless heart. So the two began to discuss how to implement the plan seamlessly.

Under the Japanese army's "Qingxiang" plan, more and more people became traitors, and the Japanese army was no longer interested in ordinary traitors, so in order for Tang Jingyan to gain the attention of the Japanese army, General Su Yu planned to let Tang Jingyan surrender to the Japanese army with a regiment.

The "mutiny" plan was soon implemented, Tang Jingyan led a regiment to fight with General Su Yu, and after Tang Jingyan killed several traitor soldiers, he came to the Japanese army with a regiment of more than 600 people.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

The Japanese army was convinced of their play, and when Tang Jingyan entered the Japanese garrison, the Japanese army also held a banquet for them.

stoop to conquer

In order to make the Japanese army fully believe in themselves, Tang Jingyan pretended to be drunk at the banquet and said: "I, Tang, have gone astray!" At that time in the New Fourth Army, the life was not a human being, but fortunately, I took refuge in the imperial army, and in the future, I will follow the imperial army to eat and drink spicy food, by the way, that Jiang Songping promised me that high-ranking official Houlu will still count."

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

After hearing this, the traitor laughed again and again and said: "Of course count, of course count!" ”

The Japanese army must not have fully believed him, so he began to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble like the Japanese puppet army, and in the eyes of the Japanese puppet army, he was a living "big traitor".

But the Japanese army broke up all the regiments of more than 600 people just in case, and they completely trusted Tang Jingyan when they saw that he had no complaints, and Tang Jingyan was gradually reused by the Japanese army, and the information he came into contact with became more and more important.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

With the salaries of Tang Jingyan and more than 600 people, the New Fourth Army obtained a large number of military supplies, and except for General Su Yu, there were almost no people in the New Fourth Army who knew about the "Tang Jingyan Rebellion" plan, which also led to many requests in the New Fourth Army to eradicate Tang Jingyan.

However, General Su Yu resolutely rejected their request, and even told the soldiers of the New Fourth Army to stay away when they saw Tang Jingyan and the more than 600 people.

As the Japanese army's plan continued to fail, the Japanese army began to investigate the undercover inside, Tang Jingyan felt that the time of more than 5 months was almost over, so he discussed with General Su Yu to retreat.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

Under the organization of General Su Yu, the more than 600 people who were scattered were quickly gathered together, and when they left, they also eliminated a large number of traitors, and when the Japanese army reacted, Tang Jingyan and the more than 600 people had already returned to the position of the New Fourth Army.

After that, Tang Jingyan and others continued to be active on the front line of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and made countless achievements. But when he was about to see the light of day, Tang Jingyan was captured.

Tang Jingyan, who became deputy commander and chief of staff, was surrounded and intercepted by the Kuomintang in Shenxiang, Qingpu County, and was finally captured after eight hours of resistance.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, rebelled, and someone proposed to get rid of him, but Su Yu said: No one is allowed to touch him

On May 14, 1948, Tang Jingyan bravely took justice.
