
A Vietnamese dual national woman brought £215,000 into the country, did not declare, and was arrested at Noi Bai airport

author:Vietnamese language learning platform

Nguyễn Thanh Huyền was born in 1960 and holds both Vietnamese and British citizenship and currently lives in London, England and West Lake County, Hanoi, Vietnam. The person had 215,000 pounds (6.9 billion VND) in his suitcase, but he did not declare it, and was arrested at Hanoi's Nai Pai airport upon entry.

A Vietnamese dual national woman brought £215,000 into the country, did not declare, and was arrested at Noi Bai airport

The Hanoi City People's Procuratorate has just issued an indictment against the defendant Nguyen Thanh Xuan for the crime of "illegally transporting currency" as stipulated in Article 189, Paragraph 3 of the Criminal Law.

Previously, at around 6 a.m. on November 30, 2023, the Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch (Import Baggage Clearance Unit) coordinated with the police to investigate crimes related to corruption, economy, smuggling, and the environment to inspect consignment goods and the luggage of people entering and exiting by air.

Passenger Nguyen Thanh Xuan got off the plane, entered Noi Bai Airport, and after claiming his luggage on the conveyor belt, he pulled his suitcase and went directly to Gate 2 (green channel, for goods that do not need to be declared to customs) and did not declare to customs.

A Vietnamese dual national woman brought £215,000 into the country, did not declare, and was arrested at Noi Bai airport

When inspecting Ruan Qingxuan's luggage, the baggage supervision team found a number of paper documents suspected to be foreign currency through scanning, so she was asked to go to the customs inspection room for physical inspection.

Upon inspection, 215,000 pounds in cash were found in Nguyen Thanh Xuan's luggage.

According to Article 2 of Circular No. 15/2011/TT-NHNN dated August 12, 2011 dated August 12, 2011, if you carry cash in excess of the standard when leaving and entering the country, you must declare the amount of cash in foreign currency or VND to the border customs.

The authorities determined that Nguyen Thanh Xuan had carried £215,000 without declaring it to customs, exceeding the prescribed limit (according to the regulations, individuals must declare to customs if they carry more than US$5,000 or the equivalent when entering and leaving Vietnam's international border crossings). The Noi Bai International Airport Port Customs Branch recorded Nguyen Thanh Xuan for violations and handed over the object and all the seized evidence to the Hanoi City Police for investigation and processing.

A Vietnamese dual national woman brought £215,000 into the country, did not declare, and was arrested at Noi Bai airport

Nguyen Thanh Xuan confessed at the Hanoi police station that she left Vietnam for Britain in 1979 and became a British citizen in 1982. Since then, he has traveled to Vietnam several times to visit his family. On November 30, 2023, he entered Vietnam with 215,000 pounds. The money was used for business purposes, with the aim of bringing back to Vietnam to buy a house and buy goods to export to sell in London, where she opened a supermarket. She did not declare carrying the above-mentioned pounds sterling when she went through immigration procedures in the UK, and she did not declare it to customs when she entered Vietnam through the port of entry at Noi Bai International Airport.

According to Vietnamese law, Nguyen Thanh Xuan faces a fine of VND1 billion to VND3 billion (about 300,000-900,000 yuan) or five to 10 years in prison for the above crimes.

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