
The eldest daughter is in her first year of high school, looking back at junior high school, and people who have come over tell you that you really don't want to show your baby's academic performance easily

author:Sister Zhang in the south

My eldest daughter is now in her first year of high school, and I and the parents in her first year of high school class have not added WeChat, but most of the parents in her primary school class have WeChat to each other. Although many of my classmates are not in the same junior high school after graduating from primary school, the circle of friends posted by primary school parents will still like and comment.

When her eldest daughter was in the first grade of junior high school, the classmate surnamed Tan in the primary school class did very well in mathematics, and she often scored more than 116 points in the test paper with a full score of 120 points. At that time, Tan's mother always posted her daughter's scores in the circle of friends, and we liked them together, and at the same time, we felt that Tan's mother was showing off, because she also posted a text proudly saying that her daughter is really talented in mathematics, and in high school in the near future, she should be a top science student.

The eldest daughter is in her first year of high school, looking back at junior high school, and people who have come over tell you that you really don't want to show your baby's academic performance easily

However, this situation only lasted until the first semester of the second year of junior high school, and after entering the second semester of junior high school, Tan's math scores plummeted for some reason, and sometimes even dropped to 60 or 70 points. Later, Tan's mother found a one-on-one cram school for her daughter, but fortunately, through a period of tutoring, Tan's math scores slowly improved, and during the high school entrance examination, Tan's math score was more than 100 points (my daughter said that the math questions in the high school entrance examination are actually very simple, and many students have scored more than 110 points), Tan's mother posted on Moments that her daughter was admitted to the second echelon high school.

Now, the students in the elementary school class are already in the first year of high school, and they will soon be in their second year of high school. Tan's mother has not posted her daughter's math results in the circle of friends for a long time. On the contrary, she frequently mentioned that her daughter studied very hard and used all the available time to participate in one-on-one tutoring on weekends and holidays. It was hard and tiring, but her daughter's math scores never improved, and she failed math every time she took the exam. So Tan's mother is very anxious, sometimes she can't sleep well, she has insomnia and posts on Moments, and except for a few people in the circle of friends who really comfort her, the others who usually like it remain silent, and even feel a little gloating. Now Tan's mother doesn't mention her daughter's study in the circle of friends.

The eldest daughter is in her first year of high school, looking back at junior high school, and people who have come over tell you that you really don't want to show your baby's academic performance easily

Conclusion: Some students with good math scores in primary and junior high school do not affect their high school math test score of 30 or 40 at all.

Therefore, don't easily show your baby's academic performance, they all say that they will lose moisture, and they are afraid that they will be slapped in the face in the end, smart parents will not often show their children's academic performance. And in addition to being happy and proud of his baby's achievements, others are really not interested.

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The eldest daughter is in her first year of high school, looking back at junior high school, and people who have come over tell you that you really don't want to show your baby's academic performance easily

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