
Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

author:Qing Mo Samurai


Recently, such a news has been hung up on the hot search, and people who watch it can't help but be indignant.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

There are two senior executives of Chinese companies who came to the Philippines for business because of work, and no one could have imagined that this would be the last time they will go abroad in their lives.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

According to news reports, the executives of the two companies are from two domestic medical device companies, and the purpose of their trip to foreign countries is to investigate foreign markets and take this opportunity to expand overseas business. Unexpectedly, on the first day of arriving in the Philippines, the two were kidnapped by local kidnappers in the Philippines as soon as they got off the plane.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

Presumably, the Philippine kidnappers had premeditated their abduction and would not have abducted the two executives as soon as they got off the plane. After kidnapping the two executives, the kidnappers called the country and blackmailed the executives' families to get them to send money. The family members were anxious when they learned the news, and they began to scrape together money in accordance with the principle of destroying wealth and eliminating disasters. In the process of negotiating with the kidnappers while pooling money, two days passed. The robbers said they wanted money rather than their lives, and at one point said they would tear up the hostages as a way to put pressure on the families. The family couldn't help it, so they took the three million they had worked so hard to get together and beat the group of kidnappers. I thought that this group of robbers would be released just like this, but they did not pay attention to martial virtues, and not only ran away with the money, but also went back on their word and killed the two executives from China.

At first, the family did not know about this incident, but after they sent the money, they found that the kidnapper's phone could not be reached, and they comforted themselves in their hearts that the kidnapper was just afraid of being arrested and disappeared. As a result, on June 24, the bodies of the two executives were found outside, no longer breathed of life, and the bodies that were tortured before death were incomplete and unrecognizable!

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

According to the test, the two executives spent four days of torture, which means that the kidnappers may not have any intention of letting them return to China alive.

On the morning of July 1, a memorial service for the two Chinese citizens was held in Beijing, and the family members were grief-stricken in front of the camera, saying that they would return to their hometown with their ashes. Their only wish is to be able to bring these cruel criminals to justice!

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide


Someone pointed out sharply at the bottom of the hot search:

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

"The Philippines is such a third-rate country, where does it have the courage to argue with China." And said that if you can, try not to go abroad if you can, and it is much safer in China than abroad.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

Some people also believe that this is a radical act by Philippine terrorists on the island issue between China and the Philippines, and that the seriousness of this matter has risen to the level of the country.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

There are also other comments that the two Chinese executives have their own problems, because the current international situation shows that the relationship between China and the Philippines is very delicate, and it is unreasonable to go to the Philippines to develop business at this time.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

Finally, some netizens pondered the issue and expressed regret for what happened to the two executives.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

The official website of the mainland embassy in the Philippines also issued a statement expressing condolences for the experience of the two victims, and urging the Philippines to step up its efforts to handle the case and catch the murderers as soon as possible.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide


In fact, this is not the first time that Chinese citizens have been kidnapped overseas, as on October 30 last year, six Chinese were kidnapped in the Philippines, which ultimately killed four Chinese citizens and killed two.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

On May 6 this year, there was a kidnapping case of Chinese citizens kidnapping in Thailand, and the amount of extortion from the victim was as high as 488,000 yuan.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

It is true that there are many incidents of Chinese citizens being kidnapped and extorted abroad, and it is true that they involve state-to-state diplomatic issues, but from our personal point of view, if we want to ensure our personal safety, can we ensure our personal safety through certain means?

The two Chinese citizens in this case went to the Philippines to explore the market, and if the company requested it, it would certainly be impossible to do it. In China, there are many people who are proud of going abroad, and the idea of worshipping foreigners is quite serious.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

In the movie "Chinese Partner", Meng Xiaojun, played by Deng Chao, as a domestic elite, struggled to go to the United States, but after arriving in the United States, he lived a poor life in the United States, and the work he did was just a waiter. However, to his classmates and friends back home, he pretended to be doing well in the United States.

After that, he couldn't bear the life in the United States and returned to China, but he didn't expect that his friend who was disliked in college was a blessing in disguise because he didn't go to the United States, and the company became prosperous, and he also got his light and entered the company and became his partner.

Nowadays, many people are still very "head iron", and do not hesitate to abandon their domestic careers to go abroad, thinking that everything abroad is good, which is a typical idea of "admiring foreign countries and flattering foreigners".

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

A Chinese uncle who has been in the United States for 25 years said that he does not understand why so many people want to go to the United States, he has worked in the United States for so many years, the price is high and the pressure is high, and the job he does is also one of the lower jobs in the United States.

At the same time, the security environment in the United States is not as good as imagined, the United States is known as a democratic and free country, perhaps many people have the impression of high-rise buildings, but ignore that the United States also has tens of thousands of slums, and incidents such as crowd fights and shootings are also endless.


In this incident, we can see that it is difficult to ensure safety when going abroad. If the incident had happened in China, the police would have acted on it, at least trying to find the killer and provide clues. In the Philippines, such incidents are not uncommon, and after such a long time, it is still difficult to find clues about the murderer. After reading these, we can see that the air abroad may not be as "fresh" as at home.

Video of Chinese citizens kidnapped in the Philippines leaked: sick foreign security, can't hide

In recent years, there have been many people who have repeatedly returned to China from abroad, and their actual actions have shown that the motherland is still good. And those who "worship foreign countries" need to see clearly that foreign countries may not be the paradise they imagine, and their own paradise may be the land under our feet. At least in China, the safety of the people can be guaranteed by local laws; At least in China, you can have the Chinese police enforce the law impartially when you are in danger.

In this regard, we need to face up to the gap between other countries and China's law and order, and only this yellow earth under our feet is our only home. The development of the motherland requires the efforts of each of us, and overseas Chinese should protect their own safety, hoping that such an incident will not happen to any Chinese.


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