
There are countless ups and downs on the road of life, but there are also endless spring flowers and autumn moons......

author:Huang Guoming of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute

Jack Ma said, "Today is cruel, tomorrow is cruel, and the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but many people died last night." What a pity, didn't you survive by gritting your teeth? However, there are many people who do not see the excitement of the next day, but they have completed their own life path. There are a lot of smart people in this world, and there are many high-ranking people, if you don't know how the sky is high and the earth is thick, you will not have a good life, and if you don't understand that there are people outside the world, you will be happy and sad. People have to believe in themselves, self-confidence is very important, when no one reaches out to help you, you have to learn to stand, when no one pulls you, you have to learn to face, (the picture below is a group photo of Guo Jie's reporter from Shenzhen TV Mobile Channel and his friends collecting Huang Guoming, president of Yixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute)

There are countless ups and downs on the road of life, but there are also endless spring flowers and autumn moons......
There are countless ups and downs on the road of life, but there are also endless spring flowers and autumn moons......

It's useless to count on anyone, it's redundant to rely on anyone, you can only tire yourself if you're ambitious, and mediocre people can only harm yourself if you worry about yourself, you have to believe that you can't do it, you have to believe that you can't get over it, there is no mountain that you can't climb, there is no endless road, the key depends on your own mentality. The biggest advantage of a person is not how smart you are, nor how talented you are, nor what tricks you can play, but your tolerance and understanding. It's not your don't be rare, don't be hard to drag if you don't belong to you, only by learning to love yourself, will you meet a better self. (The picture below is a group photo of my good brother and retired veteran Liu Zhuohan last year at the iron pot stew banquet on Fenghuang Road in Luohu District, with Huang Guoming, president of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and his party of 10 people)

There are countless ups and downs on the road of life, but there are also endless spring flowers and autumn moons......

It can be said that life is a process of continuous experimentation, but also a process of continuous cultivation, crying is not a way, making trouble is not a way, it is normal to fall, and it is not strange to fail. Sometimes persistence is not a great deal, but a decision, chopsticks can't drink soup, spoons can't eat noodles, don't force everything, everything can only be yourself. You can shed tears, but you can't give up, you can complain, but you can't lose your trust, don't please, don't worship, don't accommodate, don't compromise, have an optimistic attitude, you must live as you want, you must live as your own hero. (The picture below is the 2019 Shenzhen Federation of Trade Unions and Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission, hosted by the Shenzhen Health Industry Association, hosted by the Shenzhen Health Industry Association, the Shenzhen Employee Skills Competition Sommelier Finals, the Shenzhen Federation of Trade Unions and the Municipal Health Commission, Huang Guoming, the founding president of the Shenzhen Health Industry Association, Huang Ercheng, the president of the Shenzhen Health Industry Association, and the finalists from the city)

There are countless ups and downs on the road of life, but there are also endless spring flowers and autumn moons......

This world is so realistic, if you laugh at it, it will pass, if you don't laugh at it, why not laugh? It's not a big deal to laugh, laughing at life is always more free and easy, more real and more affordable than not daring to face life. I always believe that there are countless ups and downs on the road of life, but there are also endless spring flowers and autumn moons. Someone has calculated, if there is no accident, a person's life has more than 30,000 days, if there is a problem halfway, no one can guarantee the perfection of life, what road you choose to take, what kind of life there is, (the picture below is in 2016, the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Commission Public Transport System Sketch Competition Organizing Committee, specially invited Huang Guoming, president of the Chinese Art Xin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, as a judge, from the city's transportation industry nearly 1,000 enterprises sent representatives to participate in the competition, the picture shows the leaders of various departments of the municipal government and Huang Guoming and the winners of the group photo again sent back to everyone)

There are countless ups and downs on the road of life, but there are also endless spring flowers and autumn moons......

Human life is only once, people can only come to the earth once, everyone is the same, life is very short, since you choose to take this path, don't doubt your vision, but also doubt your own IQ, since you chose it, you grit your teeth and keep moving forward. The picture below is a small video made by Huang Guoming, the dean of Zhongyixin Calligraphy and Painting, and sent it to the people of the whole country......
