
Growing old can also be beautiful

author:China Science and Technology Museum

The sun, moon and stars, the passage of time, and the fact that the years are old is a natural law that cannot be avoided. Whether it's a 20-year-old or a 70-year-old, getting older happens all the time. But does growing old necessarily mean stagnation and regression? Since "aging" is irreversible, why not face it positively?

Growing old can also be beautiful

The science behind "getting old".

Why do people age? Scientists have found that the length of each person's lifespan has long been "decided"! We have a ticking biological clock in our body, Telomere, and the length of the "telomere" controls the lifespan of cells and the human body. We all know that cell division and proliferation is a guarantee of the continuation of life, and chromosomes replicate in cell division. However, during multiple replications, the gene fragment at the tail of the chromosome is lost. "Telomeres" are the DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, which do not participate in genetic coding, and are a bit like plastic sleeves at the ends of shoelaces to prevent wear and tear, ensuring the integrity of each chromosome replication. However, the "telomeres" will also wear out and shorten in the replication of the cell until they are depleted, and the cell will begin to die. Therefore, the fundamental reason for human aging is that the "telomeres" have become shorter, and everyone's "telomeres" have become shorter at different rates, and the speed of aging is also different.

Is it better to have longer telomeres? Researchers have found that long "telomeres" increase the risk of certain types of cancer. Is there any way to reduce the rate of telomere loss? There really is, and that is "telomerase". "Telomerase" is a protein complex containing short RNA molecules with reverse transcriptase activity. "Telomerase" can re-sew the worn "telomeres", thereby prolonging the life of cells.

Attitudes towards "getting older" affect the physical and mental health of older people

Aging is inevitable for everyone, what is your attitude towards "aging"? Are the elderly a respectable "wise elder" for you, or an "obstacle" and "burden" on the road of life?

In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted an analysis of data from the World Values Survey of 83,034 adults in 57 countries, and the results showed low levels of respect for older people. 60% of participants reported that older people are not respected. The higher the income country, the lower the level of respect for older persons.

Discrimination and stereotypes against individuals or groups based on age are known as ageism. A 2015 study found that negative stereotypes of older people are widespread in Western culture. These stereotypes affect the self-perception of older adults and can negatively impact their cognitive tasks, physical strength, and recovery from illness. Another study showed that older adults with negative attitudes towards aging walked at a lower pace and performed worse on cognitive tasks than those with positive attitudes toward aging.

Not only that, but remember the "telomeres" we mentioned above? The amount of "telomerase" is inversely correlated with the psychological stress perceived by the individual. The less telomerase, the faster the telomeres will shorten and the body will age. The negative attitude of the public will increase the psychological pressure of the elderly, strengthen the negative perception of themselves, and accelerate the aging of the elderly.

Growing old can also be beautiful

Does "getting old" necessarily mean stagnation or even decline?

The fact that the body is no longer young, the health is deteriorating, the things that used to be easy are no longer easy, and they may need the help of others to maintain their daily lives, these changes are a challenge for every elderly person.

Although his physical condition is regressing, old age does not necessarily become "confused". Brain structure remains neuroplastic in older people, but the changes occur in the white matter of the brain, rather than in the cerebral cortex as in younger people. Psychological theories have also been proposed early on, and the crystalloid intelligence of the elderly has also been increasing. Crystallized intelligence is the counterpart of fluid intelligence, which refers to cognitive abilities that are based on learned experience in practice.

From the level of psychological development, the psychological development of old age does not stagnate, but it faces developmental tasks that are different from those of other age groups. Jung, a master of psychoanalysis, believed that old age is a time of reflection and development of wisdom, and the vitality of young people is more directed to external social affairs and family responsibilities, while the vitality of older people is more directed to their own hearts. Developmental psychologist Erikson believes that a person's life is divided into 8 stages of psychological development, and at each stage, the individual faces a new psychosocial crisis. The question faced by late adulthood (40-64 years old) is "How do I do what I think I think is life?" The psychological crisis faced by the company is "loving care and decadent stagnation", and individuals who successfully overcome this stage of the crisis will develop the psychological quality of "caring"; The question faced in old age (age 65 - death) is "Are I satisfied with the process of becoming myself?" The individual who overcomes the psychological crisis of "perfection versus pessimism and frustration" develops the quality of "wisdom".

Growing old can also be beautiful

"Aging" happens every moment of our lives, how to "age positively"?

According to a statistical report released by the National Bureau of Statistics in August 2019, the average life expectancy in mainland China reached 77 years. In the face of the global aging trend, the WHO put forward the concept of "Positive Aging" in the last century. At its core, the idea is that growing old is an event that runs through the life of an individual human being, and in this sense, everyone is an old person.

From the Life Course Perspective, the health status of old age is more due to the influence of the natural and social environment on personal development opportunities and health behaviors, and these factors affect a person's aging process later in life, starting from childhood. This perspective includes five guiding principles: life-course development – human development and aging are a lifelong process; Media - individuals construct their own lives through their own choices and actions under the opportunities and constraints of the historical and social environment; Time and space - the life course of an individual, influenced and shaped by the times he experiences and the places where he lives; Timing – the development of life transitions, life events, and behavioral patterns, the causes and consequences of which change with the timing of a person's life; Social Connections – Life is interdependent, and the impact on individuals is manifested through a network of relationships shared between people.

Whether you are 20 or 70 years old, you can improve your health (physical + mental) and improve your quality of life in the future through healthy eating, exercising, participating in social activities, and other behaviors.

We don't need to be afraid of aging, and we don't need to worry about becoming the "person we don't want to be" when we get old, the power of change exists in our hearts, and we all have the ability to age gracefully, regardless of age. Growing old can be really beautiful.

Author: Xu Bai, Psychological Counselor, Zhejiang University, National Level 2 Psychological Counselor

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