
I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

author:Jungle Resort

On the Tibetan Plateau, the remote and mysterious roof of the world, Tibet is like a shining pearl, attracting countless explorers and travelers to this magical land with its amazing natural scenery, unique national culture, and clear lakes and gurgling rivers that purify people's souls

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

But you know what? In this seemingly pure paradise-like land, there are actually some hidden health secrets, like a gentle trap that can be tricked if you are not careful

I remember that there was an incident circulating on the Internet, a friend went to western Sichuan to play, and drank a sip of mountain spring water excitedly, thinking that this water looked so clear, it must be no problem. As a result, this bite almost cost me half my life!

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

That sounds like a heart-pounding sound, right?

It turns out that there are some "bad guys" hidden in the water that we can't see with the naked eye - microorganisms, parasites or something, such as amoebas and giardia, they can also live happily in the high mountains and cold regions, and accidentally give people a "close contact" and make the human body sick

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

This topic has also aroused heated discussions among netizens, and the comment area has left messages to express their experiences and feelings

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

One of mankind's greatest achievements from ancient times to the present day: boiling water

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Remember to eat cooked food, eat less of those raw pickled sashimi, it's like gambling [crying silently] you don't know when you will get infected

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Not only hydatid disease, but also a series of diseases such as cloth disease, even the well water has to be boiled before drinking

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

When I was a child, most children had worms in their stomachs, but I haven't heard of them now, and it seems that this is the reason for drinking raw water

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Will it also multiply in the eyes? Are you sure?

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Bei Ye has to boil this water to drink

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Trivia: The best hospital for the treatment of echinococcosis is in Tibet [Look]

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Shiqu County, Sichuan Province is the most serious place for hydatid disease, there are many diseases on the grassland, insect cancer, and the high temperature of eighty or ninety degrees can not be killed, and the low temperature can not freeze to death, the dog is the intermediate host, so it is difficult to kill even if the water is boiled on the plateau, many people also like to touch the local Ao dog, do not know the danger

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Echinococosis is theoretically incurable, and it is necessary to constantly clean up the infection lesions throughout your life, and the remaining eggs will infect the whole body if you don't find them [awkward laughter]

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying! Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Let's put it this way, the difference between this water and the Ganges water is that the water looks cleaner and clearer, and the Ganges water looks dirty, and there is no difference between them

Many people think that the water in the no-man's land is absolutely clean and free of chemical pollution, but there is microbial pollution, and there are tens of thousands of insect eggs in one mouthful

So, friends, when you go out, especially in such a beautiful natural place, you must not be sloppy when it comes to safe drinking water!

Don't think you can drink it directly when you look clean, sometimes the eyes can deceive

We need to be smart and bring enough bottled water, or a portable water purifier, to make sure every drop of water we drink in our mouths is safe

Also, wash your hands frequently, especially before eating and after going to the toilet, these small habits may seem inconspicuous, but they can save lives at critical moments!

Of course, we can't be afraid to go to Tibet because of this. After all, the beauty there is truly heartwarming. It's just that we have to learn to use scientific methods to protect ourselves and make travel more secure

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