
In order to save his brother's orphans, Ye Shushu carefully designed and provoked the bed of the chaebol boss Bo Jing......



In order to save his brother's orphans, Ye Shushu carefully designed and provoked the bed of the chaebol boss Bo Jing......

Chapter 1 If you don't learn well at a young age, learn to touch porcelain?

"Calligraphy and painting, if you want to save Sisi, the thin mirror is your only hope." Ye Shushu's ears were the words of her teacher, Professor Qishan, the leader of the medical field.

She looked at herself in the mirror with bright eyes and bright teeth, carefully dressed herself, casually arranged her waist-length long hair, and turned into the suite.

Ye Shushu snorted.

Hearing the movement, a small hand gently shook Ye Shushu's arm, "Mommy, are you awake~"

Ye Shushu opened her eyes in a daze, and then saw a small face that was eight or nine points similar to her.

It's not someone else, it's her baby daughter, Xiaobao Ye Zijin.

Ye Calligraphy and Painting: "......"

Did she have that kind of dream?

The person in the dream is still a thin mirror, the man who gave birth to four children with her seven years ago.

Ye Shushu, Ye Shushu, how are you......

It may be that Ye Shushu has been staring at Xiaobao for too long, the little girl blinked her big black eyes, and called her again, "Mommy~"

Ye Shushu came back to his senses and gently rubbed Xiaobao's hair, "Well, I'm awake." ”

Saying that, she glanced at the time, half past one in the afternoon, this little treasure should be in school class......

Ye Shushu's face sank, "Ye Zijin, you are skipping school again." ”

Xiaobao shook his head like a rattle, and raised his little hand to make an oath, "Mommy, I didn't skip school, it was the eldest brother who asked me to come back and tell you that the second brother is gone." ”

Outside Bojing's private estate, a little boy in a white shirt, denim overalls, a small schoolbag, a peaked cap and big sunglasses stood there coolly, and said to the butler who was over fifty years old: "I am Bojing's biological son, I want to see him." ”

From top to bottom, the housekeeper looked at the little boy in front of him very carefully and asked, "Little friend, how old are you?" ”


Housekeeper: "Don't learn well at a young age, learn to touch porcelain?" I'm sorry, you're looking for the wrong person, my young master is single and unmarried, and it is impossible to have a son as big as you. ”

The little boy removed his cap and large sunglasses that covered half of his face, revealing his face.

The housekeeper was stunned.

Ah......h This is simply a mini version of his own young master, who believes that he is not the son of the young master?

"Can you take me to the thin mirror now?"

The butler nodded like pounded garlic, "Of course, little master, please come with me." ”

Five minutes later, inside the study.

Thin mirrors and mini versions of thin mirrors are one large and one small, with big eyes and small eyes.

"What's your name?" The thin mirror goes straight in.

"Leaf encounter." Erbao tilted his chin coolly, and replied to the thin mirror with a little arrogance, "I'm here to ask you when you plan to marry Mommy." ”

"Married?" Thin Mirror narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Erbao nodded seriously, "That's right." Marriage and childbirth are inseparable. You and Mommy have a child, aren't you going to be responsible for her? ”

Thin Mirror laughed out loud.


He lived for twenty-nine years, and the only time he slept with a woman was when he was drugged seven years ago.

That night, there was a woman who was like a jackal and a leopard, and asked again and again, and finally he was exhausted.

When he woke up again, the woman had long since disappeared, and she had disappeared for seven years, without any news.

Now it seems that everything that night was planned in advance.

A woman who doesn't know whether to live or die steals his seed. Dare to instigate children to force him to marry?

"It's impossible for the Bo family to let a woman of unknown origin enter the door."

Erbao was very unhappy when he heard Bo Jing describe Mommy like this, he puffed out his cheeks and said angrily: "Mommy is not a woman of unknown origin, she is a very good doctor and a very good Mommy." ”

Thin Mirror is too lazy to take care of this kid.

His eyes fell on the butler, and his face was so expressionless that he almost commanded in cold blood, "Arrange for someone to take care of him and do a paternity test." ”

The butler said: "Yes, young master!" ”

The housekeeper's heart: This is a mini version of you, master, is it still necessary to do a paternity test?

Chapter 2: Woman, You're Bold

Ye Shushu was afraid that the four children would get lost, so she installed a positioning system in their longevity lock, and after learning that Erbao was missing, she turned on the computer for the first time to see his current location, but Ye Shushu was dumbfounded.

A private estate with a thin mirror?

How could Ye Ziyu go to Thin Mirror's private manor when this stinky boy met him......

"Dawn." Ye Shushu shouted outside the door.

A young man in a white lab coat and gold-rimmed glasses walked in from outside the door, "Master." ”

Ye Shushu pushed Xiaobao in front of Liu Chenxi, "I'll go out, you send Zijin back to school for class." ”

Liu Chenxi made an 'OK' gesture.

Xiaobao: "Mommy, the second brother was kidnapped, right?" ”

Ye Shushu reached out and stroked his daughter's hair, "He's so clever, who would dare to kidnap him?" ”

"It's good that you're not kidnapped." Xiaobao breathed a sigh of relief, "I heard Liu Xiaoxi in the class say that the immortals in northern Myanmar have to lose their skin, and I'm really afraid that the second brother will be sold." ”

Ye Shushu twitched the corners of his mouth, and scolded: Do all the dolls know so much now?

"Don't worry, he's fine."

"Young master, the results are out." The housekeeper put the expedited version of the paternity test report in front of the thin mirror, "The little master is indeed your child. ”

This result is expected in the thin mirror.

He let out a faint "um", and was about to ask the housekeeper to bring Erbao over to meet him, when a bodyguard came over and saluted him, "Young master, there is a woman looking for you outside." ”

Bo Jing raised his eyebrows, and just as he was about to speak, another bodyguard trotted over, looking very flustered, "Young master, it's not good, the little young master ran away." ”

Hearing that Erbao had run away, Bo Jing's expression suddenly turned cold, he got up and walked towards the door, and the housekeeper followed him with two bodyguards.

"So many people can't afford to take care of a child, what's the use of raising you?" The thin mirror walked quickly, and the tone of his voice was bitterly cold.

The two bodyguards didn't dare to squeak, and cold sweat broke out on the butler's forehead.

At this time, behind a flower bush in the Thin Mirror Manor, Ye Shushu, who had just sneaked in, retreated and looked around. She had to quickly find Erbao and take him away, and she must not let the people in the thin mirror see him, otherwise she would be in trouble.

Behind Ye Shushu, Erbao turned his back to her, and he was also retreating and looking around. There was only a dog hole on this side of the whole manor, and he only had to climb out to be able to lure Daddy to Mommy.

The mother and son retreated, their backs touching each other, they were both frightened, and they stood up and looked at each other.

"Erbao? Why are you here? Ye Shushu was shocked.

Erbao was also surprised, and asked, "Mommy~ Are you here to pick me up?" ”

Bo Jing walked here with the housekeeper and a group of bodyguards by chance, and when he heard the movement, he looked over.

And then...... Ye Shushu's mother and son's gaze and the thin mirror gaze met in the air.

Seeing Ye Shushu's face, Bo Jing's mind flashed in his mind that she was crazy with him seven years ago.

He gritted his teeth, "It's you." ”

Ye Shushu's brain was stunned for a few seconds before he smiled awkwardly: "I said I was passing by, do you believe it?" ”

Bo Jing ignored her and directly ordered the people under him, "Take people away." ”

In the study, the thin mirror leaned Ye Shushu against the corner of the wall, her big skeletal hand pinched her chin, and her face was so gloomy that she was about to drip water, "Seven years ago, you calculated me?" ”

Ye Shushu blinked innocently, "Mr. Bo, how can it be a calculation?" At that time, the situation was that you were in trouble, and I acted bravely. ”

"Huh!" The molars behind the thin mirror are about to be crushed, "What a brave man." Do you really think I don't know you gave the medicine? Well? ”

Ye Calligraphy and Painting: "......"



Thin Mirror narrowed his eyes dangerously, and the strength of his hand also increased, "Seven years ago, he calculated me, stole my seed, and used his children to force marriage seven years later." Woman, you're bold. ”

Ye Shushu was in pain, and Dai's eyebrows wrinkled into a 'Sichuan' shape.

"Mr. Bo, you misunderstood, I ...... at the beginning"

Bo Jing didn't give Ye Shushu a chance to finish his words, and directly took out his mobile phone and dialed out, "Notify the legal department and take back the custody of my son at all costs." ”

The worst fears have finally happened.

Ye Shushu suddenly had a headache.

She gritted her teeth and reached out to grab the mobile phone in Bo Jing's hand, but she accidentally threw Bo Jing to the ground with too much force.

The posture of the man and the woman is particularly ambiguous.

Ye Shushu didn't realize it, he just hurriedly reached out to hang the phone of the thin mirror, but was surprised to find that the man was not on the phone at all.

"You didn't call?" Ye Shushu smashed the phone on Bo Jing's chest, "Bo Jing, are you playing me?" ”

Before Bo Jing could recover from the shock that Ye Shushu was so bold and threw him to the ground, the phone smashed on his chest.

Looking at her angry look like a fried cat, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "Go to court with me, you have no chance of winning." I believe that you are a smart person, and it is your best choice to take the initiative to hand over the custody of my son and get a compensation payment. ”

In addition to the two treasures, Ye Shushu also has three treasures and three treasures and a small treasure, in order not to let the thin mirror find the other three children, she decided to write it down word by word: drag.

"Mr. Bo, can I think about it?"

"Five minutes." Thin mirror said.

Ye Shushu frowned, "Over the years, the child has been raised by my side, and I ...... I really need a little time to think about it. ”

Erbao was stared at by a group of bodyguards and housekeepers in the living room. He fidgeted, his eyes kept looking towards the study on the second floor.

Butler: "Little master, don't worry, the young master will not embarrass your mother." ”

Erbao didn't even give the housekeeper a look, so he snorted angrily, and slandered: This man is a guy who doesn't talk about martial arts, and he won't embarrass Mommy? Trick the devil to go.

"I'm just young, not stupid. I think he is unkind and wants to go to his mother and keep his son. ”

Erbao's words are amazing.

The housekeeper looked embarrassed, raised his hand to wipe the sweat oozing from his forehead, "Little master, where did you learn these words?" ”

Erbao: "In Zijin's favorite TV series." ”

The housekeeper looked puzzled: "Little young master, who is Zijin?" ”

"......" Erbao: Oops, I almost missed my mouth.

"The same group and the same school."

Erbao is not lying, after all, the four of them are studying in the same class!

Chapter 3 Receiving a Marriage Certificate......

Ye Shushu won a day from Bo Jing, and Bo Jing took Erbao and a group of bodyguards to send her to the gate of the manor.

Ye Shushu squatted, Erbao hugged her neck, her little face was full of grievances, "Mommy, I want to go back with you." ”

Ye Shushu touched Erbao's hair, and said in a low voice: "Since you took the initiative to send it to the door to recognize your father, then you don't want to go back, you don't want to do it at all." ”

Niho: "......"

When the little guy was confused, Ye Shushu had already let go of him and got up, took a deep look at the thin mirror, and drove away.

"Little master." The butler stepped forward.

Erbao didn't pay attention to the housekeeper, and kept staring at the back of Ye Shushu's car until the car completely disappeared, and then he angrily crossed the thin mirror and the others and walked towards the manor.

It was at this time that Bo Jing's phone rang, it was his mother.


In the earpiece, Bo's mother said in a very happy tone: "Son, the girl of the Lin family has returned to China, I have an appointment with your Aunt Lin for dinner tonight, and you go to ...... together."

You don't have to listen to it, Bo Jing knows that this is another 'blind date banquet'.

He will not be able to go!

"Mom, I have a meeting tonight."

"Why can't you go to work and have to go off work? Pushed it for me. ”

"That's going to be important."

"Stinky boy, you're thirty years old, and nothing is more important than your life's events." The more Bo Mu spoke, the more excited she became, "That girl from the Lin family has a good appearance and a good personality, you will definitely like it when you see it." ”

"I don't like it. You know, I hate blind dates. Bo Jing raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, helpless!

"As long as you don't get married for a day, I will always arrange blind dates. I still don't believe it, there are so many excellent girls, and none of them can get into your eyes. ”

After placing the two treasures, Yang Yi, the personal assistant of the thin mirror, came to report on today's itinerary.

"President, the chairman's wife explained that you have withdrawn your itinerary today, and let you go to ...... with Miss Lin at six o'clock in the evening."

Bo Jing frowned, "Yoichi, you are my assistant." ”

"President, the chairman's wife is also worried about you." Yang Yicai won't say that it was Bo Mu who used to fire him to threaten him!

Bo Jing was irritable, lit a cigarette and took a few puffs, and Erbao's face flashed in his mind.

If you must find a woman to marry, it is better to give your son a complete home.

Although the woman calculated that he was stealing his seed, she was the son's biological mother.

Thin mirror Adam's apple rolled, "Yangyi, I have something to explain to you......"

In the evening, Dabao Sanbao and Xiaobao came back from school and found that Erbao was not at home at all. And Ye Shushu was sitting on the sofa with a very serious expression.

Seeing the three little ones entering the house, she asked directly, "Er Bao went to find the thin mirror, whose idea was it?" ”

The three little ones were stunned for two seconds, shook their heads like rattles, and responded in unison: "Mommy, it's not me." ”

"I know you've always wanted Daddy." Ye Shushu sighed leisurely and said, "But what if Mom and Dad can only choose one?" Will you choose him or me? ”

Choose daddy or mommy.

The legendary soul torture is undoubted.

Three little ones, you look at me, I look at you, and I haven't made a sound.

"Draw a girl." Outside the courtyard, the village chief of Nanshan Village shouted, "There is your courier." ”

Hearing the sound, Xiaobao raised his little hand, "Mommy, I'll get it." ”

Without waiting for Ye Shushu to agree, the little girl had already run out.

Dabao: "Mommy, if you can only choose one, I will choose you." ”

San Bao blinked and said, "Mommy, I choose you too." ”

Xiaobao walked in with a document bag, handed it to Ye Shushu, and said, "Mommy, Zijin has you enough~"

Ye Shushu looked at the three little ones, and his heart was soft.

The decision to get pregnant and have children may have been purposeful, but she has always felt lucky to have given birth to them.

The sender of the courier was the Bo Group, and after Ye Shushu saw it, he randomly found a reason to go back to the room.

Tearing open the seal, Ye Shushu took out a marriage certificate from it, opened it and saw that the three words 'Ye Shushu' of the holder almost scared her to death.

And under her name, the other holder is - Thin Mirror???


Is this a prank?

Two minutes later.

When Ye Shushu checked it and determined that the marriage certificate was real and not a prank prop, his heart was cold.

Ye Shushu has long known that the thin mirror of the Bo family has a good hand and an eye to the sky.

But she never expected that even getting a marriage certificate would be handled by Bo Jing......

For a while, Ye Shushu's fingers holding the marriage certificate became tighter and tighter.

"President, this is Miss Ye's personal information." Yang put the freshly baked marriage certificate and Ye Shushu's information in front of the thin mirror, "I have already delivered the marriage certificate to Miss Ye by courier according to your instructions." ”

Bo Jing flipped through the two or three pages of personal information of Ye Shushu, and raised his eyebrows, "That's all?" ”

Yang blamed himself, "Miss Ye's whole person is very mysterious, and I really can't find more information." ”

The thin mirror didn't embarrass Yang Yi, after all, if Ye Shushu was really so easy to check, it wouldn't be because there were no photos, so he had been three feet away from digging in the past seven years, but he still hadn't found her.

Picked up the marriage certificate, opened it, and stared at the bearer for a long time before saying, "Good job, double the bonus this month." ”

Yang Yi was not happy because the prize money was doubled, but he was extremely uneasy.

He lowered his voice, "President, the chairman's wife is over there, ......"

Yang Yi wanted to speak and stopped.

Bo Jing took his mobile phone and clicked on WeChat, found Bo's mother's WeChat, took a close-up of the marriage certificate, and clicked send......

Chapter 4 It's easy to cover the sky of Jiangcheng

Ye Shushu's mother and son were having dinner, and Bo Jing, dressed in a well-cut suit, broke into her yard domineeringly.

Seeing the thin mirror, the big treasure and three treasures in the house were dumbfounded: Hey, why did Daddy come?

Xiaobao's eyes are full of stars, and he can't be happy: Wow~ It's Daddy here!

After Ye Shushu was stunned for a short time, he subconsciously got up and forcibly stuffed the three little ones into the nearest room, and warned sternly before closing the door: "Me and him, you can only choose one." ”

The three little ones blinked innocently and responded in unison, "Mommy, we choose you." ”

Ye Shushu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, tiptoed to close the door and walked to the door, staring at the thin mirror standing in the middle of the courtyard with a defensive expression.

"Mr. Bo, you are not welcome here, please leave immediately."

Bo Jing came to the door, with the intention of taking Ye Shushu back to meet his difficult mother, but he didn't expect that the talent had just arrived, and this woman would give him an eviction order so unknowingly.

Think of him in the business world with a thin mirror, God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha, everywhere he goes, he is highly respected and flattered by everyone, where is there a woman who doesn't know whether Ye Shushu is alive or dead, dare to do this to him?

Looking at the disgust in her eyes, he was really ...... Nest fire.

"Have you received your marriage certificate?" His eyes were cold, and he asked her coldly.

Not to mention that the marriage certificate is okay, this said, Ye Shushu was even more angry.

This man who doesn't talk about martial arts and uses improper means to get a certificate with her, still has the face to ask?

Does he really think she's a soft persimmon?


Ye Shudai's eyebrows twisted slightly, and he walked in front of the thin mirror with an angry face, almost squeezing out of his teeth, "It is illegal for you to obtain a marriage certificate without my permission." ”

"Oh?" Thin Mirror raised an eyebrow, "So what are you going to do?" ”

"Times are different, you Bo family don't want to hold the sky with one hand."

Bo Jing raised his eyebrows, "It's a little difficult to cover the sky with one hand, but it's as easy as a finger to cover the sky in Jiangcheng." ”

When the words fell, the man leaned over slightly, his lips fell on the edge of Ye Shushu's earlobe, and he said with a sigh of breath: "My son of thin mirrors, there is no reason to be outcast." It can't be an illegitimate child! ”

"As the biological mother of your child, it is your honor that I allow you to raise him with me."

The corners of Ye Shushu's mouth twitched when he heard this!

Ahh Honoured?

I'm honored with you, uncle.

What kind of green onion is he?

If it weren't for Ye Ziyu who came to the door when that stinky boy ate inside and out, he had to be his son, what was the matter with his thin mirror?

Holding chicken feathers as an arrow.

There really is him.

When Ye Shushu was silent, Bo Jing said again: "Since you have provoked me with your calculations and given birth to a child, you should be aware that you can't get rid of me in this life." ”

Ye Shushu looked stupid and glanced at the thin mirror more than usual.

Although she didn't say a word, her eyes were full of unfriendly emotions towards the thin mirror, and she couldn't escape his eyes at all.

And then he felt that his dignity was being challenged like never before! He smiled coldly, "You don't have any other choice. ”

"Ye Shushu, I'll give you three minutes to think about it, either follow me, or I don't want to see my son again in my life."

The thin mirror has talked about this, Ye Shushu still needs to be considered?

After grinding her back molars, she reluctantly said, "I'll go with you." ”

In the car back to the Thin Mirror Manor, Ye Shushu couldn't help but ask out loud under the man's deep gaze, "You knew that I would agree to go with you?" ”

"Ye Shushu, you are a smart person." The thin mirror answered the question.

"You are such an excellent person, many women are willing to give birth to children for you, why do you have to ......"

Before she finished speaking, Bo Jing let out an uncertain 'um', and then said seriously: "What I want is not obvious? ”

Ye Calligraphy and Painting: "......"

Thin mirror: "Give my son a complete home." ”

Ye Shushu suddenly had a headache.

Is this man crazy? Doesn't he understand yet? She has no interest in getting married, let alone marrying a thin mirror.

Bo Jing took a few more pages and handed them to her, "Sign." ”

Ye Shushu Mu Ne took over the agreement.

After that, he was lazy and casual, leaning against the car window and smoking cigarettes without puffs.

She was carefully reading the agreement he had given.

The more he looked down, the more ugly Ye Shushu's face became.

"Thin mirror, you deceive people too much." Ye Shushu was so angry by the content of the double-standard agreement that his lungs hurt, "Why is this agreement binding me?" ”

"Marry me, you are the Ye calligrapher and painter of the Bo family, and your words and deeds are related to the face of my Bo family." The thin mirror is very light, as if to say that the weather is really good.

Ye Shushu was so angry that he smiled instead.

"It's 2024, and the Qing Dynasty has been dead for more than a hundred years, are you okay?"

Bo Jing reminded her coldly, "You should be glad that you are my son's biological mother, otherwise do you think you can still sit here and talk to me in a good manner?" ”

Ye Calligraphy and Painting: "......"

She didn't say a word, he took out a valuable pen and handed it to her, "Sign... Word. ”

After arriving at the manor, Bo Jing answered a phone call and went to the study to have a video conference.

Ye Shushu was taken to the children's room on the second floor by the maid and saw Erbao.

"Mommy? Did Daddy take you over? ”

Seeing Ye calligraphy and painting, Erbao couldn't hide his joy.

Ye Shushu was forced to sign an unequal marriage agreement, and the culprit was Erbao.

Now that she saw him, she should beat him up as expected. But looking at the joy on the little guy's face, she couldn't bear it.


Biological one, what to do?

She stepped forward slowly, reached out and touched the little guy's hair, "Bo Jing and I have registered our marriage, as you wish, you are the baby of both parents for the time being." ”

Erbao wants both parents and a family reunion, yes, but it's really unexpected so soon.

A flash of surprise flashed in his dark pupils, and then, incredulously, asked, "Mommy, are you serious?" ”

Ye Shushu: "Hmm. ”

"Is that Zi Mozi Nan Zijin also here?" Erbao continued to ask.

Ye Shushu shook his head, "Thin Mirror doesn't know about their existence yet." ”

"Why?" Erbao pouted, so aggrieved that he didn't want to, "Mommy, can't our family be together?" ”

"Daddy and Mommy can only choose one, and Dabao, Sanbao, and Xiaobao all choose me." Saying that, Ye Shushu's words turned around, "Ziyu, what about you?" Who are you going to choose? ”

Chapter 5 With a single thought, she provoked someone she couldn't afford to offend!

Daddy, who has never met before today, VS Mommy, who has been with each other for seven years (more than 2,000 days and nights), seems to have no suspense.

As everyone knows, for Erbao: Daddy Mommy can only choose one, which is as difficult as letting him choose only one on his left hand and right hand.

He is the one of the four brothers and sisters who longs for a family reunion the most.

It is precisely because of this that he will take risks and take great risks to take the initiative to come to the door to recognize his father.

Now Mommy asked him to choose one, he really didn't know how to do it.

For a moment, his little face, which was exactly the same as a thin mirror, was full of embarrassment.

Seeing this situation, what else does Ye Shushu not understand?

Little white-eyed wolf.

Her own mother, who gets along day and night, is not as good as Bo Jing, a biological father who only contributed J's son!!

Not wanting to hear an answer that he was not satisfied with from Erbao's mouth, Ye Shushu simply said: "It's late, put the chosen one in advance, and rest early tonight." ”

When the words fell, Ye Shushu was about to walk towards the door.

Erbao quickly reached out and grabbed the corner of her clothes, "Mommy, are you angry?" ”

"No life." Ye Shushu said honestly: "I just didn't expect that you, a little white-eyed wolf, really couldn't make a choice." ”

Erbao drooped his eyelids, not daring to look at Ye Shushu's expression, and apologized in a low voice, "Mommy~ I'm sorry!" ”

Looking at the top of the little guy's furry head, Ye Shushu sighed, "I can't give you a complete home, I'm sorry for you." But there are some things I can't do, and you'll understand when you grow up. ”

Ye Shushu is really tired after a busy day.

Coming out of Erbao's room, she found a servant at random, planning to ask the servant to take her to an empty room to rest.

"Miss Ye, the young master asked me to take you to rest." Unexpectedly, the other party took the initiative to speak.

"Thank you." Ye Shushu was slightly stunned and said thank you.

The maid took Ye Shushu to an extremely luxuriously decorated room, "Miss Ye, good night." ”

Ye Shushu sent the maid away with a smile, closed the door and entered the bathroom. Soaking in the bathtub, she relaxed. I can't help but sigh: It's good to be rich, even the guest rooms are so high-end and high-grade.


It's a thin mirror!

Thin Mirror returns to the room and finds the light in the bathroom on.


Who is so bold as to dare to enter his private domain?

Bo Jing looked angry, walked into the bathroom, and then saw Ye Shushu lying in the bathtub, his eyebrows stretched, and sleeping soundly.

There were bubbles in the bathtub, and she couldn't see the scenery beneath her. But her neck is very fair, and her little face is a little red because of the heat, which adds charm.

Thin Mirror has a habit of cleanliness, he should be angry, he should drag her up and let her go.

But looking at Ye Shushu like that, Bo Jing not only didn't want her to get out, but also wanted to leave her behind, just like that night seven years ago, and ...... with her

It's hot all over, and somewhere quietly wakes up.

The thin mirror is unprecedented, and when sober, I am emotionally attracted to a woman!


Cursing secretly, Bo Jing pulled his tie and then approached the bathtub, "Ye Shushu." ”

The man's voice was low, hoarse, and mixed with a bit of indescribable forbearance.

Ye Shushu was woken up, first stunned for two seconds, and then realized something, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and shouted "ah".

"Thin mirror, you well-dressed beast, how did you get in? Who let you in? ”

"Get out, get out of ......"

Bo Jing didn't expect Ye Shushu to react so much, so he hesitated and walked out of the bathroom.

After he left, Ye Shushu hurriedly wrapped himself in a bathrobe, took deep breaths repeatedly to adjust his mood, and then walked out.

The lights in the room were all turned on, and the thin mirror sat on the sofa, crossed Erlang's legs, his fingers lightly pressed his kneecaps, and stared at Ye Shushu who came out with deep and bottomless eyes.

"Broke into my room, used my bathtub, put on my dressing gown. Ye Shushu, you have a lot of fun with this move. ”

The words of the thin mirror drag a long tail.

Ye Shushu's face was burning, and he was so embarrassed that he couldn't find a hole to get into.

"Thin mirror, you may not believe it when you say it, but this is indeed a misunderstanding."

Thin Mirror let out an "oh", "Do you believe it yourself?" ”

"It's really a misunderstanding, it was your maid who brought me over, I thought it was ......" Halfway through the explanation, Ye Shushu felt that it was unnecessary, so he simply did the opposite, "Bojing, I'm not interested in you, so naturally I don't bother to give you a hug." ”

"You go to bed early, I'll go first."

Ye Shushu turned around and left, but it was neat.

The thin mirror eyes gradually sank, and the anger was hard to dissipate.

He strode away, stopped Ye Shushu, and pressed her against the door, "Not interested in me?" Well? ”

"Disdain to throw yourself into a hug? Well? ”

"Why, the person who drugged me seven years ago, went crazy with me all night, and gave birth to a child for me was not you Ye Shushu?"

Ye Calligraphy and Painting: "......"

This man, still with old accounts?

She was silent, he squinted dangerously, gritted his teeth and said again: "Ye Shushu, the rules of the game can only be decided by me." As for you......"

Halfway through his words, his thin, sexy lips fell on her white swan neck.

Open your mouth and bite down.

The strength was not light, and Ye Shushu gasped in pain.

Bo Jing didn't let go of Ye Shushu until the smell of blood began to fill her mouth, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with one hand, and patted her face with the other, "Mrs. Bo, don't forget your duty." ”

Such a thin mirror is like the god Shura who came from hell.

Dangerous, don't get close!

Ye Shushu is not a little woman who has never seen the world, she has her own proud career, and she has the pride above the clouds.

But in the face of the thin mirror, it seems to ...... Far from enough!

After all, she still had a bad thought and provoked someone she really couldn't afford to offend!!

Ye Shushu had insomnia.

The sky was slightly bright, so she took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Liu Chenxi, who got up on time every day for morning exercises: [Chenxi, you are well-connected, Lu Ziye, is there any way to make Bojing not fight with me for the custody of the child? 】

Liu Chenxi replied quickly: [Master, does the thin mirror know about the existence of Dabao? 】

Ye Shushu was typing, and Liu Chenxi called.

"Master, when did it happen?"

Ye Shushu sighed, "Don't mention it, Ye Zi met that stinky boy, and he actually took the initiative to send it to the door." ”

Liu Chenxi on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then solemnly called Ye Shushu and said, "Master, Bo Jing's mother has been urging marriage just to hold his grandson, and now that he knows the existence of Dabao, it is difficult for you to get custody of the child from him." ”

"What if I go abroad with my children?" Ye Shushu asked.

"Don't, don't!" Liu Chenxi raised the decibel level of his voice, "Before Bo Jing took over the Bo family, he was very popular abroad. Those forces who can be called have to look at his face, and if you run away with the child, he really doesn't know what he will do when he goes crazy. ”

"......" Ye Shushu gritted his teeth, "Ye Zi met this stinky boy and hurt me." ”

"Mommy, get up, the sun is drying your ass~"



Erbao came to Ye Shushu's room early in the morning and was surprised to find that she was not sleeping on the bed, but standing on the balcony to bask in the sun.

The little guy trotted over and took Ye Shushu's hand, "Mommy, why don't you go downstairs for breakfast when you get up?" Daddy and I are waiting for you. ”

Listening to his son's voice, Ye Shushu's gaze was retracted from a distance and asked, "Ye Ziyu, do you really like thin mirrors so much?" ”

Erbao was stunned and nodded seriously, "I like Daddy, I like Mommy more." ”

Chapter 6: Where You've Been, I'm Dirty

Erbao's words made Ye Shushu not know what mood it was.

She let out a sullen "um" and took his little hand downstairs to the dining room.

Bo Jing was already sitting at the dining table, and when he saw Ye Shushu leading Erbao in, he ordered the maid to start serving the food without any expression.

Erbao led Ye Shushu to the dining table, and pulled out a chair for her very sensibly, "Mommy~ You sit." ”

"Good!" In response to his son, Ye Shushu sat down mechanically.

Thin Mirror gave up the room to Ye Shushu last night.

What he said before he left was, "I'm dirty where you've been." ”

Listen, how much this is excessive!

But now that he saw him in the restaurant, he actually looked like he was fine, and even after breakfast was served, he looked at her and said, "Go back to the old house for dinner in the evening, and when you are done with the company, I will come back to pick you up." ”

"Mommy, Daddy said he's done and I'll pick you up." Erbao coaxed, and at the same time he was as sensible as a little adult, "I just let the driver send me to my grandparents' house after school, and I don't need you to pick it up." ”

Ye Calligraphy and Painting: "......"

It's really biological.

In order to give her and the thin mirror a chance to be alone, take great pains!

At this breakfast, the dog man and Erbao in the thin mirror had a very good appetite, and they ate a lot, only Ye Shushu himself was like chewing wax, and his mood was super bad.

After breakfast, Bo Jing sent a driver to send Erbao to school, and he himself went to the company, leaving Ye Shushu, housekeepers and a group of servants in the huge manor.

didn't sleep all night, Ye Shushu planned to make up for sleep. But before she could go upstairs, Liu Chenxi's phone called.

"Master, something happened to my grandfather."

The grandfather in Liu Chenxi's mouth is Qishan, the mentor of the late sister, and when she heard that he had an accident, the late sister walked out of the main building directly, picked a car with a thin mirror casually, and left.

"Where are you?" The car drove far away from the manor, and Ye Shushu asked.

Liu Chenxi: "You are in the medical laboratory of Jiangcheng University. ”

When Ye Shushu rushed to the laboratory, Ge Qishan had already been given a simple first aid treatment by her senior brother Ling Zhan, but because the situation was too sudden, they could only let him lie on the ground and did not dare to move.

Well, I'm afraid something will happen.

Ye Shushu put on a white coat, put on a mask and a medical hat and gloves, and strode to Geqishan's side.

"Senior Brother Ling, how is the teacher's condition?"

Ling Zhan's face was heavy, and his tone was full of self-blame, "I can't see anything, so I can only seal the teacher's several acupuncture points as soon as possible, and feed him a heart pill you developed." ”

Ye Shushu squatted down and inspected Geqishan. The more she checked, the more her face sank, and finally she almost squeezed out a sentence between her teeth.

"Senior Brother Ling, the teacher is poisoned."

While speaking, Ye Shushu looked at Liu Chenxi, "What have you done, what have you eaten, and who have you seen?" The more detailed, the better. ”

Liu Chenxi thought about it carefully for a while, and reported to Ye Shushu in detail: "Grandpa has been obsessed with researching special drugs that can completely cure lupus erythematosus because of my mother's affairs, and early in the morning he said that he had a new research direction, so I drove him up and came to the laboratory together. ”

"Gone?" Ye Shushu asked while detoxifying Ge Qishan.

"Probably gone." Liu Chenxi muttered uncertainly, but quickly thought of something again, and suddenly raised the decibel level of his voice, "I remembered." Master, someone brought a bottle of water to my grandfather. ”

Ye Shushu uses the long-lost Nine Turns Divine Needle in the medical world, and is particularly particular about the strength of the hand and the depth of the acupuncture points.

The slightest carelessness can be self-defeating and kill people.

However, in just two or three minutes, fine sweat drops were already oozing from Ye Shushu's forehead.

Ling Zhan was terrified when he watched from the side, but he couldn't help, so he could only silently pray that Ye Shushu would save Geqi Mountain.

I don't know how long it took, Ge Qishan coughed violently a few times and then spit out a mouthful of black blood with a "poof~" and fainted again.

Looking at the pool of black blood, Ye Shushu breathed a sigh of relief. She raised her hand to wipe her sweat and asked Liu Chenxi, "What about the bottle of water?" ”

Liu Chenxi was already holding it in her hand, just waiting for Ye Shushu to ask for it, and as soon as she asked him, she handed the water over, "Master, here." ”

Ye Shushu took the water and told Ling Zhan and Liu Chenxi at the same time, "Don't leak the news of the teacher's poisoning for the time being." ”

When Thin Mirror returned to the office after the meeting, it was already twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

He didn't know which tendon was wrong, and Ye Shushu's face flashed in his mind. Then he wanted to see what she was doing, so he turned on the surveillance in the manor.

Yang Yi stood aside, and saw that his president actually did a voyeuristic business, and said in a low voice: "President, if you want to know what Miss Ye is doing, you might as well make a call?" ”

There was no Ye Shushu in the surveillance screen of the entire manor, and Bo Jing felt that it was time to call.

He dialed it to the housekeeper, and asked in a not very good tone, "What about Ye Shushu?" ”

"Young master, Miss Ye drove out."

"When?" The tone of the thin mirror is even worse.

The housekeeper trembled, "Miss Ye left within a few minutes after you went out." ”

Bo Jing hung up the phone without saying a word.

Damn women, they all said to let her wait at home, she actually dared to run?

Because of the unhappiness, the knuckles of the thin mirror holding the mobile phone turned white. He called Yang Yi and ordered with a gloomy expression, "Prepare the car." ”

Yangyi: "President, where are you going?" ”

Bo Jing gritted his teeth: "Where Ye Shushu is, I will go." ”

"Got it, President!" Yang Yi replied and exited Thin Mirror's office.

At this time, Bo Jing's mobile phone rang, and it was his friend Si Huaiqing calling.

"Thin mirror, you, the iron tree that hasn't bloomed for 10,000 years, are actually married? Congratulations. ”

Yang Yi's big mouth, owed!

Si Huaiqing seemed to guess that Bo Jing would misunderstand Yang Yi, and was busy explaining to Yang Yi, "It's not about other people's special help, it's just that I happened to be at the marriage registry office yesterday." ”

"What are you doing at the marriage registry? You're getting married again? The thin mirror scoffed.

Si Huaiqing obviously didn't want to talk about this topic, so he moved away very bluntly, but it was very effective. Because what he said was: "Thin mirror, I saw your new wife in the cafeteria next to Gangseong University......"

Si Huaiqing also sent a short video to the thin mirror.

In the video, Ye Shushu and a man are sitting face-to-face, talking and laughing!

In the face of him, her face was hardly better.

In the face of other men, he knows how to make people happy!

Scold...... Woman!!!

In order to save his brother's orphans, Ye Shushu carefully designed and provoked the bed of the chaebol boss Bo Jing......

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