
Zhang Zhijie's death

author:Straight clouds 1k2


Zhang Zhijie's death

Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly.

At the age of 17, he is only more than 200 days away from his 18th birthday.

Lin Zhiying once had his first hit work, called "17-year-old rainy season". The 17-year-old sunshine boy, who has won multiple youth championships and is regarded as the future of Chinese badminton men's singles, has just been sent home with a university certificate......

On the Internet, everyone regretted Zhang Zhijie's death, and even more wondered, where are the organizers' first aid emergency measures? Why didn't emergency treatment be carried out at the scene?


Many have pointed the finger at Indonesia, the host of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships.

The Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association wrote in the announcement that Zhang Zhijie fainted during the group stage match against Japan, and the tournament doctors and medical team rescued him. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes.

Zhang Zhijie's death

Zhang Zhijie was transferred to the hospital for treatment and was declared dead, but it can be seen from the video of Zhang Zhijie's incident on the Internet that the rescue at the scene was not effective.

Simply restore the scene.

Zhang Zhijie was about to catch the ball during the game, and there was nothing unusual before, but he suddenly fell to the ground without any contact or collision.

Indonesia's organizers clearly do not have enough experience in medical assistance. According to the analysis of relevant experts, the sudden death of young athletes, with obvious convulsions before sudden death, is likely to be a malignant arrhythmia.

Sudden death, no matter how fast the transfer is, it is too late. The most important thing is to rescue at the scene as soon as possible.

The treatment process completely missed the golden 4 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and if the correct treatment process is followed, this situation may be rescued.

Cardiac arrest gold 4 minutes

3 seconds Dark haze

5-10 seconds Loss of consciousness, sudden collapse, fainting

15-30 sec. Whole body extraction 45 sec. Pupil dilation

60 seconds Voluntary respiratory stop

4 minutes cerebral edema begins

6 minutes Brain cell death begins

10 minutes Irreversible damage to brain cells enters "brain death"

In general, international tournaments will make several sets of plans for medical insurance, including emergency procedures, and FIFA has official rules that a player who falls to the ground without contact with other players, footballs and obstacles should be considered cardiac arrest.

As long as there is no contact to the ground, it is treated as cardiac arrest.

Judging from the video, Zhang Zhijie fainted in the sixth second, and the team doctor began to enter in the 40th second. During the treatment process, there was no AED (automated external defibrillator), not even cardiopulmonary resuscitation, just lifting on a stretcher.

"This must be a mistake, if a person suddenly falls to the ground, you can immediately determine whether it is cardiac arrest, if there is no reaction and no breathing, you don't need a doctor, you can immediately judge that this is cardiac arrest, and you must immediately perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation." Lu Le, the convener of the expert group for the drafting of the first aid standard for the marathon, said in an interview that the first judgment is the first and then the rescue.

In fact, before the team doctor entered, Zhang Zhijie's coaching staff tried to enter the stadium for the first time, but for unknown reasons, he stopped back and forth several times.

"Anyone can come up and do it, and you can shout out loud, like what's wrong with you. The average person can make a judgment in 10 seconds. If there is no response, CPR should be performed immediately instead of calling a doctor. On the one hand, first aid is followed by an AED, and the medical staff divide the labor. Lu Le said that everyone missed it at that time, the referees on the field, the coaches on the field, and the spectators......

Carrying patients away on stretchers and letting hospital specialists treat them is a long-ago tradition that is no longer in line with the practice of modern medical scenarios.

In fact, compared to the badminton field, there are many similar cases in the football field. The most impressive thing for everyone was that the Danish player Eriksen suddenly fell to the ground without the ball in the last European Championship.

Zhang Zhijie's death

Similar to Zhang's situation, Eriksen also had convulsions and even rolled his eyes at that time. But fortunately, Eriksen's teammates immediately called the team doctor to check on his teammate's condition, and eight seconds later, the team doctor rushed from the field and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Eriksen as soon as possible.

This first aid is a textbook.

The team doctor performs cardiac compressions and works with the medical team to administer first aid. Within 52 seconds of the accident, the AED was delivered, and after defibrillation was automatically recognized, Erickson regained consciousness.

Zhang Zhijie's death

During this time, his teammates also surrounded Eriksen in the center, providing an isolated environment for medical staff to ensure proper air circulation, so that they could focus on the rescue.

What should they do? What can they do? In fact, everyone on the field at that time understood how to use science to deal with such emergencies.

This emergency rescue, which saved Erikson's life, is known by many as the Erikson miracle, and behind it is the scientific concept and training of emergency emergencies.

Now, three years later, Eriksen is back on the European Championship stage in Germany, he said that he has restarted the pause button, and Zhang Zhijie's life is forever fixed at the age of 17.


There is an even more harrowing scene in the video.

Zhang Zhijie briefly regained consciousness after falling to the ground and convulsing, he struggled to stand up, and even tried to stand up, trying to use his last strength to fight against death.

Zhang Zhijie can be called a "genius player" in the badminton world. Born in Jiaxing in 2007, he was selected by the Zhejiang Provincial Team when he was in the third grade of primary school.

Zhang Zhijie's badminton career has been very smooth, and he has won the men's singles and men's team championships in many national competitions. At the age of 16, he was selected for the national youth team and began to compete in the World Series for his country.

This year, Zhang Zhijie won the championship in both the Dutch Youth Badminton International Championships and the National Youth Badminton Championships, and is a rising star in the badminton world.

Zhang Zhijie's death

Just one day before he died, Zhang Zhijie personally sent home the certificate he had sent to the university. His sister said that his family thought he was a particularly well-behaved child.

As a member of the youth team, Zhang Zhijie has only started his real badminton career this year, and he will have an additional prize money for his good results in the competition. This year is also the first time Zhang Zhijie has won the bonus.

After receiving the money, his first thought was to buy gifts for his sister, mother, and grandparents. He just wished his sister a happy birthday, and promised to go home for two days after the competition.

We all know that in addition to fighting in the north and south, sports athletes train day after day, and spend less time with their families.

However, this time the difference was not expected to be eternal.

Looking at every word that Zhang Zhijie's sister typed out on social media, how pale and powerless she was.

Yesterday afternoon, the tournament committee held a press conference, and the spokesperson of the Indonesian Badminton Federation, Brudo, announced the following key information:

1. The medical conclusion proves that the victim experienced sudden cardiac arrest.

2. Zhang Zhijie was taken to the nearest hospital 10 minutes away, where he was evaluated and had no breathing and no pulse, so he was resuscitated and rescued with a ventilator for 3 hours. As of 20:50, Zhang Zhijie had shown no pulse, the house was breathing, and there were signs of secondary death. However, the Chinese team officials still asked Zhang Zhijie to be transferred to another hospital and performed 1.5 hours of cardiac resuscitation, but there was still no response, so he was declared dead at 23:20.

3. PBSI will soon submit amendments to the BWF's written rules, which currently state that medical teams are not allowed to enter until they have been cleared by the referee, allowing athletes to receive treatment as soon as possible.

4. Call for respecting the privacy of Zhang Zhijie's family and not disseminating photos or videos of the incident at the scene.

5. Zhang Zhijie's body is still in the hospital, waiting for the deceased's parents to arrive from China.

I don't know how much follow-up news there will be about Zhang Zhijie's unexpected death, but we can't stay at "regret", "regret" and "grief", we want to know more about the truth of the matter, and we need to use a scientific attitude to sort out this seemingly unexpected accident.

And will this incident really sound the alarm for more event organizers and sports teams?

Rest in peace for the deceased. (It rains all the time)

(Excerpted from WeChat public account Shi Culture)