
Social-Emotional Recycle Bin, 12345 Operator's "Handset World"

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Social-Emotional Recycle Bin, 12345 Operator's "Handset World"

Text | Qiu Qiyuan

Edit | Wang Yiran

Social-Emotional Recycle Bin, 12345 Operator's "Handset World"

Wiring "Rules"

This is not the first time the "Phoenix Man" has called-

This is the nickname that Deng Ling and his colleagues who received his call in private, because the other party's community has the word "phoenix". Like the previous historical work orders, he reflected the same problem: electric vehicles parked near the elevator in the community, which is a safety hazard.

At first, his attitude sounded more easy-going, "I'll tell you a problem, not you." But I don't know at what moment, he suddenly "exploded" and began to roar at Deng Ling, "What's the matter, don't you all care about the problems of the common people?" ”

Deng Ling was stupid. "Didn't you say it wasn't aimed at me?" She just graduated from college for a year and applied to become a 12345 operator in Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, which was her first independent "online".

Before she could react, the "Phoenix Man" reported another job number. "I want this person to answer the phone." Not long after joining the company, Deng Ling didn't know which colleague this job number was, so he could only listen to him roar while constantly asking the job number in the group, "Who is this, come on."

Someone replied that Deng Ling was her squad leader, but the squad leader had already left work and was eating. "You still deserve to eat? I haven't solved any problems, how do you deserve to rest? The rant continues. Deng Ling was scared and angry, trembling all over, and could only apologize again and again, saying that he was sorry, this colleague had already left work, please call again at two o'clock in the afternoon.

This sentence was angrily rejected again: No, I can't hang you if I don't hang up, how many jobs do you have? If you hang up the phone, I'll complain to you! The 12345 operator can't take the initiative to hang up the citizen's phone, and Deng Ling feels that the other party knows this.

Hearing the situation here, the squad leader rushed back, picked up the phone, and first said "Please use civilized language". The "Phoenix Man" was still scolding, and the squad leader kept repeating this sentence skillfully.

Social-Emotional Recycle Bin, 12345 Operator's "Handset World"

●Deng Ling's workstation and headset for wiring. Courtesy of the narrator

"Please use civilized language" is the only small "resistance" of the 12345 operator.

No matter how much they are attacked or harassed, the operator cannot fight back. But sometimes, Deng Ling didn't even have time to do this "resistance". On New Year's Day this year, she received a phone call, and just after finishing the greeting, there came from the other end, "Why don't your whole family die?" Why don't you die? Deng Ling was suddenly speechless. Why don't you speak? You go and die. After saying that, the other party hung up the phone.

Although every phone call is recorded, the only person who is supervised and held accountable is the operator, "only others can complain about us". The only way to vent is to curse a few words as soon as you hang up the phone. She wanted to cry a little, but her boyfriend comforted her, the call was not fixed to someone, and whoever received it thought he was unlucky.

Another time, she was scolded so hard that she couldn't hold back, and roared angrily and said "please use civilized language". The squad leader heard her call out harshly, "What are you doing?" Pay attention! "She's also afraid I'll be complained." Deng Ling said.

Being complained about is a serious matter for the operator, not only the performance appraisal will be affected, but also easy to become the focus of the quality inspection team in the future.

In quality inspection, down to a word or a word may become the reason for deducting points. For example, "indiscriminate parking of motor vehicles" is not the same as "indiscriminate parking of motor vehicles"; For another example, the first thing the operator says after picking up the phone must be "Hello, this is the government service hotline, how can I help you".

The first time he answered, because he was too nervous, Deng Ling came up and said the word "hey", and the old employee who supervised on the side immediately pointed to the prompting note on the table and said, Hey, what? You're going to say that!

Compared with Deng Ling, Cheng Jie, the operator of 12345 in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, has more headaches for the regional differences between the north and the south. She is from Northeast China, and some local citizens call and speak Hokkien. Another time, she addressed the caller as "lady," and the other person said, "I'm a man." "It's over, this order will be credited." The first time she answered, she said the wrong greeting; Every time a citizen says "thank you", she has to reply "you're welcome", and she forgets it. Fortunately, the first call is not counted as a work order.

The world in the earpiece

In a sense, as a centralized station for receiving social conditions, operators are like robots that have been written into some fixed programs. The 12345 hotline has a "knowledge base", which is divided into directories for different issues: where to license electric vehicles, what procedures are required to settle down, and what is the telephone number of a certain department. For some basic inquiries, the operator can get answers quickly by typing in keywords.

But more problems in life often occur outside the knowledge base.

During the freshman holiday, Wu Ziyi and her friends came to Shenzhen and became the operator of the 12345 epidemic line. It was 2022, and the training period was supposed to be one month, but the special line was blown up every day, and there was an urgent shortage of manpower. A week later, the two were on the job.

Speech and rules and procedures are fixed, but people's situations and emotions are not. According to the policy at that time, passengers entering Shenzhen through Shenzhen Bay Port must make an appointment for customs clearance in advance, and only passengers who shake the room number of Shenzhen Health Station can enter the country with the "Appointment Confirmation" on the same day. A man called from Hong Kong to say that his wife's younger brother was critically ill in the mainland and wanted to see his sister one last time. The couple hasn't been home for several years, and they have been applying for three or four months, and they haven't been able to get a place.

There was also a pregnant woman who called crying, saying that she was at the port now, but because she didn't do nucleic acid and didn't get the number, she couldn't pass the customs. Wu Ziyi calmed her emotions while listening to her crying. The woman said that she was alone in Hong Kong, and her child was a month old. The cost of living in Hong Kong is too high, she can't afford it, and she said that she has a stomachache and wants to go to a hospital in Shenzhen. "But there's no way, I can't go back." Wu Ziyi said.

Such tricky calls happen every day. After listening to it too much, Wu Ziyi was also "numb". "It's very helpless, and the sense of responsibility and powerlessness are intertwined."

As a member of the epidemic panel, Wu Ziyi's world in contact with the earpiece is closely connected to the epidemic. In addition, 12345 also has special seats for human resources and social security, transportation, medical insurance, etc. For example, 12345 in Jiangxi Province has opened a hotline for the protection of minors, and 12345 in Fuyuan City, Heilongjiang Province has set up a Russian-language hotline last year.

In general, the volume of incoming calls from a dedicated agent is lower than that of a general agent. Cheng Jie, who is in the special seat of the human resources and social security, receives between 30 and 50 calls every day, while the colleagues in the comprehensive seat next door almost make constant calls throughout the day, and can receive more than 80 calls and encounter more strange calls.

Social-Emotional Recycle Bin, 12345 Operator's "Handset World"

●The computer desktop of Wu Ziyi's workstation is "Hotline Service Eight Attention". Courtesy of the narrator

Deng Ling is also the operator of the comprehensive seat, and the trivial daily routines on the phone fly around: who owes money and doesn't pay it back, where the water pipe bursts, where does the gambling be organized...... Once, a man called at night, saying that there were underworld forces in the hotel where he was located, and he was extorting thousands of yuan.

Deng Ling immediately gave him the phone number of the anti-crime and anti-evil office, and also transferred the case to the local 110. That night, several colleagues took turns receiving calls from him: Why hasn't anyone dealt with it yet? Later, the 110 command center called Deng Ling and the others back: the man who came to talk was drunk and broke the marble of the hotel.

Deng Ling felt that he was very stupid, he really believed his words at first, and he was still upset for him in his heart. When the results came out, she realized that she was "too naïve".

After a long time of wiring, the operators have also exercised some skills to recognize people and things. What age this person is and whether he drinks or not, they will have a bottom in their hearts. What kind of noise is around, whether it is indoors or outdoors, and whether the signal is good or not can also be used as a basis for judgment. For example, if the other party says the same swear word, if there is a "hee-hee-ha" around him after speaking, he should still be a student; If the other person says intermittently, it may be drunk. Deng Ling was also scolded by the voice of a child when he heard it, and this call was most likely from a phone watch.

However, while becoming a social emotional recycling bin, the earpiece with a diameter of 5.5 cm is also a "window" for young operators to understand and contact with society. During the days of wiring, Deng Ling learned that there were many people whose wages were owed at the end of the year, and it turned out that even normal water supply and heating in some places were a problem in winter, and so many people couldn't go home during the New Year. These are things that she didn't touch when she was a student.

On Chinese New Year's Eve this year, she also hurriedly picked up the video call from her family at Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, signaling that she was busy wiring the line, and "hung up in seconds". This is the first time she has not been home for the Chinese New Year.

Social-Emotional Recycle Bin, 12345 Operator's "Handset World"

"When Sun Wukong came, he had to answer 800 calls every day"

Although Deng Ling often plays the role of "bitter and angry" on the other end of the earpiece, the person on the other end of the earpiece often misunderstands her, "Holding our taxes, crossing a second leg, drinking tea and blowing the air conditioner, I only need to answer the phone every day." "A lot of people thought she was a civil servant.

In fact, most of the operators are outsourced from large telecommunications companies and are far from staffing. In the early days of 12345, the operator was indeed a staff member of the mayor's office; However, after 2000, in order to reduce costs and improve efficiency, governments and companies began to outsource hotline answering to external service providers such as telecommunications companies. The vendor provided office space, technical support, and operators to respond to calls from the 12345 project.

In some official government recruitment notices, or job search platforms such as "BOSS Zhipin", most of the recruitment conditions for 12345 operators are "college degree or above", or even "education is not limited", followed by eye-catching and meager salary figures.

After deducting five insurances and one housing fund, Deng Ling's monthly salary is 2,600 yuan, and there is no triple salary for working on holidays, and the work clothes are left over from the previous operator, and she has to return it when she leaves.

White one, white two, white three, morning and evening, small evening, big night, Deng Ling and his colleagues' time was cut into fragments in units of three or four hours. Among them, the "big night" is from half past eight in the evening to half past eight in the morning the next day, and everyone will have their turn once a week, which is very detrimental to the body.

Before this year, due to the cold wave, water pipes in many places burst on a large scale, and the number of calls surged from 60 to 70 per day in normal times to hundreds of calls. After getting up in the thirtieth of the Chinese New Year's Eve, Deng Ling's voice suddenly lost his voice. She asked the squad leader for leave and sent a voice to prove that she was really dumb. However, due to the fact that there were many operators who had left a few years ago, she could not find anyone to replace her, so she could only force herself to go to work, and as soon as she opened her mouth, the citizens who called were startled: "Oh, this voice."

When she was in high school, Li Mengmeng also felt that 12345 operator was a very tall profession that was far away from her. She remembers that at a flag-raising ceremony, the principal said that if there is any problem, you can report it to the school first, and there is no need to call the mayor's hotline directly. The reason is that at that time, the price of meals in the school cafeteria was unreasonable and there was a problem in the dormitory, and some students directly called the mayor's hotline, and there was corresponding feedback to the school immediately.

If she hadn't really sat in a dense small grid in a communication building in Chengdu, facing a computer screen, wearing a headset, and answering the calls of citizens, her imagination might have continued.

A citizen bought an unfinished building, went to the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau to complain, and called 12345 on the spot, asking Li Mengmeng to "match" with the staff of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau. "What qualifications do I have? People (staff of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau) are in the establishment anyway, and I am just a part-time worker. She felt tired.

Social-Emotional Recycle Bin, 12345 Operator's "Handset World"

●Chengdu City, Sichuan Province 12345 hotline answering center. Source: Oriental IC

Weakness and helplessness may be the common feeling of operators. During the epidemic period, Wu Ziyi heard the most appeal, "Immediately turn my (health) code green!" "A takeaway guy was in a hurry to turn the code green during the peak of noon delivery, so she asked her to turn the code green. Wu Ziyi could only tell him that he had no right to deal with it, and had already helped him register and submit, and suggested that he go to do nucleic acid first. The takeaway brother scolded her for half an hour, took a little breath, and hung up the phone. But later, Wu Ziyi still received his complaint.

In fact, even if she encounters a pregnant woman in a foreign country who is unwell, all Wu Ziyi can do is help her report to the municipal government and the emergency response office, and expedite the treatment, and she has no way of knowing the final result.

In 2020, the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Further Optimizing the Hotline for the Convenience of Local Government Services" clearly pointed out that the workflow of the 12345 hotline includes acceptance, dispatch, handling, reply, supervision, completion, return visit, evaluation and other links, which is responsible for accepting the demands of enterprises and the public, answering general consultations, and does not replace the functions of departments. For administrative law enforcement cases and complaints and reports, the 12345 hotline shall be transferred to the relevant departments for handling as soon as possible.

For example, on the issue of "arrears of wages for workers in the renovation of old houses", 12345 received a complaint from a worker and transferred the work order to the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, which in turn assigned it to the responsible unit, which needs to accept it and give a reply to the problem.

Even if the money is received, the responsible unit cannot, in principle, get the caller to withdraw the lawsuit. However, in order to complete the work order as soon as possible, the staff handling the work order will contact the worker to withdraw the complaint. If the other party does not withdraw the lawsuit, the responsible unit can only follow the normal process and feedback the handling opinions to the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, and the staff of the 12345 return visit post will pay a return visit to the workers: "satisfied" will be handled directly, and "dissatisfied" can only record the dissatisfaction points and return to the responsible unit for processing. But if the money is not received, the workers can only continue to call 12345 to complain, forming an unsolvable "ring".

The reporting number on the non-smoking billboard on the street is 12345, the complaint number for unscheduled maintenance in the campus elevator is also 12345, and the stray dog downstairs barks at night or calls 12345. In Chengdu, some people felt that "the pandas in the zoo were hungry and thin", so Li Mengmeng asked Li Mengmeng to feed the pandas more; Some people think that the park should open up a special place for dogs to play, and it is also reflected to Li Mengmeng. "When Sun Wukong came, he had to answer 800 calls every day." She said helplessly.

Social-Emotional Recycle Bin, 12345 Operator's "Handset World"


"Let you hear our smile" is a common slogan in the 12345 wiring hall. During the training, Cheng Jie and her colleagues listened to the recording repeatedly and found that it was really different whether a sentence was said with a smile or with a broken face, lying down or sitting upright. But operators are rarely able to smile all the time.

"It usually starts with a pleasure serving you, right? But wait a minute, you're not happy, and [the person who came from] will start scolding. Wu Ziyi sometimes simply turned off the microphone and listened to the other party's complaints silently. However, the volume of calls is linked to performance, and if you want to ensure the daily volume of calls, you need to have a high IQ, high emotional intelligence, be able to solve problems quickly, and ensure that you are not complained.

A researcher at Shandong University in the field of social work pointed out in a paper on the plight of grassroots hotline workers that the plight of grassroots hotline workers has been ignored in various existing policy documents, which focus on protecting the rights of callers and government departments performing their duties in accordance with the law. The same ordinary people, operators also face multiple pressures such as society, work, and family.

Deng Ling joined the company in August last year, and the same batch of people who came in were all peers around 20 years old. For half a year of her work, the personnel have been "shuffling", and by the end of the year, there were only three people left in the group. A girl who has just graduated and wants to leave. Her mother said that it is difficult to find a job now, and she has not been asked to quit.

The reason for the girl's resignation was a phone call. Once on the night shift, a man asked her in the hotline, do you sell or not? How much? After going back, she and her mother called and mentioned her resignation, and told her what had just happened, and her mother was silent on the other end of the phone for a while and agreed.

The mobility of personnel is too large, and on the official account of Fuzhou government service, 12345 is recruiting people almost every month. In April this year, Deng Ling also resigned and began to prepare for the "three branches and one support" (selecting college graduates to work at the grassroots level to engage in service projects of teaching, agriculture, medicine and rural revitalization). Although the positions are basically in the countryside, they can be converted to a formal establishment after the expiration of the service period, and there are statutory holidays, which is what she values most when looking for a job now.

Only a few thousand people are recruited for the position, and she heard that 170,000 people have signed up. But no matter what the outcome is, she feels that "she has done the hardest (wiring) work" and can do anything else.

After working for more than a month, Wu Ziyi also resigned. One of her posts on social platforms has attracted many complaints and emotions from current or former practitioners. Later, she simply set up a group for everyone to communicate.

Social-Emotional Recycle Bin, 12345 Operator's "Handset World"

● The office area of the 12345 hotline of the Haikou Citizen Visitor Center. Source: Oriental IC

There is no public holiday, the salary is too low, I am scolded every day, and my family does not understand. The group chat has become a place for the operators to report to the group for warmth: some people "get out of the sea of suffering" and retreat from the group, and some people rely on complaining to "hold on", but there is still a steady stream of people who want to enter the group. Like Deng Ling, they are all young graduates who have just graduated, and either they can't find a better job, or they fancy the "decency" of the job, and some are encouraged by their families.

Compared with young people who have just stepped into the society, the operator Cheng Jie is in her 30s this year, and she feels that young people have been under pressure from their parents and peers. "If I hadn't done it five years earlier, I probably wouldn't have been able to do this."

Cheng Jie admits that her temper is not very good. She used to work as a customer service consultant in an adult education institution, and sometimes she needed to pull business "without conscience". She couldn't accept her resignation. In life, when she encounters unhappiness, she will show it immediately. But when it comes to wiring, she puts herself in the role of a waiter. For her, wiring is also a process of decompression: when she hears all kinds of strange questions from the caller every day, her own troubles are nothing. From "chasing people to spend money" on the phone before, to now calling to help others solve problems, this small change makes her feel the value of wiring work.

has just been officially launched for more than a month, and Cheng Jie is still a "new worker". Sometimes, even though the policy or procedures have been fully communicated to the person who is being relayed, she always feels that the other party does not understand. But the same problem, if it is handed over to the old employees who have worked in the group for seven or eight years, it may be solved with a little flexibility.

For example, on the issue of social security payment in different places in the province, she can only explain that "if you stop the insurance in Xiamen, you can pay in Zhangzhou". However, the old employee can be specific, "After you cancel the card in Xiamen through a certain software or a certain window, you will first handle the transfer of the relationship at the provincial level, and then let the unit re-participate in the insurance in Zhangzhou." ”

Sometimes when receiving calls from the elderly, Cheng Jie can clearly feel that because they are not used to using smartphones, they will be very timid and afraid to express themselves. She thought of her parents going out to run errands, was it the same? So she is willing to guide slowly, and sometimes a phone call can even take more than an hour. She feels that this job cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence.

Some imprints have also remained in the operator's life. For a period of time after his resignation, every time he heard the phone ring, Deng Ling would "chuckle" in his heart.

After resigning, Deng Ling said that when he saw the store on the street, he couldn't help but think of what problems this store had been complained about, and if he went to this store to consume, he should pay attention to it; When I walk into a certain community, I will think that this community that is often complained about by the owners is here. The phone meets reality, and the city becomes three-dimensional, making her more familiar.

This job also helped her practice some skills: when she first answered the call from the "Phoenix Man", Deng was so angry that she trembled. Later, she gradually controlled her emotions and tried not to be affected by the other party. When I went shopping with my mother before, my mother was picky, and Deng Ling simply went shopping with her sister. But after working as an operator, once, she bought 11 pieces of clothes for her mother, tried them for several hours, and her mother was not satisfied with any of them. Deng Ling kept telling her how to match, try new colors, and help her change sizes. Finally, my mother left four pieces. "Who would have thought that my mother would always say that I was anxious and make me less angry?"

(The narrator in the article is a pseudonym)

(Excerpted from the WeChat public account Jiday Studio)

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