
After living over 75 years old, it is recommended to prepare for these 3 "departures" in advance, and prepare early

author:Talk about the second child

According to the survey report and statistical results, the average life expectancy of people is about 70 years old, and once you live past the age of 75, you should look down on the issue of life and death.

Although every old man wants to live a long life and live to his old age without illness or disaster, you can never predict which will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

For this reason, you should prepare for these 3 "departures" in advance, understand and prepare early, and take a look.

After living over 75 years old, it is recommended to prepare for these 3 "departures" in advance, and prepare early

1. Record the events before and after your death.

After the age of seventy-five, the more fragile the body becomes, and some things have to be prepared in advance.

When you are alive, if you explain the future to your children in advance, your children will inevitably feel unlucky, and your children will not want their parents to say some unlucky things.

The elderly can prepare a notebook to record all the things that need to be explained to their children. In particular, the distribution of inheritance, how to treat major and minor illnesses, how to handle funerals, and so on.

Once you are nearing the end of your life, give your children the notebook and tell them the code so they can see your wishes. Even if you die, you will be blinded, after all, the matter is over after all.

Some netizens said that people only live for 30,000 days, and once they are over the age of 75, they must plan for the future and prepare in advance, which is beneficial to their children and themselves.

Although netizens do not have the habit of writing diaries, he likes to record videos, and he usually takes videos to record whatever happens.

The further back in life, netizens will record their posthumous events in the form of videos, and tell their children that they can't view these videos until they die.

The video recorded the will of netizens, and when he left the world, his children would keep it if they wanted to, and they could destroy it if they didn't want to keep it.

When people are old, they only hope for family harmony and filial piety for their children, and do not want any disputes in the family.

Record your own posthumous affairs, so that your children can follow the traces and behave in a proper manner, so as to prevent your children from spending money on medical treatment for their terminally ill parents, and also to prevent your children from fighting over the distribution of inheritance.

After living over 75 years old, it is recommended to prepare for these 3 "departures" in advance, and prepare early

2. Make a wish list and make it happen as soon as possible.

As the saying goes, "a good memory is better than a bad pen", what you want to do, make a list in advance, and follow the wishes on the list step by step.

Doing so will not only avoid logical confusion, but also distinguish the priorities of things, so that you can fulfill your last wish in life, and even if you can't do it, you must try your best to complete the most important thing.

For example, where you want to travel, what relatives and friends you need to meet, and what you have not yet done can be planned according to your physical condition.

Try to do what you can, and don't force yourself if you can't do it.

I have a friend who is 80 years old and he says he doesn't know how long he will live, and he lives every day of his life as if it were his last.

He likes to keep track of his life, and he has made a list of all his wishes, and he has spent the next few years to complete them all.

Every time he fulfilled a wish, he crossed out one, and as the wishes on the list became fewer and fewer, he felt that he had not lived in vain in his life, and he had completed everything that should have been done, and he had no regrets for the rest of his life.

When people are old, they must plan their wishes in advance, and don't regret that they didn't realize these plans when they can't walk and need to be taken care of.

After living past the age of 75, every day of the rest of his life is a race against time. If you have the conditions to complete your lifelong wishes, of course, you can complete it as soon as possible, and if you don't have the ability, you have to create the ability to complete it, so that you don't regret it and regret it for life.

After living over 75 years old, it is recommended to prepare for these 3 "departures" in advance, and prepare early

3. Abandon and give up some old things that you don't want.

People are old, they have lived for most of their lives, and they have hoarded a lot of old things at home.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for the children to deal with it after they leave.

But if the children blindly dispose of the old things left behind, even if they know what to do under the spring, they are helpless.

Don't keep some files in your phone and computer that should be cleaned up to prevent any omissions.

Some netizens said that I have hoarded a lot of old clothes and sundries at home, rather than waiting for my children to do whatever they want after I leave, it is better to clean up while I can still move around and be quite conscious.

When people are old, living one day is a day, and the second half of their lives are mainly about subtraction.

Tidying up yourself starts from breaking away, life is a process of cutting through complexity and simplifying, learning to streamline your circle, and always leaving time for worthy people.

Leave the old things you don't need, keep the room clean and tidy, and feel better, and live an easy life for the rest of your life.

After their parents left, some children left behind some items that should not be left behind, burned items that should not be burned, and some important items were sold by their children as scrap, causing immeasurable losses.

It is better to take advantage of your sober consciousness, give up by yourself, and organize and store some valuable objects. Once they are gone, their children know what to burn and what to keep.

After living over 75 years old, it is recommended to prepare for these 3 "departures" in advance, and prepare early

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