
Ten years after the death of your parents, most of your family will experience these conditions

author:Talk about the second child

The parents are at home, but the parents are gone, and the family is almost scattered.

What's more, your parents have been gone for ten years, and most of your family will have these situations.

Ten years after the death of your parents, most of your family will experience these conditions

1. The number of times I return to my hometown has decreased, and I don't even go back to the Qingming Festival.

After their parents left, for some people, they returned to their hometowns less and less.

After all, I work in a big city all the year round, and I only go home once during the New Year's holidays, and I am no longer familiar with those people in my hometown, and I have no contact.

When you are old, you also have to see where your children want to settle down, and you don't have to decide completely.

Besides, the conditions in your hometown are not good, and you are not used to living there.

Some people may ask, should I go back to Qingming Festival.

When you get old, one day you will find that you can't even fulfill this little wish.

When people are old, their legs and feet are inflexible, their memory is declining, and they become less enthusiastic about going to the grave on the Qingming Festival, even if it is the grave of your biological parents.

At first, you will feel guilty, but after a long time, you will take it for granted, after all, you are old and weak.

And your children are not so keen to sweep the graves of their parents, and the relationship between generations has never been so close.

There are some women who marry far away, when they are very old, go back to their hometown to sweep the grave once, maybe it will be the last time.

Ten years after the death of your parents, most of your family will experience these conditions

2. Relatives have become indifferent, and some relatives have not seen each other for many years.

When my grandfather died, my uncle and aunt often said that they should move around more in the future, everyone is a family, and don't let the feelings be separated.

A few years before my grandfather died, my aunt, uncle, and my mother still had some contacts.

But in the past few years, they have become older and older, and they need to be taken care of, so they can't move around at all, and they don't have much contact, and they haven't even seen each other for two or three years.

There are also groups of relatives, and at first, everyone will chat in the group.

But now it has become quiet, no one sends messages in the group, and sends a red envelope during the New Year's holidays, and I can't grab it for a few hours.

Sometimes I also feel that time has become really fast, and in the blink of an eye, it is already a matter of things.

Some of the elders have passed away quietly, and their children will not be in touch with everyone.

That's why people don't usually keep in touch, and the relationship has become very distant.

You won't be notified of happy events.

Not to mention the feelings of cousins and cousins, everyone is developing in different cities, and they may not be able to see each other during the New Year's holidays, and they usually don't keep in touch much. Naturally, the relationship is not so good.

Ten years after the death of your parents, most of your family will experience these conditions

3. There are fewer topics about parents and they are slowly forgotten.

You may find that in the years leading up to your parents' deaths, you talk to others and unintentionally talk about your parents' past.

But after 10 years, you will gradually take your parents to heart and no longer want to talk about them to others.

Some memories don't want to recall at all.

When you meet an acquaintance in a big city and they ask about your parents, you will also say quietly: "They are already dead." ”

There is no turmoil in my heart, as if I am telling the story of a stranger.

When siblings get together, they rarely talk about issues related to their parents. The most talked about was their own lives and children's problems.

No matter how good your relationship with your parents is, with the passage of time and the busyness of work, that relationship will be buried deep in your heart and slowly forgotten.

People have to move forward, and they can't rely on memories to live.

Our parents are ordinary people who cannot be remembered for eternity.

As the time of their death comes, it is normal for them to slowly fade into oblivion.

Ten years after the death of your parents, most of your family will experience these conditions

4. The brothers and sisters are older, and they see one side less than the other.

In terms of average life expectancy, my parents were seventy or eighty years old when they died, and we were forty or fifty years old, and even the eldest was sixty.

Ten years later, everyone is getting older, moving slowly, having a memory loss, and not remembering things well.

In the past, because of the distribution of inheritance, the parents were uneven and noisy with a bowl of water.

Everyone thinks that he is the one who suffers the most, and he has a lot of resentment in his heart.

Even when his parents died, he fell out because of the inheritance.

When you get old, you will slowly understand that money is not brought to life or death, or family affection is the most important.

You will let go of the resentments you once had and choose to meet your brothers and sisters.

When you meet, you will find that the person who used to be aggressive towards you has also become an old man with limited mobility and needs to be supported. The other siblings also had gray hair, hunched waists, and walked hobbly, with wrinkled faces.

Seeing them like this, a feeling of pity slowly arises in your heart, and any hatred and resentment disappears.

Even more heart-wrenching, maybe this is the last thing you will see

One side.

What can I not let go of those resentments in my heart, talk to them well and say goodbye.

Ten years after the death of your parents, most of your family will experience these conditions

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