
Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

author:Mr. Shishu
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware


Debut is the pinnacle, "Fairy Sister" shocked domestic entertainment, but was deeply involved in the public opinion of "godfather".

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

She is Liu Yifei, who became famous all over the world before she was a minor, and became the "dream lover" of thousands of young men by virtue of "The Family of Gold Powder", and she is the "best little dragon girl" in Mr. Jin Yong's mind.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

At a young age, she has a height that others can't reach in their lives, as if she was a natural heroine.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

However, "Chen Jinfei" behind her has become an insurmountable mountain for her, after all, every time Liu Yifei appears, he always has an inexplicable relationship, and some people even speculate that Chen Jinfei is not just a "godfather".

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

And her mother, who has always stood behind Liu Yifei, has also become the "behind-the-scenes player" in the mouth of netizens.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

But is that really the case? Is Liu Yifei's success really "capital operation"?

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it

The broadcast of "The Condor Heroes" that year made Liu Yifei the "top in the circle", and with her "fairy" appearance, she won the honor of "fairy sister".

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

However, her resources are too dazzling, after all, she can take on two hit dramas in a row just after her debut, and no one believes that she has no background.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

So under the deep digging of netizens, the "clues" were discovered, and all this is closely related to producer Chen Jinfei.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

even pointed the finger at Liu Yifei's mother "Liu Xiaoli", thinking that she did not hesitate to push her daughter into the "abyss" for the sake of so-called fame and fortune.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

Between a young actress and a famous director, the relationship between the two naturally makes people "think about it" without knowing the truth.

In the face of all kinds of speculation from the outside world, the three did not make a clear response, but it is worth mentioning that Liu Xiaoli gradually withdrew from the public eye because of this matter.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

Some people may not be familiar with Liu Xiaoli, but her achievements and appearance are not inferior to her daughter Liu Yifei.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

It can be said that most of the reason why Liu Yifei can be so beautiful is because she inherited her mother's genes, and as a mother, she is even better than Liu Yifei in her career.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

When Liu Xiaoli was 11 years old, she was admitted to the Wuhan Song and Dance Theater because of her outstanding dancing talent.

Because of her outstanding appearance and excellent dancing, Liu Xiaoli has never lacked men around her, but there are exceptions.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

And this person is Liu Yifei's biological father An Shaokang, a professor at Wuhan University, whose identity also belonged to the "elite talent" at that time, and Liu Xiaoli can be described as a "talented man with a beautiful woman".

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

thought that this was a rare love story, but I never thought that all this would come to naught with Liu Yifei's birth.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

At that time, Liu Xiaoli was on the rise in her career, but the arrival of her daughter forced her to temporarily give up her career and concentrate on being a good housewife at home.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

But after giving birth, she was unwilling to give up the stage she had struggled for all her life, so she decided to return to the career battlefield.

In 1989, she won the "Five One Project" award that year with her dance "Chu Yun".
Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

Her name was seen by more people, and while people danced amazingly, they were also worshiped by her peerless appearance. There are also some resources in the film and television that threw an olive branch to her.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

Career and family are often not balanced, and Liu Xiaoli is the same, with the continuous progress of her career, she spends less and less time with her family.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

As a result, the husband and wife were estranged after marriage, and the long-term disagreement led to the divorce of the two.

After the divorce, Liu Xiaoli took her daughter to the United States, perhaps hoping to stay away from this sad place.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

During her time in the United States, Liu Xiaoli met a love again, the other party was also a Chinese, the relationship between the two was very harmonious and happy, and the happiness of a family of three was beyond words.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

But good times are always short-lived, and the marriage between the two did not last long, but the appearance of Chen Jinfei gave the mother and daughter a new support.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

It turned out that before going to the United States, Chen Jinfei and Liu Xiaoli had a deep friendship.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

The old friends reunited, and the connection between the two became closer and closer, and during a date, Chen Jinfei saw Liu Yifei when he was young.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

As a "well-known producer" in the circle, he discovered the potential of Liu Yifei's superstar in just one face.

So he proposed to let the two return to China, but Liu Xiaoli, who finally went abroad, would agree?

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

At first, she didn't agree, not to mention that China was her sad place, that is, she didn't want her daughter to go down the road of an actor, as a dancer, she knew how muddy and deep the water of internal entertainment was.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

But Liu Yifei is full of curiosity about China and insists on returning to China for development.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

In the face of her daughter's persistence, as a mother, she has no choice but to accompany her and escort her.

Liu Yifei's "intimate assistant"

After returning to China, Liu Xiaoli assumed the position of her daughter's assistant, whether at work or in private, she absolutely protected her daughter, and unconditionally protected her daughter's rights and interests.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

In her eyes, her evaluation in the outside world doesn't matter, as long as her daughter is not criticized, this is the best.

Perhaps it is precisely because of her mother's care that Liu Yifei has that kind of "sacred feeling" that is not contaminated with mortal dust.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

For Liu Yifei, her mother is more like her protector, as long as her mother is by her side, she has a sense of security.

But she can't protect her daughter in an all-round way, Liu Yifei also has her own love life, and she can't stop everyone's mouth.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

In 2015, Liu Yifei's relationship with Korean star Song Chengxian was picked up, and Liu Yifei was not seen for a long time after that.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

Some people speculate that it was because of her relationship that she had a conflict with her "godfather" Chen Jinfei, which led to the resource Waterloo.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

But in fact, she has never lacked resources, and it seems that her resources have never been broken since her debut.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

Since 2015, she has either starred in international films or walked on the red carpet of the Cannes International Film Festival, from "Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" in 2017 to "Mulan" later published by Disney Films.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

Each work is showing her strength, especially her works in recent years, each of which has a different response.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

In 2022, "Menghualu" was included in the National Version Museum because the Chinese culture in the play was too prominent.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

In 2023, he participated in "Going to a Windy Place", which has stimulated the rapid development of local tourism and provided a way for most young people in the city to relax.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

Today's Liu Yifei is dominating the ratings with the hit drama "The Story of Rose", once again defending her name as "fairy sister".

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

In addition, some attentive netizens discovered that the producer of this drama turned out to be Chen Jinfei.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all


Since her debut, Liu Yifei has not counterattacked in her star journey, not even a bumpy road, she is like a "princess" who is spoiled by resources, but with it, there is also the influence of "Chen Jinfei".

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

The figure of "godfather" seems to be lingering all the time, but this does not deny her own excellence, when others are silent in the exposure, she can speak with her works.

Relying on "godfather" to become popular? 36-year-old Liu Yifei's "true situation" was revealed, and Chen Jinfei could not escape after all

Perhaps that "indisputable" has created Liu Yifei's legendary life, and I hope that Liu Yifei can go further in the shade of her mother.

Parameter information:

Baidu Encyclopedia: Liu Yifei, Chen Jinfei

Audio-visual Entertainment: "Album: Liu Yifei - "All My Words" Release time: 2006.9.19

Sina Entertainment: "Song Chengxian and Liu Yifei's relationship broke up 2 and a half years after the man's company confirmed" Release time: 2018.1.25

Video and audio entertainment: "Liu Yifei: Anyway, Jin Yong appreciates my little dragon girl (picture)" Release time: 2004.8.13

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