
The 6 masters who can fight 30 with Fan Lihua, Yang Fan is second, Chen Jinding, Zhu Ya, Xue Dingshan is the first?

author:Look at the chivalrous song

Fan Lihua, like Zhong Wuyan, Liu Jinding, Mu Guiying and others, is also a disciple of Our Lady of Lishan. Moreover, she is also a special favorite of Our Lady of Lishan. Why? Because among the many disciples, she learned the most skills and the best one, not only superb knife skills, but also learned profound skills such as sprinkling beans into soldiers and moving mountains and seas. That's not all, when she went down the mountain, Our Lady of Lishan gave her many treasures such as the Divine Whip, the Zhuxian Sword, and the Qiankun Circle, so it was powerful, and no one could defeat her!

The 6 masters who can fight 30 with Fan Lihua, Yang Fan is second, Chen Jinding, Zhu Ya, Xue Dingshan is the first?

Since Fan Lihua is so powerful that no one can win, then there are always masters who can fight her for 30 rounds, right? Yes, but not much! Even the donkey-headed prince Li Zongnan didn't have this ability, because it only took seven or eight rounds for her to kill the donkey-headed prince.

Looking at the romance reviews related to her, only the following 6 people have this ability, who are they and what are their specific rankings?

First place: Zhu Ya

The 6 masters who can fight 30 with Fan Lihua, Yang Fan is second, Chen Jinding, Zhu Ya, Xue Dingshan is the first?

Zhu Ya, the chief soldier of Jinniu Pass, although his reputation is not big, if he is ranked according to his ability, he can be called the first fierce general in Xiliang. He is a big man, two feet tall, and he is definitely a giant. He is the apprentice of the Three-Eyed Taoist in the Serial Cave of Kong Jieshan Mountain, and he can turn nine Xuangong, and his ability is very high. He is good at using a Xuanhua axe, and he has the courage of ten thousand people.

However, it was said that Fan Lihua was in command of the expedition to the west, and the momentum was like a bamboo, winning several levels in a row, just breaking the golden light array, and continuing to move west. On this day, the army crossed the Luhua River and came to the Jinniu Pass guarded by Zhuya. The two armies lined up in formation, and Luo Zhang, the vanguard of the Tang army, took the lead in rushing out of the array with a plum blossom bright silver spear.

When Zhu Ya saw it, he also urged the war horse and greeted him. He shouted, "Whoever is coming, report the name!" His voice was thunderous and shocking.

"I am the vanguard of the front under the command of Marshal Zhengxi, and Luo Zhang, the son of Luo Tong, the general of the Luo family! I heard that you are very arrogant, and I have come to take your head! Luo Zhang saw that the person who came out of the other party was very tall, like an iron tower, although he was surprised in his heart, he did not flinch, and he replied loudly.

Zhu Ya was furious when he heard this, and waved the Xuanhua axe in his hand, making a move to "split Huashan" and directly attacked Luo Zhang. Seeing this, Luo Zhang did not show weakness, and the plum blossom bright silver spear was raised, and he greeted it.

"Boom!" With a bang, the two soldiers intersected, making a loud noise that shook the sky. Luo Zhang only felt a huge force suddenly coming, and his arm was instantly sore. He was shocked in his heart, and said in his heart: "This tower giant has too much strength!" I have to be careful. After thinking about it, he used the skillful and fast characteristics of the Luo family's gun, skillfully circled around Zhu Ya's vital points, and waited for the opportunity to hit the opponent with one hit.

Zhu Ya saw Luo Zhang's smart marksmanship, and secretly admired it in his heart. However, after all, he is infinitely powerful, and after several heavy blows, Luo Zhang is in danger. Luo Zhang knew that he couldn't fight hard with the other party, so he shot faster, but although he replaced defense with offense, he didn't take the initiative to touch the opponent's big axe.

The two of you come and go, guns come and axe, and the battle is inseparable. Luo Zhang's plum blossom bright silver spear is like a dragon playing in the water, up and down, left and right; Zhu Ya's Xuanhua axe is like a tiger descending the mountain, unstoppable. The two fought for hundreds of rounds, and it was still difficult to distinguish the winner from defeat, and the soldiers of the two armies were stunned and amazed.

At this time, Zhu Ya suddenly shouted, returned to the horse and left. Seeing this, Luo Zhang didn't know what the plan was, and was secretly proud in his heart, thinking that Zhu Ya had exhausted himself by using too much force, so he slapped the horse and hurried to chase after him.

Who knew that Zhu Ya suddenly turned around and slashed at Luo Zhang with an axe. Luo Zhang was caught off guard and had to be hard-connected with a gun. Zhu Ya's axe was as heavy as a mountain, and Luo Zhang only felt that his arms were numb, and the barrel of the gun almost flew out of his hand. At this moment, Zhu Ya's hand arrived, he grabbed Luo Zhang's Legion Silk Silk and shouted, "Come over to me!" At the same time, he lifted it up vigorously, like an eagle catching a chicken, and captured Luo Zhang alive.

Later, Xue Dingshan went out to fight Zhu Ya again, but Zhu Ya was too strong, and Xue Dingshan couldn't fight him. Later, Fan Lihua personally took action, and the two competed with each other for magical powers and treasures, and the fight was very fierce. In the end, it was Fan Lihua who was superior and successfully captured Zhu Ya alive.

Zhu Ya's ability is too high, a fierce general like Luo Zhang was captured alive by him, and Xue Dingshan is not his opponent, so if he is not compared with Fan Lihua, only in martial arts, as powerful as Fan Lihua, it may take two or three hundred rounds to defeat him. Therefore, among the 6 masters who can fight Fan Lihua for 30 rounds, he is not ranked first, who is ranked first?

Second place: Yang Fan

The 6 masters who can fight 30 with Fan Lihua, Yang Fan is second, Chen Jinding, Zhu Ya, Xue Dingshan is the first?

Yang Fan, the chief soldier of the White Tiger Pass. Although the two parents are in charge, they have been engaged to Fan Lihua since they were children, but because they are too ugly, and Master Fan Lihua has a life, let Fan Lihua marry Xue Dingshan, so Fan Lihua is unwilling to marry him.

In "Xue Ding Mountain's Expedition to the West", Yang Fan is good at using a gold-backed machete (some books say that he used a toad lance), and he is born with divine powers. When Xue Rengui led his troops to attack the White Tiger Pass, the fourteen generals sent in front were all defeated by Yang Fan. Among them, the two brothers Zhou Wen, the two brothers Li Qingxian, and Wei Chi Baoqing and other five generals besieged him together, not only failed to gain the upper hand, but were killed by him one by one, which shows how powerful he is.

Xue Rengui personally went to fight him, but he couldn't defeat him. What's even worse is that he also set up a strange large array and trapped Xue Rengui on the White Tiger Mountain. Later, Xue Dingshan came to the rescue and shot the tiger with an arrow, but unexpectedly shot his father Xue Rengui.

Finally, Xue Dingshan asked Fan Lihua back. The Son of Heaven appointed Fan Lihua as the new generalissimo of the expedition to the west. Fan Lihua came out, and the battle situation was immediately different. She and Yang Fan exchanged knives, and after 30 rounds of fighting, Yang Fan couldn't resist and fled. He wanted to use the dragon dart to sneak up on Fan Lihua.

Fan Lihua was not afraid of him, knowing that he might make the plan to win in defeat, she still chased after him. Sure enough, Yang Fan saw Fan Lihua chasing after him, and suddenly sent out the flying dragon dart in his hand. However, it was broken by Fan Lihua with the treasure given by her master.

Yang Fan's various magical powers were used again, and they were all broken by Fan Lihua, who was more capable, and later, he was just about to escape, but he was hit by the flying knife sacrificed by Fan Lihua, so he fell under the horse and was killed by Fan Lihua's righteous son Xue Yinglong.

Third place: Chen Jinding

The 6 masters who can fight 30 with Fan Lihua, Yang Fan is second, Chen Jinding, Zhu Ya, Xue Dingshan is the first?

Chen Jinding, Chen Yun's daughter, looks like the bottom of a pot, so her appearance is relatively low, but she is born with divine power, so she has the nickname of "Mother Canopy". Like Fan Lihua, she also has a master who is a master outside the party, and her master is the famous Wudang Holy Mother, so she has learned a very extraordinary ability.

She was good at wielding a pair of 500-pound sledgehammers, and had a battle with Fan Lihua in Hanjiang Pass. At that time, Fan Lihua wanted to see how Xue Dingshan looked, and asked Xue Dingshan to fight by name. Xue Rengui saw that Fan Lihua was so arrogant and unwilling to do what she wanted, so he successively sent Luo Zhang, Dou Yihu, and Dou Xiantong to fight her, but he didn't send Xue Dingshan.

Fan Lihua is a martial artist and defeats them one by one. At this time, she thought that it should be Xue Dingshan, the apprentice of Wang Ao Laozu, right? What I didn't expect to come out was an "ugly girl" - she was Chen Jinding! After the two exchanged names, they killed a piece.

Fan Lihua's knife skills are exquisite, and Chen Jinding's hammer skills are superb. The two will meet Liangcai, and the "Mother Canopy" meets "Marshal Fan", and the knives are hammered back and forth, and they have fought for 30 rounds, but it is still difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat. In the end, Fan Lihua used the whip given by her master Our Lady of Lishan, which injured Chen Jinding, and made her "ouch" and ran back to the main formation.

Fourth place: Xue Dingshan

The 6 masters who can fight 30 with Fan Lihua, Yang Fan is second, Chen Jinding, Zhu Ya, Xue Dingshan is the first?

Xue Dingshan, a high disciple of Wang Ao's ancestor, he is good at using a Fang Tian painting halberd, and his martial arts are strong. When he was a child, he was almost killed by his father with an arrow, thanks to Wang Ao Laozu who saved him, and later, in Baihu Mountain, he shot a tiger, but shot his father Xue Rengui. That is the bridge of "one arrow for one arrow" often mentioned in the commentary.

After Xue Dingshan learned literary and martial arts, it was when Xue Rengui was trapped in Suoyang City, so he listened to his master's order and decided to go down the mountain to rescue him. Before going down the mountain, Wang Ao Laozu also sent a lot of treasures to Xue Dingshan, including a total of ten treasures such as Kunlun Sword, Tianwang Armor, Tai Sui Helmet, etc., so he also has the nickname of "Ten Treasure Generals".

Xue Dingshan returned to the capital and met His Royal Highness with Cheng Yanjin, and thus became the generalissimo of the Second Route Expedition to the West. In fact, before losing to Fan Lihua, Xue Dingshan's performance was very good. He once beat E Xiantong to be difficult to parry, especially outside Suoyang City, he not only broke Su Baotong's flying knife, but also whipped Su Baotong and quickly escaped, and thus relieved Suoyang City's predicament.

Later, Xue Rengui continued to lead the troops forward, crossed the Hanjiang River and came to Hanjiang Pass. The chief soldier of this level is Fan Lihua's father Fan Hong. After both of her brothers were defeated, she went to war. After defeating several Tang generals in the battle, she finally met Xue Dingshan.

Fan Lihua was very satisfied with Xue Dingshan's appearance, but after she confessed her heart to Xue Dingshan, she was scolded by Xue Dingshan. So she also got angry, and the two stabbed each other, and they fought. After fighting for thirty rounds, Fan Lihua used the skills taught by her master to move mountains and pour the sea, and captured Xue Dingshan three times.

Fifth place: Dou Xiantong

The 6 masters who can fight 30 with Fan Lihua, Yang Fan is second, Chen Jinding, Zhu Ya, Xue Dingshan is the first?

Dou Xiantong, the sister of Dou Yihu, the king of Qipan Mountain, and the senior disciple of the Yellow Flower Virgin of Jiulong Mountain. She is good at a big knife, her knife skills are exquisite, and a bundle of immortal rope given by her master is very useful, she once used this rope to capture Luo Tong and Xue Dingshan alive. Xue Dingshan is like this, after fighting her for more than 20 rounds, he has obviously gained the upper hand, but he is not afraid of being captured alive by her sacrificing the treasure rope. In the end, the two tied the knot in Qipanshan under the protection of Dou Yihu and Luo Tong. #长文创作激励计划#

Dou Xiantong also became a female general of Xuemen, and went to the front of the battle with Xue Dingshan. In Hanjiang Pass, facing the invincible Fan Lihua, after Luo Tong and Qin Han were defeated, Dou Xiantong came out. She and Fan Lihua knife back and forth, fighting for 40 rounds, no matter up or down. Fan Lihua saw that she didn't need treasures, and she was afraid that she would have to fight for a long time, so she quickly sacrificed the whip and injured Dou Xiantong with one whip. Dou Xiantong was defeated and returned to his own position.

Sixth place: Yang Hu

Yang Hu, Yang Fan's father, was the chief soldier of Shajiang Pass. He is good at using a big knife, and his knife skills are very exquisite. After Fan Lihua led the army to Shajiang Pass, he invited two "foreign aids" in order to avenge his son, but Fan Lihua's ability was too strong, and the two foreign aides couldn't help fighting at all. So, he decided to go out and fight Fan Lihua to the death.

Fan Lihua was not too embarrassed to face him, and his righteous son Xue Yinglong couldn't help it when he heard Yang Hu scolding Fan Lihua, and slapped his horse and speared Yang Hu directly. Yang Hu used the big knife away, and the two were killed together. Yang Hu's martial arts are very powerful, and when he fights, Xue Yinglong will fall behind.

Seeing this, Fan Lihua had to come over to replace Xue Yinglong in person, she and Yang Hu stabbed back and forth, fighting for more than 30 rounds, and she couldn't bear to kill the killer. But Yang Hu didn't know that Fan Lihua was letting him, and he kept scolding while beating. This annoyed the "mother canopy" Chen Jinding, she slapped the horse over and beat Yang Hu to the peach blossoms with a hammer. It can also be seen from this that with Yang Hu's ability, the reason why he was able to fight with Fan Lihua for more than 30 rounds must be the reason why Fan Lihua let him.

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