
In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

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In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

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Give up the college entrance examination and gamble on life just to fight Cambridge University!

This may be the fact that other children, other people's parents, give up the college entrance examination, and no parent will agree to it.

But Huang Yutong's parents not only agreed, but also did their best to help Huang Yutong realize his wish.

In the entrance examination of 7 subjects at the University of Cambridge, Huang Yutong scored full marks in the subject and finally successfully entered the interview session.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

A 20-minute English statement convinced the Cambridge interviewer.

In the end, Huang Yutong entered Cambridge University as she wished, and now 10 years have passed, where is she?

Or go back to China to play for your country, or stay abroad?

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

Huang Yutong's parents' education style

Huang Yutong's family background is not poor, but it is not rich, it is a very ordinary well-off family.

His father was a doctor and his mother was a teacher in school, and Huang Yutong's parents were very advanced in their thinking.

There are not too many constraints on Huang Yutong's learning, but focus on cultivating Huang Yutong's hobbies.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

Her parents may feel that it doesn't matter how well their children study, but that the happiness of their health and life is the most important thing.

This may be the idea of every parent of a single-daughter family, and he only has this one daughter, which must be loved in the palm of his hand.

But Huang Yutong did not disappoint her parents in her studies, even if she lived in a family that doted on her, Huang Yutong was still strict with herself, and she would study hard about anything she didn't understand.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

When Huang Yutong succeeded, everyone began to inquire how her parents educated such a genius.

But Huang Yutong replied: "My parents didn't care about me!" ”

Since the age of 4, Huang Yutong began to learn to play the piano, and now there are still many people learning to play the piano, but it seems that the nature has changed somewhat.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

Children like to play the piano, and parents enroll their children in classes to learn piano, but they ask their children how to play every day, and how many levels they must take after how long.

Huang Yutong's parents taught us that we don't learn piano for others to see, nor to take exams, but because we like and love it.

Huang Yutong liked it very much at first, but children were always hot for three minutes, and after going to elementary school and learning pressure began to increase, Huang Yutong no longer touched the piano.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

But later, perhaps because the pressure of studying became less, Huang Yutong picked up the piano he liked, and since then the piano has become a part of Huang Yutong's life.

And Huang Yutong really never took the exam, but every time he heard his favorite music, he would calm down and play a finger before stopping.

Learning piano is completely Huang Yutong's desire to satisfy himself and enjoy the relaxation brought by music.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

This is the education method of Huang Yutong's parents, which is completely in accordance with the child's wishes.

They are more understanding of the child and thinking about what the child thinks, rather than saying that they think she is a child and understands something, I am a person from the past, and the path I show her is the best.

Huang Yutong's parents' education method is actually the most clever.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

It is certainly impossible to let children develop on their own, and it is likely that they will learn badly or become out of their control.

Therefore, Huang Yutong's parents acted as a guide, not a guide, on the road of her growth.

They don't force their children to do anything, and they don't use "I'm your mother, will I hurt you back?" "Such words go to moral kidnapping children.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

They will integrate the education of Huang Yutong into their lives and subtly cultivate Huang Yutong's interests and hobbies.

Huang Yutong's father is a doctor and speaks English well, so Huang Yutong's parents began to cultivate a love of English at an early age.

Everything has to be grasped from an early age, and the same is true for English, and the things you wrote down when you were a child will never be forgotten for the rest of your life.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

Did they ask Huang Yutong to say the name of an item in English, and then slowly rise to talking, and finally read relevant English articles.

After that, reading books in English became Huang Yutong's hobby.

How can such an education method educate poor students?

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

They turn learning into something that the child loves instead of forcing the child to hate it.

It was the education method of Huang Yutong's parents that created the legend that Huang Yutong was admitted to Cambridge University with a full score!

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?
Minnan Net-2014-04-13 "Huang Yutong's Learning Experience at Yali Middle School: Reading Various English Books from an Early Age"
In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

Give up the college entrance examination and apply for Cambridge

Huang Yutong is a student at Yali Middle School, and it is also the best experimental class in the school, because of the way her parents raised her, Huang Yutong's academic performance has always been among the best.

But even so, she still felt that her English skills were not good enough, so she began to strengthen her English communication in the school's English corner.

I also went to find a foreign teacher at the school, and wanted to learn more authentic English communication from the conversation between the two.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

By the end, Huang Yutong had been able to write more than ten pages of articles about academic discussions in English on his own!

It is said that successful people are always lonely, Huang Yutong may be such a person, everyone else is in groups of three or five at school, there is a partner for eating, a partner for studying, and a partner for going to the toilet.

But Huang Yutong just likes a person, she spends all her extracurricular time on reading books and doing questions, and memorizing the words she still has mastered.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

Then, in 2014, Huang Yutong made a shocking decision, that is, not to take this year's college entrance examination, she was going to take the Cambridge exam!

This is undoubtedly giving up the most important part of his life, and if he wants to have a better future, a study like Huang Yutong and taking the college entrance examination must be able to enter Tsinghua University and Peking University in the mainland.

But she has a higher goal, the best university in the world, Cambridge University.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

After making a decision, Huang Yutong asked her parents for their opinions, according to her parents' education methods, they would definitely not stop her, after all, her children have higher goals, of course, they must support her to let go.

In the end, Huang Yutong went to take the TOEFL test, and with a full score of 120, Huang Yutong actually scored 120 points.

In the SATI test, I scored 2360 points, and the full score was only 2400 points!

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

This exam is an assessment test of academic ability in the United States, mainly calculus, chemistry, electromagnetism, mechanics, etc., and Huang Yutong has achieved full marks in these subjects!

Such scores are very rare in the United States, and such results have affirmed that Huang Yutong has stepped into the gate of Cambridge University with half of his body.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

After the written test, it is the interview, and in the face of foreign examiners, Huang Yutong naturally has to use English throughout the whole process.

With her learning in the school's English corner and frequent English discussions with foreign teachers at the school, Huang Yutong naturally has full confidence in the interview.

In the end, after a full 20-minute English speaking interview, I successfully passed all the exams.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

And this exam not only tested the most basic communication in English, but also tested Huang Yutong's mathematics.

After entering the interview room, several examiners gave Huang Yutong three math problems for her to do, and then asked Huang Yutong and English to explain the math problems they did.

After three bloody battles, Huang Yutong successfully got the admission letter from Cambridge University!

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

So after so many years of study, Huang Yutong has already graduated now, and with her learning ability, she must now have a lot of achievements.

But why haven't I heard of her glorious deeds in China? Did he not come back from abroad?

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

In 2014, the year Huang Yutong entered Cambridge University, she completed her undergraduate and even master's studies in only 4 years after entering the university.

However, Huang Yutong did not pursue higher academic attainments after that, but chose to graduate and work.

She did not choose to return to China to develop, but has settled in the UK and worked in a financial institution in the UK.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

After going to work, Huang Yutong no longer has the same brilliance as he did at the beginning, and like most migrant workers, he is under pressure from society every day.

And finance is not Huang Yutong's strong point, and it did not make Huang Yutong interested, and he only came here because of the high salary.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

When Huang Yutong found that this job did not bring her any benefits other than high salary, she chose to give up and turned to another job in quantitative research.

There is no intention to return to China for development, and this talent is gone.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

But Huang Yutong is not as we think, after all, how a person lives does not need to look at the eyes of others.

In his spare time outside of work, Huang Yutong often returns to China to see his parents, also serves as a volunteer, and also gives speeches at his alma mater, influencing his younger students all the time.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

Choosing to work in the UK, Huang Yutong naturally has her own reasons, because her mathematics is very prominent abroad, and the per capita mathematics level abroad is that she can't memorize the "ninety-nine multiplication table".

So this is naturally Huang Yutong's advantage, and she even went to remote areas to teach after returning to China.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?

No one paid attention to these things, and Huang Yutong never publicized them, which is why she "insists on doing what she likes." ”

This is also the education method of Huang Yutong's parents to cultivate children, who will always have their own thoughts and will not be influenced by others.

In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?
People's Daily Online-2014-04-14"Post-90s "Goddess Scholar" Conquers Cambridge in 20 Minutes Full Score in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores? News-2023-11-03"Changsha Xueba Huang Yutong: Give up the domestic college entrance examination and be admitted to Cambridge University with full scores in 7 subjects, what is the current situation"
In 14 years, what is the current situation of Huang Yutong, who gave up the college entrance examination and was admitted to Cambridge University with 7 full scores?



People's Daily Online-2014-04-14"Post-90s "Goddess Scholar" Conquers Cambridge in 20 Minutes Full Score in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry News-2023-11-03"Changsha Xueba Huang Yutong: Give up the domestic college entrance examination and be admitted to Cambridge University with full scores in 7 subjects, what is the current situation"

Minnan Net-2014-04-13 "Huang Yutong's Learning Experience at Yali Middle School: Reading Various English Books from an Early Age"

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